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  Oct 2018 myjessi
You don't know how many times I have erased the texts I wanted to send you...


" Hey! Can we talk?"

"Hi, How have you been?"

" I miss you.. Do you miss me too?"

" I heard a song today. It reminded me of you.."

" I found a new place to eat. The coffee they serve is great..."

"Can we meet? I want to see you..."

"Can I call you? I just want to hear your voice...."

"I am sorry."

"I am sorry. Can we start over again?"

" We gave up too soon, too easily. I want to give us another chance."

" I feel restless. I need you.."

" I m scared. Please tell me it'll be okay..."

" I love you. Please come back..."
  Oct 2018 myjessi
giving other lives a meaning
not caring about yourself
is that what selfless is

you don’t even care
when you’re happy or not
as long as they’re happy
even without you
myjessi Oct 2018
my body cries out for your body~
when I wake up alone
middle of the night
cold sweat; screams stifled
can't catch my breath
my body cries out for your body~
Dark, needy places; heart and soul
longing for what was
could have been
my body cries out for your body~
fever rages; below, on the peaks
unsatisfied desires
unquenchable by another
my body cries out for your body~
my mind cries out for ~you~
  Oct 2018 myjessi
My heart feels like
it's about to shut down
from all the truths
that only I know

People view me
as kind
with empathy

Yet once they witness
my darker side
this inner demon
that is always
a few steps behind me

Once they see
the ashes and smeared blood
tainted within my mind and heart

I am once again alone
alone to pick up the pieces 
of a love that never was
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