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 Jul 2014 madison
Carved in stone are these words we speak
And we'll be alone if we let their wounds bleed
But be my guest
Use your words and they'll use their knives
Watch these beautiful creatures lose their lives
A ragged, one eyed bear held dearly by a child.
A solitary leaf blown around on the summer breeze.
The smell of old books with turned corners.
The sapling struggling for light beneath the mighty oak.
The bounty discarded by the crabapple tree.
An ill advised mullet.
The opening chords of Born To Run
Kurt Cobains smile.

All these things bring you to me.
Funny how certain things can bring a person to mind and make you realise just how much you miss them.
You hate my poems
You say they take me from you
that they're pointless
a waste of time
maybe you're right.
You read them,
just the words as they fall,
and say you get nothing
just syllables.
I have lost count
of the sighs and eyerolls,
the you have no talents,
they sit in a memory box
along with the times you've asked me to stop.
Just like that.
Stop pouring myself onto paper,
Stop looking for beauty in darkness,
Stop healing.
You prefer me broken, fragile, dependant,
the girl you took from nowhere to god knows where
a once pretty, broken thing
to hang silently from your arm
while you talk proudly of the soul that you saved.
You fear that my writing will end us.
I fear that my stopping will end me.
I hope he never makes me choose.
I will scream into the void with you. Take my hand, let me calm your fears.I will weave my words into a shelter, a place of grace for your troubled heart.

Walk with me until the stars dim forever, until the sun implodes and only dust remains. I am here with you, there with you. Let my tangled thoughts be your remedy, your darkest dreams my salvation. Take my light, for I would rather walk in darkness unending than see the weight of sorrow on your pretty brow.

You are my privilege, my haven, my friend, this will always be, as long as there is breath I will use it to sing of my wonder at your strength and my joy at your existence.

If you believe in nothing else, I beg that you believe in me
A gift for a very dear friend, in the hope that he will know that he is loved.
 Jul 2014 madison
And upon both sides of a burning page
he wrote the words:
as his smile turned around
he finally figured it out
he truly was all alone
 Jul 2014 madison
Unrequited Love
If I give you a kiss,promise you'll give it back?
You can borrow it when ever you want ;)
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