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 Jun 2014 Lost Soul
all night daylight like winter
snuggle up and snuggle down
that kind of weather
a day in bed Alleluia
the world will go on without me
while I lay down talking with Jesus
 Jun 2014 Lost Soul

Amen= so be it
 Jun 2014 Lost Soul
nothing like the thought you will die
to make you wake up and live
 Jun 2014 Lost Soul
 Jun 2014 Lost Soul
you can fly little bird
I cannot
I wish you well
you make my day
 Jun 2014 Lost Soul
Life is too short,
friendship too important,
cherish your friends
Friendship is hard hard!
 Jun 2014 Lost Soul
 Jun 2014 Lost Soul
so many sisters;
you cant marry them all
 Jun 2014 Lost Soul
Just Remember
No Matter How Sad You Are
That Tomorrow Maybe More Brighter
Than Today

Just A Random 15w Poem!!! :) ~~~~<3
Hope You Enjoy It!! ~~~<3
(And Reasons Why I Have It Pretty Good)*

2. Starving people in Africa who have nothing that even resembles a stable govermnent to keep them safe and fed and alive. 

3. Couples going through divorce or recovering from divorce, and their poor children. =\

4. Drug addicts living on the streets without a family or a hope. 

5. Women and children caught up in human trafficking and slavery who have no one to save them. 

6. Would-be-mothers who cannot have children. This is heartbreaking for many women. 

7. Children abused by their own parents who then have to go through foster care and withstand the constant reminder that they do not have parents that love and care for them. 

8. People who have no hope and who believe a bottle of pills is the only way to take away their pain. Life is never a curse, and it is not one's responsibility to take when it becomes unbearable. 

9. Fathers who can't find a job in our economy and who feel like a failure because they can't support their family's needs. 

10. People who sit in a church and believe they are being good enough to go to heaven, when they've never heard the true gospel spoken to them before. 

1. And most importantly...the great number of individuals who have not heard and those who have rejected the Good News of Jesus Christ. It's nothing that I have done that makes me any different than them, but only the grace of God that I took hold of. I won't stand by while my fellow man lives on less than I do every day. I am blessed with food, a better government than many in this world, and parents who love each other and the Lord. I have a life of hope that sustains me better than drugs, a life worth living, and the financial support that only God could supply. And I have a church that preaches the gospel each Sunday and reminds me of how much I need Him. 

Lord, never let me forget Your many blessings. Self-pity, worry, and depression keep me from my true potential as Your daughter and servant. Show me how to share my blessings with others, so that I can spread Your Word to everyone I meet.
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