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 Jul 2017 mera
 Jul 2017 mera
"He'll never like you,
nor, love ya."

The reality has slapped me hard.
So hard.
But I must go on,
I must sail my ship to another harbour,
And leave, the old one.

He's such a saint, and I'm a sinner.

"We shouldn't love, we're different."

Like a ****** hand that holds thorny roses so tight,
I let him go.

I let him go, like I let my blood dries up, after I throw the thorny roses, away.
 Jul 2017 mera
Debanjana Saha
My mind & heart
Enters into the gloom
Breaking through the walls
Into the woods of doom
Only to find a new moon!

How to tell it to me,
It will be invisible
For sometime long
Along the way
Where I belong!.

Better seek out
Something which is
More near & dear
Real without fear.

Wait if you must
Don't rush to the dust
Listen to your intuition
to bring back your
Laughable soul
Which would eventually

Make yourself whole!
A change of mindset changes everything.
I am most of the time pessimistic
Just figuring out to find some laughter
Within the pessimistic approach.
Better to die out of laughter
Rather to frowning and drown.

- DS - 25 July, 2017
 Jul 2017 mera
The diff.
 Jul 2017 mera
We aren't mimi lan mintuno.


I was never his mimi,
And he was never my mintuno.
 Jul 2017 mera
Ashley Thao Dam
It's hard to breathe when all your regrets are bouncing in your chest
that hollowness
and the never-ending echo that vibrates throughout my entire body

Have I made a mistake?

All the connecting, glowing, and seemingly sweet certainties have faded

I stand here stricken
My accomplishments in hand
And crumbling

Pieces of the last few years forming into an outline of your face

My fingertips pulsate with warmth as i recall your touch

I've never felt anything
So perfect

So smooth and soft and unreal

Moments like these never last, do they?

We were so tired and yet so eager
To intertwine

Fixated on deep breathing
The flavours of eachother's mouths
And the momentary synchronisation of our existences

You're always so busy

And i'm always leaving

It hurts to entertain the idea
Beyond temporariness
But i can't help myself

I know you told me to say it less and yet
I am still sorry

I will always wish for a chance to get to know you
And for that I am not sorry

For once
 Jul 2017 mera
It shouldn't be a problem and it is.

I should be happy, but I'm not.
If I were a seaside, I'd be one time forgot.
Swings rusted still, and women of an age.
Same season all year, like dried ink on a page.

Getting overtaken, doesn't mean you lose.
It only meant you shone so more when came the time to choose.
Wind can be so vicious as it stings across your face.
A gentle stabbed reminder to always know your place.

Eventually what you will find is your heart does turn to stone.
Or constantly you feel the pain has seeped right to the bone.
Now at this point it really is so much easier to say.
Just leave me here and I'll wait in peace until you've had your day.
 Jul 2017 mera
Hanef Alinor
I kinda care for you
I kinda don't care
But whatever you do
My eyes can't stop its stare

I kinda feel jealous
I kinda feel apathy
But when you're with someone
I always feel agony

I kinda need you
I kinda think u'r useless
But like a necessity,
Without you, I am lifeless

I kinda feel love
I kinda hate you
But no matter what
The heart knows what's true
 Jul 2017 mera
Evie Richards
The Doe
 Jul 2017 mera
Evie Richards
Smokey musk of mist-soaked moss
by roving river bank,
where dainty doe stands tall and fair
where long-lost love once sank.

Dew-soaked coat 'mungst moonlit woods
a chestnut, hazel brown.
She stalks the brooks, thin, lithe and cool
where once-loved life was drowned.

She walks his path from long ago,
her shadow echoes loss,
"goodbye," she whispers, "I'll miss you so."
as she fades into the moss.
 Jul 2017 mera
Haddie Brenner
 Jul 2017 mera
Haddie Brenner
A snowball inside, with no snow,
Just layers of guilt and nausea below.
Layers, wrapped, one on top of the rest.
Layers of nausea and guilt, stressed, pressed, wrest.
And the ball is rolling around inside,
Picking up more nausea and guilt on its ride.
Getting bigger, getting fat.
Blocking my airways, leaving me flat,
On my back with nothing but dry, hollowed cry.
Salt burning my flared eyes.
I'm sitting inside,
The snowlessball, heavy, wide.
I can't see past it, I can't see behind.
I'm looking straight, directly at it and try, I try, I try to cry.
To drown it, diffuse it, dissipate.
It doesn't. It sits there, full of hate.
Hate and nausea and guilt,
Layered, patched like a quilt,
Waiting for ME to quit.
Me and the ball, in the middle of things,
Between us a chess board with no kings.
Only queens, inside my skin,
And all queens can fall, and all queens can win.
I have the black ones and he has my sins.
Spread on the board my sins and my queens,
Between me and my guilt on a mid summer's nightmare.
 Jul 2017 mera
Pixie Ellis
They say you shouldn't let your mental illness define you,
But I don't remember life before it.

I don't remember how the world looked,
Without this grey filter.
Or what colour the sun shined,
I don't remember how it felt on my skin.

I don't remember who I was,
I don't remember myself before my mental illness.

I only remember now.

- p.d.e
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