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 Sep 2014 Mada
As a kid you just want to grow up
Even when the adults tell you not to
Independence and adulthood is your focus

When they warned us away from growing up
they forgot to mention a few things:

No one said being an adult would feel like drowning,
like a slow suffocation you do to yourself

You do what you have to in order to survive.

You keep breathing in the things that drown you,
because what else are you going to do with them

But with each breath you sink lower and lower.

With each breath you learn something new about yourself

With each breath you are forced to take under this water made of
                   and jobs,                              
                         a lot of responility
                                   and not much sleep
you drown a little more

and resign your self to the slow death of adulthood
Andrea 2014
 May 2014 Mada
Bert Quinonez
sometimes my soul sinks underneath
what it's been and what it's yet to be
to feel the depths that is the sea
that darkness, it engulfs me

tonight it swoops
and takes a dive
but hopefully with the sun
it will once again peak and rise.
 Mar 2014 Mada
MS Lynch
Golden fresh air cuts your lips,
but as long as they’re not sinking ships,
I’ll kiss them chapped or broken or even when I have lipstick on.
And I’m sorry I ruffle your feathers and make steam come out your ears,
but I’m a snowflake in an avalanche
and you are the beloved of the world.
I’ll leave notes all over your journal in purple crayon,
so that when you write at night you think of me.
And I hope when you see dandelion puffs floating through the air,
you’ll think of how we wished for each other
and how those wishes actually came true.
Real love is unconditional, it never goes away,
but there comes a time you realize you need to let it go.
Your soul’s touched mine in oceans and in skies and in purple crayon kisses spent on your twin bed.
His lips left bruises on mine, and now I am afraid.
But flowers grow from ashes and friendship can come from a broken heart.
If you wish on a dandelion for another girl,
or leave notes in her journal in purple crayon,
or show her oceans and skies in her soul,
or love her on your twin bed,
I hope she’s beautiful
and I hope she makes your world beautiful, too.
 Mar 2014 Mada
Zajan Akia
The urge to
write a new piece
it comes up
like the feeling you get
right before you're about
to throw up
in the back seat
of a bad idea

but it's not all bad
you always feel better after
well, right after

then you sip some water
close your eyes
say never again

but that's the whole
fun of it,
after all
 Mar 2014 Mada
My heart screams at me
but my battered soul sits huddled in the corner
      telling me that I don't deserve
                                       or happiness
that these things that give me hope
will end up being a mistake
that will lead to even more pain in my life

But I'm tired of being scared
      and denying myself
           all of the good things in life

So I'm jumping into this
      with my eyes open
           and hoping I can survive this one
 Mar 2014 Mada
I want to beat this dead horse straight into the ground
to the point where there is nothing left but my tears and sweat
falling to the dirt and swept away by the wind
 Mar 2014 Mada
Do you ever feel like your skin just isn’t fitting right over your body anymore?
No matter how many times you stretch out your limbs,
your skin just doesn’t want to go with it.
 Feb 2014 Mada
I won't tell you not to,
because I know the impulse
and I've never been one
to not practice what I preach.

Just know that I refrain,
even if I don't want to.

and know that I love you,
even if I don't show it all the time.

Know that your not alone(AVPM)
even if you couldn't feel lonlier.

Know that I've been down your road,
and that I regret the ending.

it's not too late, and you're never out of options.

don't back yourself into a corner because you feel you have to.

you are loved, and needed.
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