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MonkeyZazu Sep 2015
Away from agony, closer to love.
In the middle of mental torment
detach yourself from thought.
With each step, let go a little more
until you find yourself
inches, feet, miles
away from yourself.
MonkeyZazu Sep 2015
You might find yourself asking life why
With little to no response, you'll want to cry
At wits end with almost nothing left to give
Please remember, life wants you to live
To flourish and thrive
doesn't need, but wants you to survive
Wants you to walk not crawl
Maintain a balance, not have it all
Live for yourself or another
Feel the love of our earthly mother
So if you've fallen, rise
Please don't let the temporary be your demise
Life is sure to bless you with a new surprise
All you need to do is continue to try
MonkeyZazu Sep 2015
Regardless the pain
the day to day suffering
try to maintain
a sane mind.

Depressing thoughts will come
naturally like the weather
creating dark, shadowy clouds within mind.
Your life might become frozen,
put in standstill bind
but stay calm, try to unwind
be aware of the coming sunshine.

Overcoming adversity
refines the spirit, creating true beauty
in how you now have the ability
to help others with their insecurities.
You can be their purity,
the living example of what could be.
MonkeyZazu Sep 2015
dawning radiance
showers anew
day within
my soul

soft warm glow
gently brings
my sleeping dreams
to rest

blissfully tranquil
adores this placid
MonkeyZazu Sep 2015
Moonlit late night
clear mind and insights,
realizations had.

As I ponder on my love for her
lost in the wonder of being her lover
I understand what she means to me
I realize what I want to be

Not an "object" of her affection
No, not an uncontrollable obsession
but a nice cool refreshment
for her being.

Ideally she'll come, dip into me
I'll engage and wash away
all her misfortunes and worries.

Not being stagnant like a pond,
but more like a river that continues to flow on
washing over her
with new experiences.  

A catalyst for her greatest
keeping her vibration high
and her spirit weightless.

Evolving and growing,
not controlling,
but easygoing.

Ultimately I want to be
myself and uphold honesty.
Continue to adore her geometry,
and impress her with my poetry.
TMN <3
MonkeyZazu Sep 2015
The love of the universe is all around.
Only in stillness of mind can it be found.
Quite yourself and just listen to its sound.
Peace and bliss is what will be found.
MonkeyZazu Aug 2015
Sometimes I wish to be
like the dandelion.

Disperse into hundreds of seeds
and let the wind take me away.
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