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 Oct 2015 Mallory
Autece Soul
Never fall in love with a poet
for their words are sometimes lies
on occasions they're a shield
on occasions a disguise

They will take you on a journey
upon which they bare their soul
in a bid to ease your burdens
in a bid to make you whole

But in every word they choose
for the stories that they tell
lies a little piece of heaven
and a little piece of hell

Tormented souls we poets are
sometimes quite broken and despaired
in search of lost expressions
missed by others who once cared

Never fall in love with a poet
unless you're prepared to share their pain
to hold them close on the darkest nights
over and again
 Oct 2015 Mallory
 Oct 2015 Mallory
Last night I cried about you.
The exact moment it happened I do not remember
but I was hit with an overwhelming
tide of emotion.
Maybe it was when my friend
wouldn't stop talking
about your beauty
and I was seeking his bare skin
to put out my cigarette.
Jealousy is ugly but my appearance
could never compare to your
lips, or the way you would
look up through your eyelashes
when you were
scared or in love.
(were they the same thing?)

Last night I cried about you.
The exact moment it happened I do not remember
but I was hit with an overwhelming
tide of emotion.
Perhaps it was when I realised
I no longer searched for him
in the poetry I wrote
and read.
Rather it is your
inexplicable beauty and intelligence
that I try to capture with
stumbled words and drunken
rants to people who don't really

Last night I cried about you.
The exact moment it happened I do not remember
but I was hit with an overwhelming
tide of emotion.
It could have been when I
needed to ground myself to reality
and so I thought of you.
I dreamt of the curls in your
hair as it slightly changed
colour and I thought of
your bed and the comfort
that surrounded me when I was there.
I thought of your mother, and the
anger I feel towards your father.
I thought of your laughter
and the happiness it invokes
when  I hear it.
I thought of your tears
and the sheer anguish
that follows.

Last night I cried about you.
The exact moment it happened I do not remember
but I was hit with an overwhelming
tide of emotion.
"Missing you comes in waves and
last night I felt like I was drowning".
why do the work I'm supposed to be doing when I can be sad and write poetry instead.

I don't know where the lines in quotation marks originate from because i've seen them all over the place but yeah they're not mine.
 Oct 2015 Mallory
He's following me,
I see him over my shoulder.
Beside me.
In front of me.
I wish I could escape,
but his words fill the air.
He's following me
and I can't run any faster.
He's here.
Love is a terrible game,
but hate is a worse one to play.
 Oct 2015 Mallory
 Oct 2015 Mallory
Snow baked fun,
I found you in a storm
You'd already had all your adventures
But you showed me the pictures

The fun has long since ended
But I found your journal
You'd written down everything you'd ever seen
You were telling me how you wanted the world to be

You don't have blue eyes
And neither do I
But you still asked me about the world under my skies
And my answers were just as poetic as your photo album

I have a lot more to see in this life
And while the storm still rages
And the fog lays low
I know I'll see that rainbow about which you wrote

And I know the beauty will one day shine through
Past the evil and all the sorrow
And as the snow melts and the clouds part
The sun'll come out...
the bit about the blue eyes is a reference to Bob Dylan's A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall
 Oct 2015 Mallory
S Smoothie
Soft floating embers rise
from the fires of long remembered desires
Slowly twisting and twirling  like a sensual  dance
My thoughts reach out to capture the moments
before the cradled embers die
and fade one last time.
An eye for an eye
leaves everyone blind
vengeance is always
best left behind

To repay evil with evil
cannot balance a scale
it's just amplified evil
doling out one more fail

Things are only made worse
when you follow that course
why do men still believe
they're immune to this curse

Will man ever learn
or let his soul burn
while anger within him
continues to churn

It's time to wake up
repay evil with kind
your reward is within
as it brings peace of mind

Breaking the circle
preserving our sight
it may not be easy
but well worth the fight
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