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Apr 2015 · 2.3k
You Make Me Feel
Alyssa Apr 2015
I have never been able to put into words how you make me feel


How your touch sends tingles from my spine down to my toes


How your hands feel, running over my skin as if it were silk


How your lips feel against my skin


How your tongue feels against my teeth


How your arms feel around me


How your gentle touch caresses away my tears

(it's okay dear you don't need people who treat you like that anyways)

How your eyes run across every inch of me, like you love what you see

(do you really? yes)

How your quiet, slow voice comforts me

(we'll be okay I promise and even if we're not I won't leave I'll be here by your side always darling I promise)

How your words become stuck in my mind


You make me feel

Apr 2015 · 292
In The End
Alyssa Apr 2015
My darling,
                         is meant
                                    to be
                        ­                         r
                 ­                              My dear,
                                                           we will
                                                            ­           all be
                                                              ­                     s
                                                               ­                                  h
                                                               ­           a
                                                    ­                                  tt
                            ­                                                     e
                                                               ­                                       r
                        ­                                                     e
                                                               ­                             d
                                  ­                                                                 ­         in the end.
Apr 2015 · 392
A Curious Thing
Alyssa Apr 2015
Love is a curious thing
It builds us up
And breaks us down
It creates and destroys
Brings happiness and sadness
Everyone wants it
Craves it
Needs it
Until it breaks you
Until you find yourself ruined in the aftermath of love gone wrong
And you begin to think that you would be better off without love
That you don't need it
Or want it
But would you really?
Would you be better without that heartbreak?
Would you have learned those lessons
Or made those same realizations about love
And life
And joy
And laughter
And sorrow?
Isn't it better to go through the sorrow and come out on the other side
So that one day
You can find love again
A better, stronger, happier love
Because isn't that what everyone wants?
Apr 2015 · 675
Alyssa Apr 2015
I fall asleep
with your name on my lips
and thoughts of you
in my restless mind

And I wake with the taste of you
lingering on my tongue
and your beautiful face
seared into my closed eylelids

— The End —