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Ive never been good at leaving
but I am accustomed to being left
bereft is my middle name
abandoned is my first
and ruins is my last
I am a mess of unhappy endings

the breaths in between are just syllables that sing out names
of familar beings now foreign
the echo of lost and forgotten things
only I find I am
cursed to remember

everything is unforgettable
to an empath and a thinker
reflections are pathways back home
and doorways into the unknown
I should lose myself there
not stalk the night

like an owl
prowling for prey
that tastes like you
all the pain Ive come to know
the breaking Ive come to expect

I imagine my heart
is bent and twisted up
disfigured tree limbs
vines of scar tissue
a highway filled with dead caucuses

a gravel road
paved in ruins
some of my own making
where inside
regrets grow like weeds
around a cemetary of memories

In time
one by one
I will pluck them out
cut away the dead flesh
learn to make peace
to move on

bid farewall
to this cold and broken shell
of a frost bitten heart
walk out of the darkness
of past scars

embrace freedom
*forgive and let go
Inspired by the Serenity Prayer:
"God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference."
her heart folds into tether
bound by lowly winds
of loneliness
to dreamless sleep

the emptiness
of unrequited love

In loneliness
the walls speak
in foreign tongues
echo loudly
of places she no longer
calls home

uneasy dreams
places absent love

Her eyes
drawn near to light
touch palms with the sky
cherish hope in the stars
that bleed above
night visions of love

a world where one
feels less abandoned

she embraces the ******
of the storm
listens as the rain falls
tenderly and tirelessly
dissolving all that's wrong

drowning out the melancholy
*silence of alone
it is cold again
the moon is no longer soft
just rust and iron
a corroded artery
casualty of loneliness

still its seductive
I cannot resist its charm
temptation to dream
rain slips down the window pane
you paint my sleep into light

Am I destined to
only find you in the dark
at the edge of stars
the burning flames and shadow
conjuring mere reflection?

Are you now reserved
to be a thought in the mind
a cloak of the heart
something I can always feel
but will never touch again?

the wind whimpers reply
illuminating the sad truth
Ill always miss you

forever blue-moon
loving you from a distance
is hard to do...
not loving you at all
When you miss someone who's no longer missing you....
"The wind is blowing the skirt of an Autumn tree; I flirt with destruction."

Wildfire is afoot,
my lungs fill with the soot
from all the burning bridges;
a slow suffocation, each breath
slipping into the decay.
Things I lost in the fire
permeate the stench of regret.
The unforgotten coats the skin of air
in blankets of smoke and mirrors.
Reflections. | .snoitcelfeR

I Breathe in
deep breaths of memories,
awake in me,
the only remenants
of our love.
It is hard to exhale.
A stubborn heart,
I never know when to let go.
Selfishly I hold on
even amidst the breaking;
the fire consuming everything.
I find myself content
with these 3rd degree burns.
The scars are reminders
that I did more than dream you
but you were really here.

The deliberate suicide
accelerated by my will
to hold onto something
that is already gone;
without you I die a little more inside.
Fade into the nothingness,
a canyon filled with the echo
of the wolf's cry; brokenness.

**** this burden of love,
a torch that burns me alive.
Deadly poison
coursing through my veins,
killing me softly.
I am the chainsmoker.
My lungs are charchoal,
a sacrafice on the alter.
I don't know how to quit you,
give back the feelings you gave me;
the all of you that I have breathed in.

Addiction is madness.
I can feel the unraveling of mind
turning me into a cigarette bud,
into a tray of ashes.
Lost in the fray.
There is a mirror
in the ceiling above me,
haunting reflection
of the things that use to be.
Of the things Ive lost
you are what I desire most
to find again.

I miss belonging
to your lips, your hands, your heart
but I mean nothing to you now.
I am a promise you once made
broken and unkept.
A heart missing a piece.
A mind without peace.
Lonely like the stretch of sky
after the sun departs
before the moon arrives;
the bareroot of empitness.

I am the star
farthest from the moon,
devastated by an ending come too soon,
but soon to be reborn
the morning star;
one way or another
Ill find my way out of this dark,
the light always does....
Just written reflections on a past heartache.
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