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 Aug 2018 mjad
enid jerzt looper
“I dont know”
was my response
when you asked me if
I still love you

the world stopped
for the both of us
as I wondered on the thought
of me, being selfish
or being true
and yours upon the
realization that
maybe, just maybe
my love for you
is fleeting

neither of us was speaking
and the silence echoed
through the depths of my head
and you uttered

that moment, I knew
that you gave up
on me, and my inner

I crumbled upon
the guilt of telling you
those words, so instead
I let my tongue do
the talking and said

cause it was never hard to say

but it is always hard to face

the reality of being responsible
to someone

as if I have to breathe
through somebody’s pair of lungs
and scratch the loneliness
with someone else’s fingers

we parted
I changed numbers

cause I had to stay afloat
on the clouds of solitude
free from attachments.
 Aug 2018 mjad
the exception
 Aug 2018 mjad
“why keep talking to him
when you know he only wants one thing?”

so far
every girl
has thought they could fix him.
and so far,
every time
they’ve come back
with a piece of their heart lost.

i want to be the exception.
guys are confusing as heck and honestly need to learn how to communicate what they really want... don’t break my heart if it wasn’t ever something you wanted to be yours in the first place
 Aug 2018 mjad
White Hare Poetry
i remember
rainy days
spent gazing
out of cold
we'd race
with our
breath misting
the glass
inner worlds
of hidden
and signs
we were young
enough then
to remember
how to sing the
melody of rain
and understand
its secret language
of ebb and flow
in an echo of time
ageless and pure
in its sincerity

 Aug 2018 mjad
Jackie G
 Aug 2018 mjad
Jackie G
Temptation at its finest
Bad decisions, like they're mindless
As i look at all the blindness
Living life like it's timeless
Some shout yolo, others think nobody could see them

If i were them I'd be COMBATING all those demons-even start praying more!!!
Good intentions are always first
But next comes PAIN or should i say hurt
then your trapped doing dirt
Or should i say"pay backs"
Very unforgiving
Trapped in sin

Hurting no-one but self.
Trapped in sin
I wonder if they know
With pain comes power
But you hand it over
When you're trapped in sin

It's foul, it's *****, it's sneaky, it's deceiving, it's spiteful,it slanders
It's hurting others, it's nasty, it's unforgiving, it's lustful
It's sin!
Release yourself of it.
We are not perfect but we are able to become new and regenerated wash yourself of bad things in your life so you can get what your heart desires
 Aug 2018 mjad
 Aug 2018 mjad
There is a scar on my heart,
from when you crashed into me
and cut it wide open.
Don't mistake, it wasn't broken.
Simply just open.
And you stared at me
with your deep brown eyes
lashes long like spider silk
and i thought to myself
'boys shouldn't have lashes that long.'
'it makes them too beautiful'
'boy shouldn't be that beautiful'
And i remember when i cried,
and you hugged me
you didnt hug anyone
but we were alone,
and no one could've seen.
I remember your thumb drawing circles
and i forgot i was supposed to be crying
because that **** thumb
was driving my nervous system
into a wreckage of anxiety
and love.
I remember you painting
something from your video game
you were happy that day
and we mucked around.
You splattered paint across my
good white schoolshirt
I had to throw it out.
but I didn't,
because it was you
it was us
before you left anyways.

So i finally threw it out,
the last remnant of our
time together.
the final piece of memorabilia.
I don't think you'll care but
I thought you should know.
 Aug 2018 mjad
 Aug 2018 mjad
why are you still
appearing in my dreams
when I haven’t seen you
in so long

are you still on my mind
when I buried my feelings
a long time ago

do I feel like I’m still
so close to you
even though we stopped
sharing moments
such a long time ago
Its been the way its been for simply years
Man responsible for everyones tears
Hes the man the one without fears
His debt to earth so deep in arrears

Now we have one more to as if save all
Without any idea of a coming fall
Its heartbreaking all his own call
Already shown life the door end of hall

To know look back far and our now
And the answer of future is mans sow
I'd give my life to be wrong this I vow
Its just a matter of time as it will allow

So many deciples follow them in a line
Earth could have been forever so divine
Religions and man playing god ever fine
Earth five times destroyed sixth unsublime

The meek will inherit earth words of man
Speaking for god as man works his plan
Wealth and greed his heart all demand
Soon once more earths fire burning sand

terrence michael sutton  
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