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I really do remember those happy sun filled days
When we played outside to sundown
Using lots of profanity language like drunken sailors

I never knew the meaning of most of those words
However as kids we spoke those curse words with ease
a few of them still remain in my memory banks
Amene ta mere pourque je te refasse"
and Salope

I think we might be the last generation who got to play
Outside that late,
I asked my daughter two days ago to take the dogs outside
For an early morning walk
the response I got from her
Felt like if I asked her to go and robbed a bank
She boldly said to me mom
this is a team work,

He scratches my back and I scratch his
Why do I have to walk the mutt?
Because I said so child!
You said things
like perfect timing
and stars aligning;
I imagined constellations
of every galaxy
in every universe
conversing, adjusting
to a position
where we would collide
and I tried
and defied
those stars as best I could
because I knew then,
as I know now
If the stars gave me you,
I would never
give you back
And if there is such a thing
as equal
and opposite
I plan to defy
the laws of physics
© 2014 by Jazzelle Monae. All rights reserved.
 Jun 2014 Love's divine
I never wanted nature
to represent hope
or the Sun or the Moon
to become my home
I never wanted the stars
that fill the night sky
to interrupt my empty thoughts
as I sat idilly by
I never wanted humanity
to slip beneath my skin
or the birds in the trees
to remind me
that I too, could fly
if I only had wings
I never wanted to pass
the couple on the street
and see their linked hands
and just understand
that's always never going
to be me
I never wanted to shout out
with another's smoke scratched
but apparently
it's not a
 Jun 2014 Love's divine
Shan K
 Jun 2014 Love's divine
Shan K
you are not your grades or your scars
your height or your weight
you are not your face or the color of your hair

you are the person you define yourself to be
you are who you want to be
you are not the opinion of the people around you

you are your soul
be it old or young
you have lived many lives
and this is just the beginning
A thousand kisses touch my lips and flit away
Melancholic butterflies seeking nectar from other empty flowers
Delectable ambrosia? Perhaps —
But leaving the tongue fleetingly
Donating only bitter aftertaste.
No recollection comes to mind with ease
— I think I left cold beds with unturned sheets —
Most satisfied to bear the preface “tease.”
Mechanics are too easy to repeat:
I could write a manual; pen all the intricacies of
falsified intimacy.
Flirtation and coy downward gazes
— Pegs in a game I’ve mastered —
Then when confessions come of great desire
I bite my tongue so as not to repeat “I know.”
I use the piles of hearts to step upon my pedestal
Watching with disinterest as the numbers rise.
My captives swear so many hollow oaths
— and all I’ve heard before —
Uninformed adoration turns to white noise.

- June 07 2014.

— The End —