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The shepherds asleep
His cane on the floor
He shut out the light
He shut tight the door
The sheep are outside
Alone on their own
To fend for themselves
Home now battle zone
Delirious from fending the wolves from the sheep, a lamb will live to see another dawn. If you do not allow yourself to grow, you will die early on.
Never ******* about the lack of sunshine in the sky
never changed the way i walk to keep my sneakers dry
Often tried to change the lesser aspects of my self
failing miserably then straight secluding using stealth

Dreaming of a place where only i alone exist
running from the monkeys on my back i should resist
Eating quite abundantly until i cannot walk
screaming at the trees until i find i cannot talk
Walls closing in as if their implementing tactics
Monkeys throwing wrenches which are typically sporadic  
Pulling each one out of my sloppy built machine
Thinking of my brothers
Misfortunes they have seen

But i am here

Somewhere a clip had jammed
Someplace stomachs devoid
Someone lost their fam
Some kids never had toys

My sisters all complaining
you make chicken all the time
1st world problems
Will rob your senses blind
Can i merge your soul with mine?
Your lips look so soft.
Your touch is so divine.
People make me sad
Everyone wants love but
No one wants to love
How could i not see
the distance separating from a love that couldn't be
Was nice ;
extending overwhelming pay a price
Payed it out in segments wasn't one with much ice
think twice ;
Maybe three four five
trust issues grow seems the longer he's alive
They thrive ;
invisible to all besides himself
Manifest inside coerce degrading of his health...

Heart bruised
very few to lose
Why so grim you are not in damaged shoes
my souls ;
However should have long been replaced
head unfitting for the mask on my face
Path type rigid on the floor stayed the poor
tell you not to feed em
They'll come and ask for more..

Emptied pockets for the weak as im hallow too
Smacked his sun outa sight nice follow through
dont let grief open wide or it swallows you
End up like me missing hair follicles..
What if everything was already broken, words from our minds that should not have been spoken. Longing for feelings of your skin on mine, Longing for someone to find me divine.
You find a shoddy person
use them as a home
For your heart to rest
and call that place its own
Often your evicted
These landlords are the worst
love can be a blessing
More often its a curse..

White flag danced for days
the bullets didn't hit
They only slightly grazed
Retreated in the maze
to formulate some plays
His brothers left him last
absorbed inside their ways..
What is rest
hole in his chest
Energy irrelevant
his body use less
Depression had a grip
he felt useless
Blinded by love
he felt foolish
All for one always did come before one for all,
If brothers fall theres more to go around..
If you go around you'll notice that you need more money to go around..
All for one before i decide if I'm ready to give all to some.
All for i so my kids can live well when i die.
All for me so i can see where the riches lie.
All forever mine as the people bend with brittle spines..
I wonder if they
Would fight back if they could see
Do they really not?..
The rib of man has evolved into something nice
Twice as elaborate
Twice as deceptive
Three times the con
Without knowing themselves
Whats fully going on..

The sun is always setting by the time its time to dawn
The clouds are never still
I watch them walk along
I wish i could go with them
I wish i was more strong
Pick apart the ribs
To find i wasn't wrong..
Apparently theres actually a bad time for love.
Apparently theres a lack of sentiment from those above.
Apparently were being watched by fed and all his homies.
Apparently if i **** up ill end up far below me.

Gradually the trees will grow and give of lots of zen.
Gradually our bodies break apart while we pretend.
Gradually we find ourselves until we meet our end.

