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May Sellami Sep 2015
Life ,
Take it easy on me
Life ,
Be my companion not my enemy
May Sellami Aug 2015
Night* ,
why are you so long?
Night ,
why are you so hard?

Holding between the darkness you your sky
and the brightness of your stars
my deepest sorrow
my biggest despair

Indeed,* night
you are a time of solitude
but of serenity too
a time of death
but of life too

A time when the world is dead
but the hearts beats
when I can remove a robe

the robe I put on everyday
but not every night
It's the robe these heart beating dead see me in

No one knows who I am
No one knows my trueness
My tremendous fails
My weaknesses and fondness
No one but you.

I shall be free
I shall relieve myself
from their looks and minds

Night* ,
I let you see my tears
My sadness, my paleness
that I wish no one to see

For that,
I shall wait for the day
a time to fight
a time to battle

I put on my robe of lies
I cover my deep anguish
I sweep my tears
I put a smile as fake as it is

I play my part
In the harsh play of life
and our little secret
remains unknown
until our next mini apocalypse.
  Aug 2015 May Sellami
SE Reimer

a tribute to the good times

cannot neglect the rough.

without a struggle comes no prize,

cocoon would yield no butterfly,

and without the rain the rose would die.

so when i'm tempted to forget

just how far we've come,

please remind me, dear...

please remind me that you love me;

sweet promise whisper in my ear.

repaint the mem'ries 'cross my mind,

kaleidoscope of precious times;

remind me that our journey

of a thousand miles began

these many years ago now,

the day you took my hand;

remind me that each day

is just another step,

toward dreams and goals and promises

that together will be kept.


*post script.

a re-post from earlier days.  
i must be feeling particularly reminiscent today

one of the earlier poems i wrote for my wife...
had to be twenty plus years ago now.
May Sellami Aug 2015
She bloomed in the blackness of the night
on the soundless lake water
in the timeless space.

She held a bright white light for the other creatures
for the moon and the stars,
for the birds and the squirrels.

She shined.
She shined erasing the darkness of those hearts
the sorrow , the tears and the cries
A true sun in the sunless sky.

But soon she will disappear..
as the night ends.
she looks down at her diminished image
Her black eyes fulled of misery

"Oh heart !"
" Can I bare your burden ?" ,
she said,
"Oh heart !"
" behind light , there is darkness and behind darkness there is light."
"Oh heart !"
" your wounds , your sadness and bleakness , how can I heal it?"

As she laments crystals,
vanished in the brightness of  heavens ,
in the brightness of the blue .

— The End —