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 Mar 2015 Natasha Quitano
Alia C
His body sinks to the depths
of fading thoughts, returning, shifting
sand-dune visions.
bathes in the trickle of letters escaping burnt lips
like when she ***** in the moonlight
adrift his month-long lunar withdrawal
-or when she lets the breeze hit her
to erase the thunder.

traces his words with her heart
following lines on a crumbling map
-callused fingertip rubbing against
yellow paper
as once he would trace a corpse’s veins.

Aubergine voice then seeps through pores
into her vacuous chest
-prying open
bleeding heart

heart which hides in a corner
of her quiet brain

brain that heals him from memories
of immortalized hollow of her necks against
ghostly wrists
memories burning
worse than fire.

Together they lie in the dark amidst
deserts of emotions,
pools of memories,
rivers of unshed tears,
-daylight drowsily approaching
to chase away
lingering dreams.
I wrote this for my Literature class as part of an analysis of The English Patient, a novel by Michael Ondaatje. The purpose was to mimic the dream-like atmosphere established by the relationship of two of the main characters, both suffering from PTSD symptoms. Haven't got a title and I'm open to ideas! Enjoy x
Poetry is like spider webs. Each word has so much meaning. A spider prefers to spin its web at night. Maybe this is because thats when they have the most on their minds or when they feel safe.

Each web a beautiful creation. The time it takes to create it and the little appreciation it gets. They say a spider will eat its web when moving on, every poet will eat their words one day.

Cob webs, are webs that have been abandoned and left to die. Our bodies will one day be left to die.

This moment, this one right now, is all we have. We will leave our poetry behind to turn into Cob Webs. Maybe one day a child may stumble across these words and bring them back to life.

Poetry is the most powerful thing we have and we need to give it to everyone. So the next time you see a spider web, appreciate it a little more.

Think of it as, poetry. Something or someone spent a lot of time making it. And put their soul into it. Because what is poetry if not a spiders web in the corner waiting to be realized?
 Mar 2015 Natasha Quitano
so much like the paper, it crumples
it remains untouched but has been molested
trying to close itself up, until you came and
tore open the stitches and shed the
so much like the paper, it falls
leaning on the words of another to live
their inscribed marks upon its open skin
scars not marks, wounds not scars,
because the wounds have not
closed yet

a smile upon
a practiced face
is no longer
a smile

doll heads
are just painted
they use
cunning, guile

but you can see
through the

ask for honor
real truth
and watch

they'll find
hunting ground
but their eyes
will be

the baby blues
that look at you

(c) 3-18-2015
 Mar 2015 Natasha Quitano
Here we are
where we were
we talked
we fantasied
we had illusions about us

Here we are
where we were
we whined
we fought
we scared each other

Here we are
where we were
we kissed
we caressed
we made love

Here we are
where we were
we toyed with our hearts
we,us,our kisses were full of lies
we,us,our love perished
we drowned
I just want to

Doll up,
Smell nice,
Dress up,
Look cute,
Heads up,
Sound sweet.

I just want to

Meet up,
Smile wide,
Hook up,
Hug tight,
Break up,
Kiss hard.

I just want to
 Mar 2015 Natasha Quitano
Jon G M
The kisses from your lips
For they are the wine
That have left me intoxicated
because we were so stupidly sincere.
your body
   my body

they remember
they recognize
   each other
register sensations
exchange molecular information

   receptors and synapses clicking
   data processed in nanoseconds

you are the one I love
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