I miss the feeling of being young,
knowing nothing at all.
Blissfully running through life,
unworried if you'll fall.
Life is but a dream,
Until you are awakened.
Rising abrupt from slumber,
feeling chopped like lumber..
Id like to see your nails grip the bed or the wall
Behind you with my hand in your hair as we fall
Deep into each other
The daughter of a mother
Your heart could leave mine sundered..
I guess thats the thrill,
Love her till she hates you and your guts are out and spilled
Need her like a weapon in a battle zone of war
Lead her through the temple of your body like a tour..
I hope she likes the architecture..
Lust can be disgusting,
Not looking at my mind.
But every piece of beauty in my flesh that you could find..
Tension in my tendons
My hands itch badly
My palms sweating profusely
I need to love you sadly
You leave me broken down
To wither in the wind
Eroding by myself
To conjure strength within
Your blow had took its tole
As man takes hands from thieves
Nobody taught me bout
The birds and buzzing bees
No one's sweet anymore
people taste bitter
Everyman for themselves ;
my heart crying
Where is love ;
that honey flavored bliss i wish to find
So that i forget about the blades which came behind
You learn to love a pretty face that only loves itself, resulting in much self neglect and wayning mental health..
You take a break from love and all the hardships that come with it..only to be left in black to fight monsters like reddick..
Swords swing with words, you feel it in the breeze. Penetrate your armor make you buckle at the knees. My heart was yours to please, you let it die with ease. Sword swung with words, i felt it in the breeze.

My days have gotten brighter, My skin has gotten stronger, My back has gotten lighter. My eyes have gotten wider. I see you over yonder, i want you by my side but the eyes never met on your heart and your mind.
Swore to god that i was blessed
threw it all away my mind my devils do infest
Contest ;
or find that you are swallowed most entirely
Had no sleep to lose a victim of intense sobriety...

The story never ends
the cycle must continue with or without closest friends
Pretend ;
that the world around me isn't dieing
Extend my arms and legs as iv been huddled up and hiding

Disease ;
the only homies left were grass and trees
He told em all his problems all while sobbin on his knees
impede ;
Although its hard when demons come in numbers
aiming accurate immaculate to put you under

Repressed ;
i swore to ****** god that i was blessed
Scared away my demons all while screamin from my chest
a mess ;
Normally i walked the path of light
but found a shady tree and rested eyes for several nights..
A dagger in my liver
your lips are out my mind
The vibe is very bitter
your love i cannot find
I searched far and wide
Elongated my stride
You deficated on me while my eyes were open wide..
Id rather be the life on the screen than the life in front of it
Out of gas
out of joy
lacking energy
A mess
anxiety inside
My chest
im pressed
Looking for an answer
something to clear the way
My mind perplexed and clouded
with heaving disarray
I used you as a bridge
you broke as i was crossing
I hate myself for this
no medicine for pain
The harm has much to give
iv everything to gain
He picked his piece of heart up from the street
the one who broke it also had once made em feel complete
defeat ;
he swore to god that he would rise again
losing love for women , man , children , and his friends
pretend ;
that he wont overextend -
again ;
satan came close to unmend
his ends..
He sat along the side
piecing back together what was trust ;
his pride ;
the lies ;
they'v come to show you who is king again
life is like a circle
the cycle never ends -
No money is his pockets
he poured in her his soul
Only to be given
abundances of tolls..
Trying to be everything thats is great inside of me
while life is cutting carefully the pieces i held pridefully..
my being was like driftwood , your love was like the sea
you strung me like a raft, and then you set me free.
Love is not for me ;
about a dream ago i swore id let my heart be free
I lied
debating my elated compromise...

At least the ground had my back
no energy to move they surround and attack
I failed ;
my dream of touching mouth to holy grail..

