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 Jun 2017 ana
Ma Cherie
I want to write some poetry
or type some text to you
but my brain is on some overload,
an I think it's turning blue

an not my shade of indigo,
as that's my favorite hue,

but more like blue of sadness deep
in an oceanic wave,

I hope it's not tsunami like
an if-
I pray to save,

The memories of you an I
the ones I've colored red,
as beautiful those memories are
to treasure when I'm dead,
but for now-
I'll just go back to sleep
an rest my weary head,

an hope to see some beautiful
an different colors,
again come the sun.

Ma Cherie © 2017
Idk ugh lol hope you are all well!
 Jun 2017 ana
 Jun 2017 ana
So sweet and so tender
Your ruby lips form into a smile
Which leaves me in ecstasy for an endless while
I feel my heart flutter,
My my body utterly revived
These feelings I cannot contrive
These feelings I cannot hide
I ride the wave of unspoken love
It is resplendent, purely gold
Holding me in it's warmth
When my whole world is cold
Oh, what a helpless poet I am
Writing your name in the sand
The ocean washes it away
But this affection is not ephemeral like messages written in the sand
It is a message, put inside a bottle
Thrown into the ocean
Oneday to arrive
At the destination of love.
Oh boy..
 Jun 2017 ana
The Jolteon
You are a planet
Come crashin into me
Start feeeling like
This is hennessy

Everytime that you
Come rushin into me
I start to think about
Everything I really need

But it seems like
Seems like
You don't care about
My life

But at the same time
I'm ok with that
 Jun 2017 ana
If dreams came true, I'd be there by your side.
We'd watch our favorite movies while drinking coffee on the couch.
If dreams came true, you would tell me that you're sad.
I would tell you I feel the same.
That everything would be okay, and not to be afraid.
If dreams came true, we'd be the only two adults dancing in the rain.
People would stare, but we wouldn't have time to care.
If dreams came true, I'd be there when you had nightmares.
I'd hold you in my arms and chase the dark away.
If dreams came true, you and I would be a melody, and it'd be my favorite song.
 Jun 2017 ana
The Dedpoet
Tell me why the poison,
Your nomadic essence
In a magnetar's romance?
**** the void with your
Missing kiss,
Surrendered to your
Chosen appearing and time
Is your whim to the commands
I obey.

Why the poison
When a million ways to die
Is the same living under
Your spell,
Seductress of the falling sun,
Nuisance to my nocturnal
I am but yours
And held by the thirst
For more,
Take me into your
I drink freely your
Kiss of death.

Why the poison
For a suicidal lover?
 Jun 2017 ana
I heard this story once, that when an artist dies-
They get to paint the sunset, as a way to say goodbye.
They usually go for colors of orange, though i'm not sure why-
For when they do that it seems, like they didn't even try.

Every now and then, they paint a lilac sky-
Pinks and purples dance about, creating a visual lullaby.
I'll want to watch forever, I'll wish that I could fly-
For if I could i'd touch the clouds, and be so satisfied.
 Jun 2017 ana
Becca P
Blue eyes
 Jun 2017 ana
Becca P
I never cared for blue eyes.
a simple, dull tone of boring pens  
and pale skys and puddles.                    
a common colour among a million eyes.

until yours.       
then pools of shining ink spreading across plain pages,
filling chapters of my life.
a bright summer horizon expanding before me,
everywhere eyes can see.            
an huge, infinite ocean of sparkling blue,                      
blue thats fills my eyes and mind and lungs,              
voluntarily drowning in your colour.
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