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 Aug 2014 madison
Two Flowers
 Aug 2014 madison

There is a happy flower
As proud as he can be
Living In a garden
Beneath the garden tree
Sunny skies of blue
What he loves to see
There is a happy flower
Growing wild and free
There is a happy flower
As cute as she can be
Living in a garden
Beneath the garden tree
Birds of every color
What she loves to see
There is a happy flower
Blooming beautifully
A funny thing did happen
Deep beneath the ground
In amongst the dirt and worms
Where darkness can be found
Roots began to travel
One set to the west
The other moving eastward
A very lengthy quest
Till one day it happened
The roots began to touch
They really loved the feeling
They loved it oh so much
These roots they grew connected
Locked together tight
Hoping that the other
Wishing that they might
Would know the others feelings
Soon become as one
Living life together
Underneath the sun
They’ll hold on for forever
Or till the end of time
Roots of his and roots of hers
Living intertwined
There are two happy flowers
Blooming Beautifully
In two different gardens
Beneath two different trees
Their roots to stay connected
Until eternity
Two happy little flowers
In love as they can be
I came to you last night, climbed in through your window with the last of the summer breeze. You sat on the floor, so small in your sorrow while you held the world in your shaking palm, the pressure of it's screaming too much for your tender heart.
I came to you last night and my heart swelled with love as I watched your tears glisten, their salt on my lips as I kissed your tired skin. I will hold you for a lifetime, tightly against my beating heart, so that you may hear the love I have for you as it thunders through my very being, strong and true against your darkest tide.
I am love, I am comfort, I am strength.
I am yours. Take my light, my song, my heart, let them lift you from the swirling depths, let them anchor your soul to mine that you may always have a home.
Once you lifted my heart to the heavens with a single word and within that moment I knew that we were two halves of a broken whole, though our pieces are scattered and torn we are bound, our destinies colliding within the storm that is our existence.
I came to you last night, no harm shall enter in my wake, no sorrow will linger, only my unending joy at your smile as you whisper "hello".
Break the monotony.
Note the dichotomy
of adverts that tell us to
please drink....responsibly.

Worship the wannabes
counting their calories,
though gorging on fame
is the worst kind of gluttony.

Don't be a commodity
to hell with conformity
refuse to be part of this un-divine comedy.

I make no apology
for my air of despondency
as you take all too gladly
your TV lobotomy.
Complete nonsense! Found this drunken scrawl on waking, thought it would be fun to post....It seems that I hate TV even more after a few tequilas!
 Jul 2014 madison
Unrequited Love
Is it possible to miss someone you have never met ?

To crave their touch even though you have never truly experienced it.      

To miss their presence even though they have never been with you.

Well I hope with all my heart it is.

Because some how I find myself missing you...
I met a guy for a moment but I don't think ill ever forget him.
Guns are everywhere in sight
Muzzles, fire and fright.
Blood running through sewers
like flooded rivers in mid-May,
when it should be running through veins.
Slain bodies once filled with life
are now filled with undeserved death.
Pain seeps through the eyes
of brutalized victims as they weep.

A mother pleads to God
with hopes He will breath life
back into her daughter's lungs
as a child stands over the rotting
bodies of bystanders,
and waves at the flies
Unrest fills the air
while fire's are burning under water
Tragedy burns the face down to a tear,
Could Hell get any hotter?

Mirages mirror terror,
Silence in broken mirrors.
It may seem that voices don't exist
in places like this,
And that a difference lies off
in the distance;
out of reach, unattainable.
But they do.
A blind man's eyes become
his hands and his ears
when he needs to see,
While the mute lack a voice,
they still find a way to say,
"Hope is never all lost."

They need to know they are not alone.
Battles are being fought all over this world.
War, famine, sexism, racism.
A fight between mother and father.
Grief for the loss a lover.
We can all relate,
in one way or another.
Ignore ignorance, become informed.
Silence does not defeat violence,
nor is strength needed to beat it.
Courage and a heart
are needed to defeat it,
along with the will to believe
it can be defeated.

Throwing punches with fingerless fists
and broken spirits can seem useless,
but more has been done
with less.

Remember, a voice with something to say
is harder to forget
than a voice
that is
Inspired by/ a tribute for the victims in the Middle East. A poem that speaks on speaking up when everyone else is silent.
magpie's liquid caramel calls plied
through the village school's grounds
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