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the children and I wandered the house
  seeking the terrible monster
    "Aghast!" cried my dear Samuel
  "thar be the beast!" cried my dear delilah
"Ar, that be no beast!"

i cried unto them
  " 'tis but your mother!"
   the children gasped and
  cowered behind my legs
"she's like one when she's mad.."

began my beautiful Nicolai Jr.
  I covered his mouth
   and prayed to God my wife
  had not heard my child
I heard a snarl from the other room

and we all shrieked in
  terror of the beast
   for she is quite ferocious
  when she awakes
to find our morning messes

I woke up for my dream
  and waited for my wife
    to yell at me for the mess around me
"These eyes have seen your graceful movements, you're
bounding and flitting across these horizons,
wandering across the opal clouds,
teeming in the azure seas,
loving you,
I run there,
by your side and try so,
so so hard to just keep the pain,
of slowing down to this inevitable stop,
just wishing my heart could stay the same pace as yours."
I've always wanted to be
To be everybody for somebody

To be every thought
In that every moment

To create those very moments
Moments that make them smile or cry
In laughter.

To be the lightening in their thunder
That spark that lights their way

To be the loved in their beloved
Throwing myself in the face of the danger
The dangerous arrows from cupid's unwavering bow

I'd never settle for someone for everybody
I'd rather be everybody to someone

But who am I to be picky

No one.
At least, not to anybody.
It's an infection of laughter. She smiles and I mirror her dazzling face. She's in pain and still smiles for me. O, when will my smile recede? Never. Even if she stops, I will continue to grin and laugh and hope it becomes  an epidemic. And hopefully she's patient zero.
I live for that smile
Ah, dear universe. If only you could slow your pace to a crawl. Then all would be mezmorized even more so than those of such brilliance as you. The difference is that they walk to their destination and you pant because of the energy wasted. Stars explode and become a black hole. Your love is now dead. You tire because of the things that make us gawk in awe and wonder. You feel alive once more and smile. An explosion occurs and no one couldve realized  that the super nova of a cluster of stars could be so myriadly beautiful. Colors upon pastel and cyrilics and water paints. The pungent array spreads far and wide, seeping into the dark void that wishes to be filled. When that expanse is quenched, it explodes yet again and again. The same material as before explodes and is revived. You are the universe that I want to die with, alone in this dark expanse. Never ceasing will my want be and my jealousy. All the stars and the nebulae could never seem more astonishing to my senses as you! Ah, but if this love should slow to a crawl and stay that way forever, may all those who look upon you stay a moment's worth, and smile at your array of stars. I love you. Now live and never again explode and become that black whole that feels so alone in the dark expanse of the cosmos. I love you. So no matter what, notice my smile and reflect it once and a while. Brighter than any sun shall you be, if all you do is look at me, and see what I'm trying to provide. I may be a dwarf whit star compared to you, but your still in bloom, being A nebulae of numerous and wonderful heavens. I love you. Never forget that.
*latin for "five"
Let me look at you for once and forever,
As you are the most beautiful thing i have ever seen.

Let me touch you for once and forever,
As i could sense my heart skipping beats.

Let me hug you for once and forever,
As it warms me in a way, you couldn't understand.

Let me kiss you for once and forver,
As i want to feel high without drugs.

Let me love you for once and forver,
As i want to feel love ln every special way one can.
Everyday is a new day to say I love you,
Everyday your love comes to me a fresh,
Everyday my love for you is renewed,
Everyday my heart yearns for you.

My eyes can't wait to see you again,
My hands are itching to touch your skin,
My lips can't wait to greet your lips,
My heart beats times three at the thought you.

Every day is a new day to say hey,
A fresh discovery of how to say I love you,
A new realization of how special you are,
Every day is another day to be happy because am lucky and favoured to have you in my life.
Today is another day and am happy to say I love you.
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