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  Oct 2021 Splashes of Surreal
Her eyes were fiery
While her lips peeled away
Her sun was setting
But her colors never fade
When she bites she is bitter
But when she smiles she is sweet
Like a nectarine emblem
She’s the fruit of life’s tree.
I wish
To be
In my

But, I want
To share my
With someone
  Oct 2021 Splashes of Surreal
I wonder what it’s like
To be loved by someone

I see people kiss in movies
And run my fingertips along my lips gently
Wondering what it’s like

I yearn for it
But don’t know how to go about it
Did you know
That lighting a fire
In the forest would
Burn it to the ground?

Did you know
That spilling oil in the ocean
Would ****
The dolphins and fishes?

Don't hurt someone
You don't understand
If you seek to destroy
Find someone else, this heart is done broken now
I want to

But, I need

So disappear
So that
I don't miss your songs

Now, all that is left
Is your
Spotify password
Inspiration is that gut feel keeping you awake
Inspiration is a candle in a cave

Inspiration is asking a crush out
Inspiration is confidence when everything turns sour

Inspiration is the silver lining
Of a cloud riddled by self-doubt
A short poem I wrote on Twitter. I thought I had 5 mins during work to write this, so I wrote it in 2 mins.
I never stopped giving in
To the demands of a friend
Because I couldn't give up on them
Be the change, you want to see.
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