Dumping bucketful's into cups
****** ;
Forgetting older lessons getting stuck
starved ;
Never did i think id find my way
i swore that i could use you as a bridge from my decay..
The love i shared with you truly felt like the most marvelous thing i would ever experience..Without that the world is black and white..
My thoughts are black as night,
Since then my heart has hardened,
As theirs no light in sight..
Smile on a mask
vile for the cash
Survival is ***
connive till you last
knives show you how
long you can thrive
Get with the times
or don't stay alive
Message propagated
poison concentrated
Pick your favorite one
and grow decompensated ;
Young fool
old school like dunkaroos
Demons like the kool aid man
straight bustin through..
I feel numb
no one hears the beat of my drum
Ill dance alone until i find the place that i come ;
isn't love grand
That thing that you'v been searching for
killing grains of sand
Exploring different lands
to leave with empty hands
My grievances expand
my ship is undermanned
Im lacking words for you
inside a bottle crammed
No plans
no tools
Just aching in the sun
don't wanna catch your feelings
You toss them and ill **r u n
Zen inside the water
Peacefulness at night
Although I'm awake for most of it..
I never had friends
with overextended strings
I always had words
sharp as daggers they sting
Anger in the trees
Their siblings are chopped down
They gave us air to breath
Never seen as profound
We always take advantage
Use abuse and destroy
Everything that loves us
Like children with their toys
My father slaving for a check
the fed become corrupt elect erupt with disrespect
They say that money's harshly sought out by all those who evil
i see the one percent flourishing off all other people
I see my brothers outside of this bubble slowly dieing
i see that natures trying surviving through humans prying
I see that y'all misguided the guide to life isn't provided
they smoothly try and fool you the fate of lesser decided
By green ;
digits in the bank that you cant see
Paper is your worth if your not worth you wont be seen ;
its aggravating
The system is agitating
exasperate the weak if your poor they emasculating
They not helping
if it aint *** its not selling
Maybe drugs
and other delusions
Fed will come when he is ready via massive intrusion
taking everything you love from in the palms of your hands
Hope your ready to withstand when Marshall law rules the land..
#life #government #depressed #unite #please #worth #money
The clouds above my head are grey like palpatines face.
The love of my life,
is green like piccolos race.
I burn it in flames,
at very rapid rates.
To keep my anger tame,
Rage under control.
I love you Mary jane,
You ******* soothe my soul <3.
Had nothing to say
unlike brothers who outspoken
Unlucky that way
i see love in lots of movies
But never in life
he would toss his heart to wolves
Without thinking twice

Clouds and rainy days
sunshine and bliss
Cupid hit me very often
the other he'd miss
Been around the block a lot
my legs are enduring
Yet im still uncomfortable between this place and the rock
The clutches of depression are similar to trigon
It squeezes till you die then devours you like a python
I wish ages ago that bygones could be bygones
But hands where chopped for gold
Lives were lost for land
So others could expand..
You learn to dress in layers
Pray to gods of choice
And hope they peep your prayers..
I used to have a god, His shoulders always freezing. I heard that they were warm and in your life they were appeasing. Iv never heard him speak, iv never felt his presence. Iv never seen his face, you say you'v felt his grace? so wonderfully described. I heard that with his essence people feel way more alive.

Jumping in the churches, Running round in circles. Confidence emerges when good fortune comes through worship..Or so it seems, luckily serene. Nothing there to pester you no demons wolves or fiends. God is watching over you from heavens you are seen. You give his building money so they have the funds to feed..a god fearing mind all the ******* that it needs.

I was raised a christian, told that id find joy if i had given god submission.
They said that if i prayed enough my holy dad would listen.. Right..
Sitting in the night, Hands together tight. I hope that you respond, maybe this time he might. Maybe ill see a sign, or my mind receive an answer. Time is passing faith for you is cancer.

I see things clearly now, the rain has passed me by. I meditate alone, awaken my third eye. Become one with myself, no god inside my soul. The rain has passed me drenched me in the cold.
I embrace the freezing cold
It makes me feel alive
Similar to feels of when our love no longer thrived..
Masks on every face..
some are very unaware.
Fed sits tight,
in his lair.
Crafting toxins for the air,
placing noxious things in food.
Having propaganda news
Showing nothing but the blues..
I see,
How life is going to be.
You have to cut and claw,
for other folk to see.
You have to strive to win,
and put your brothers second.
Refusing to assimilate i find a different weapon..
As a sprout ,
I watched my elders burned to the ground
As a pup ,
I watched the other dogs eat each other
As a boy ,
I questioned wether people need each other
constantly backstabbing and beating on one other..
The spider and the frog do it better than my brothers,
sucker fish and sharks do it better than you sons of mothers..

