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When I write my poems I usually try to put myself in someone else's shoe's. I try and imagine what there thinking and feeling. I …
Adam M Snow
El Mirage    "To deny God is to deny creation, to deny creation is to deny your existence."​​ –Adam M. Snow​​​​​​ I am Shakespeare’s twenty second generation descendant …
Hong Kong    21 | Hong Kong A girl with a story
Andrew Switzer
New York   
Nathan Cross
December Born, Cold Month, Yet Always Warm. Night is purer than day; it is better for thinking and loving and dreaming. At night everything is …
V Anna
Dublin, Ireland    My thoughts are eminent in a jar waiting to be poured out. Obsessed with anything furry. And I love the sounds of train and rain.
21/F/Colorado // instagram: @serrated.moth // Write to get it out. Write to make room for better things. Write til' your fingers cramp.
space    "Space is the place." -Dicks
no one in particular
Boston    "You never get me, that's the whole point"
Kathryn Paige
Donna Bella
25/F/Florida    Social Media: IG: bellarodtats Twitter: ifayomilori
The Terry Tree
Portland, Oregon    I Am A Spiritual Inspirational Creative Writing Poet & Author Connecting in Love, Higher Power & Sharing in Onement With All. I love meditation and …
Devon Webb
Auckland    Follow me on tumblr:
Kathy J Parenteau
Florida    I am an inspirational writer. I have been writing poetry since childhood. I am currently working on my first book of poetry hoping for publication …
DC raw love
Alexandria    I write from my experience in life, my past, people that i have met, about death, about happiness, about my addiction to heroin (finally in …
-----    17F I'm doing a lot better
Ocean Blue
Waiting and praying for someone
Danny Mak
Ashley Browne
Montreal    "Love is a universal language and if you don't understand it then you've had your heart broken too many times."
TheBrokenHourglass    Depressed. Alone. Poetess. Loves the scent of rain.
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