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893 · Feb 2016
Reserved Heart
A story of the heart that is like no other tales;
     with no twinkling fairies but tough trails.
Kept in years for someone to rescue and free;
     or to chain in fear from the ropes of hurt, i foresee.

The heart is different compared from the norm;
     a cold heart that can pause for a lady's warmth.
Let it be infinite years, love I can wait;
     even time can't dictate when the foe is faith.

Now she made it despite the thorny trials;
     bringing the warmth to melt the ice he feels.
Is this really the love I longed to have?;
     ask the wondering heart to the mind above.

With the signs the heart embraced the warmth;
     though it knows that it will be purged with storms.
Armored against the tides of greater hurt;
     for this is not the fairy tale one asserts.

A reserved heart I kept for too long;
     now in someones hands, heart be strong.
A love in a canvass of pure abstract art;
     Painted in blood of the reserved heart.

                                                         ­    - MKA
612 · Feb 2016
Granted Three
silently she's always at your side
though a mere silhouette in your eyes
she screamed so loud for you to hear
but no voice of her passes your ears

she had seen who you longed to have
a picture who don't need your love
you wept as you reminisced the scenes
is it hard to let go? yes, it seems

you're lost, don't know what to do
a mind sailing in the depths of fantasy
trapped yourself inside the lamp
please snap she's here to help you stand

as she handed the rope to free
she whispered, "these are the granted three"
i'll stay with you, i'll love you and i'll understand you
no more fantasies for we'll make it true

                                                           ­  - MKA
587 · Mar 2016
For the greater good...
For the greater good he cast himself
Like a book between books on the shelf
Not once a single page is shown
For the greater good kept it on his own

For the greater good he lived in lies
To imprison the truth haunting inside
Crippled by the paddles of cruel reality
For the greater good, blenching identity

Now at the tip of end, oh child of lost
Tired of living in a life that is close
For the greater good, stripped from the flesh
For the greater good, for the greater good
469 · Feb 2016
Silver Stream
Calmy it flows
Elixir of the living
Silvery scheme
Makes dirt to green

As the sky tears
It grows in rage
Bashing in terror
Even rocks are hurt

Down it goes
It meets the salt
Ball of fire, behold!
Turns silver to gold
439 · Feb 2016
Complicated Creation
I am nothing but a complicated creation;
stranger from the norm, a complete abomination.
Trapped in a paradox, world unquestioned;
walking with a mask in pure falsification.

Episodes of this lifeless body passed;
wasted! is it wasted?! i know nothing will last.
Unbent, unbroken, i must make a decision;
i can't! i can't ! for it would scatter shallow impressions.

What should i do? life is not an infinite equation;
unbent, unbroken, should i make a decision?
No! you can't or you'll live in damnation;
i am  really nothing but a complicated creation.

                                                      ­       - MKA
397 · Mar 2016
plant kindness and
          you will reap love
for it is the seed of
          everything you have
grow it not under the
          dwelling of your hood
but in the pleasure
          of the pathless woods
"There is a pleasure in the pathless woods." -  George Gordon Byron
330 · Feb 2016
This is who I am
Living a life of a question mark
Long winding roads, dim and dark
Seconds, minutes, hours pass
I can’t decide, knowing nothing will last

Ifs, what ifs, chains who I am
Is this really me? Is this who I am?
Pink or blue, the color says you!
Does it really matter?
As long as you’re you!

Can I go gentle now in that little hole
Where I can no longer play any role
No doubts, no fear for this is who I am
This is me! This is me! This is who I am!

                                                            ­ - MKA
287 · Feb 2016
i want you here with me, please stay;
i can't find someone, no more life to pay.
but if you insist, you're free to go;
for true love knows how to let someone go.

                                                            ­ - MKA

— The End —