As a seed ,
I watched my father die off inside
Watched him struggle to provide the walls in which i reside.
As a pawn ,
The powers cut me down like a lawn
For some the grass is very green iv only dirt to stand on...
Trying my very hardest , the existential dread spreads its wings inside regardless. If only it could fly, away with all my rage. A bird is cramped inside, My soul a shoddy cage.
In death the hungry are in equilibrium with the rich, yet blood has yet to spill. In theory more deprivation would induce clarity..But how could one think on an empty stomach?
You used to be a drug id abuse
guess i ran out of the substance to distract from my blues
So consumed i wasn't paying much attention to cues
i digress ;
I met a bird who'd rest inside my chest
sitting in the emptiness that seemed to grow from stress  
Never disliked crows
i went about my business
Whenever i would ache he'd ****** scream till i was finished

Seasons passed this bird was still in my body
i would feed em when i ate and he'd partake in my hobbies
On a quest to find a love to help me close up this gap
but my mind is still lost
In the one that i lack
i digress ;
The sun was in my eyes i couldn't rest
sleep excessively my mind in dreams away from stress
Happy place would save me from my burdens time again
only grievance being i was there without my friend
Woke to find my crow inside the clutches of a being
radiating yellow to the point im hardly seeing
Threw my bird aside and slammed a hand upon my chest
my gaping hole was closed
My mental cleared of stress..
Blame revolving issues on foreign and ruling entities
fall in love again and my friend again is my enemy
I am not the same as i was
before you severed me
Knowing that when push comes to shove
you wont remember me
Guess i cannot fill in this void
with someones pleasantries..
You really don't belong
inside my deepest thoughts
My feelings are still strong
i hate that..
Comforting for me,
Blood curdling for others.
I do not wish to die,
Dont wish this on your brothers.
Slowly i discovered,
As truth would rear its head.
The living aren't all living,
The perished aren't all dead.

Wealthiest are fed while standing tall amongst their idols,
Sacrifice the weak to hold a place amongst their rivals.
I hope we see the patterns,
Before they rob us blind.
They leave a trail of crumbs,
so you may creep behind..
Threw his heart like fast ball
bad call sitting very high on his last straws...
Nothing really changed ;
continued broken cycle
His fortitude deranged

Why bring pain on yourself like that
better to have loved than have just sat back
Cookie crumble crumbs didn't feel very filling
arms outstretched to embrace empty feelings...

Usually he saw very far in the path
lately lacking nourishment his eyesight has passed
Crutch grown weary as the burden grows more
flower full bloom turned to an eye sore..
Aint nuthin changed
still the same ***** head shaggy soul deranged
its strange ; i swore that i was out my devils range
my piece of pie lost for clarity i exchanged
In pain ; but i know that im not alone
wouldn't call depression a first world problem
They got em ; right where they want em all confused
your everything to gain will be everything you lose
Obtuse ; to that main stream y'all been drinking
The propaganda strong , i long to change your thinking..
Fall for me like the water..falls into itself. Love me like the sun loves to flex his brilliant shine, When kisses spark addiction and excitement leaves you blind. Until she feels confliction, between her flesh and soul. Unsure if your the one that was suppose to make her whole.

You wait while she decides, pray that you are chosen. You aren't the lucky one, The walls are all now frozen.
I smell that i am rotting
the flower by my nose  
Was easily retrieved
from dirt beneath my toes

Distract me from the pain
redirect my sadness
Are those in love sane
or wallowing in madness..?

Everything is potent till you use it all the time
yet your still on canvas in the paintings of my mind
I find ;
i never quite lose you all the way
I tossed you to the ground
but wanted you to stay..
To rip me up and plant me somewhere else is very cruel,
but i love you so. I guess ill grow..
My blessing is a curse
if time would reverse
It wouldn't ****** work
but beauty sprouts from dirt ;

Uhh ;
what the **** is wrong
Travelin that narrow *** road too long
thin line like a tight rope like a thong
Weak in the legs when she look like a fawn..

Devils head strong fed from gnawin off my back
my flesh heal slow nd they constantly attack
Time would pass me by
i will not let you go
The apple of my eye
Like an apple you would peel
till all my skin was gone
My inner self revealed
my walls werent up for long
Id let you have a taste
until you reached my core
No substance left to give
i entertain no more

Throw me in the trash
with others you devoured
Ill find my way to dirt
and help to grow a flower
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