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 Jul 2015 Mati
Earl Jane

I opened my eyes,

                                               And I saw you there,

                                                    ­ Smiled,

                                             Held my hands,

                         And carried me in utmost gladness,

We wandered in the seashore,

                      With our nonstop anecdotes,

                                        Your laugh,

                      Is like a wonderful orchestral euphony,

That always made my day so worth living for,

                         Then we stopped by and sit,

                         And observed the beauty of the sunset,


                                  ­                                                            Then­ with atonishment,

                                                   ­                       You gave me yellow flowers,

                                                      W­hich I truly love and adore,

                               Then I saw your eyes scintillating in gaiety,

           When you saw my smiles and teary eyes,

          I can't help but cry,

When you expatiated to me,

               For hours,

                                            About how much you loved me,

                                                            ­          And cared so dearly,  

                            Then promised to keep all that you've declared,

         That we will build future together,

                                  In the presence of our God,

And our future siblings,

I hugged you tight,

             You kissed my forehead,

                      And whispered love unto my ears,

We act lying together to gaze upon the stars,

But suddenly,

       You slap me hard,

                                       'Cause you said there's mosquito on my cheek,

And was awake!

                                                 ­        I realized,

That I am only dreaming,

In my dream.

                          © Earl Jane
                            ♥ E.J.C.S.
The world around me slows to a crawl,
No one around me knows me at all.
I look over the crowd of familiar faces,
From various times and different places.
They laugh and they play, one and another,
All with secret pains, I’m just like the others.
 Mar 2014 Mati
A Taste
 Mar 2014 Mati
We die each night,  
Passports stamped
in invisible ink
to a realm where
the possible and impossible
beneath purple sunsets,
Where the breath of imagination
bends eternity for a moment,
Wishes skinny dip in deep time,
Hopes burble into form,
And fears slither out to play.
As morning seeps into our lids
and the edges begin to blur,
We straddle two worlds
for an instant,
Then blink away the mystery,
a taste of death on our lips.
 Mar 2014 Mati
Madisen Kuhn
Curled up beneath the duvet
knees drawn up to chest
inhaling the smokey scent of my fleece
sown fresh nostalgia
I remembered how
we laughed and ate off chinaware
while sipping out of plastic cups
sitting by the fire pit
in the backyard
my eyes wandered
towards the woods at dusk
and I breathed
realizing we are just specks of dust
that glimmer in the light of our Creator.
 Mar 2014 Mati
bri mylyn
you love him
you love his smooth hands and his rough cheek
you love your hands in his denim shirt
and the cinematography of you together
everything else is an afterthought

the knife in his eyes that is not always pointed at you
but when it is
you kiss the fist that rattles plates
the lips that wrap around clenched teeth
melt him

fail to understand his poison tipped arrows
that are aimed at the mother who threw bottles
if he could only pick one more fight it'd be with his father
you kiss him when he knocks his brother's teeth out

he leaves in the morning for coffee and comes back a day later
welcome him with open arms and abundant questions
he will be a tower of irritation and concrete
he will point fingers that will curl into fists
but they are not fists for you
they are for the devils that dance within him
and behind his wild eyes
and in his childhood home

you will not be fooled
he loves you
you know by every sweetheart and the lips on your forehead and the way he smells in between the sheets each night

he leaves
he comes back
purple flowers that bloom around his eyes are the bouquets he brings home for you
the front porch sags when he puts his hands in his pockets
his face buried in your chest
on nights when the lamp swings a little too low
and his body is wracked with sobbing and shoulders shaking

he mourns the gentle temper he never had
he mourns what he would be like without you
he mourns what you would be like without him
this is how he loves you

your hands in his hair easing soothing shh shh
you are the mother who left
you are better than every last ex-girlfriend
for reasons he will be happy to name
this is how you love him

you came because you are drawn to the shipwrecks
but you stayed in the water for him
ancient child
furious soul
you salt his wounds
and then you clean them
this is how you love him

— The End —