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When the life inside of me begins to wither
like the leaves on winter trees,
And my breath begins to slow,
I'll use the very lasts gasps to say
how I get high to the smell of rain,
And that sunflowers
make me smile so naturally.
I'll say how I like the time spent alone,
And the nights I can't seem to find sleep.
I'll talk of the chills that overcome my body
when crashing waves reach my feet,
And of the beautiful ryhmes
always running through my head.
I'll reveal how I'm secretly drawn to the cold,
And how summer is my favorite season.
I'll tell them how the woods call my name
as I walk by,
I need their mystery.
And with my final bit of life,
I'll say how above all,
I'm happiest when I'm dancing.
Inspired by a poem with the same title that my best friend wrote. Loved the process and writing this one. Great topic
 Nov 2014 Lizzie Walker
I should've guessed, I should've known.
If there's a lightning, thunder will come.

That I was a guest, this wasn't my home,
but I was just too afraid to be alone.

Winds might change after tomorrow
and the sea my pain could somehow swallow.

But today there's this mountain of sorrow,
that blocks the sun, and makes me feel hollow.
I wished you could've met my beloved
Mary-jo-anna while she still lived among us
Imparting on us her wisdom and wondrous ways

Her eyes could see through any secretive soul
Her fragrance would soothe any pensive nerve
She'd make every meal a gastronomical delight
Her embrace would cradle me to a blissful sleep
Her mind could cure the most torturous disease
She'd make every tune a sensuous delight.

Life was wonderful for us indeed
When Mary-jo-anna was still among us
Imparting on us her wisdom and wondrous ways

But she fell foul foul eventually, of our Big Brother
For she showed the people his hypocritical ways
Exasperated! he conspired with the village elders
To drive her away, with lies about her “devious ways”

She's now an exile among the sages, hidden away
Imparting on them her wisdom and wondrous ways
While our village degrades to hatred and hypocrisy
Under the thumb of Big Brother's oppressive ways

The people are awakening to what they have done
And long to have Mary-jo-anna among us again
Free among her people and free from ridicule
To impart on us her wisdom and wondrous ways
Poem dedicated to Pradip Chattopadhyay for his many kind words.
Hemingway said
that writing is easy
"All you do
is sit down at a typewriter
and bleed."

But sometimes
bleeding can be
the hardest thing to do
Create in me
A whole new being
With sunlight
And invisibility
Even in the things
We cannot see
All Unseen forces
In nature
Many say

Create in us
A way to view
The things we need
To see it through
The miracle
The revelation
The tenderness
Of all creation

With respect
With love
Combing the care
Brushing our fingers
Through every single hair
Of one another

Looking up with
Eyes of wonder
A childlike spirit
Of thunder
Create in us
Ethereal joy
Every girl
Every boy

No matter what age
No matter what stage
In our lives may we
Strive to learn
What you teach
Feeling renewed
Not tired
Nor afraid
Brand new
When we

With respect
And With love
Combing the care
Brushing our fingers
Through every single hair
Of one another
Soft strands
No demands

A newness
A wholeness
A tenderness
To care for
One another
Our Grandfathers
Our Grandmothers
Our Great Great
A magic
A pure love
Light show
Of eternal

Explode with
A rapture of happiness
Rejoicing in the prize
The gift of one another
The jewel of our lives
The sweetness in
Our eyes

With respect
And With love
Combing the care
Brushing our fingers
Through every single hair
Of one another
Soft strands
No demands


The art of losing isn't hard to master;
so many things seem filled with the intent
to be lost that their loss is no disaster.

Lose something every day. Accept the fluster
of lost door keys, the hour badly spent.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.

Then practice losing farther, losing faster:
places, and names, and where it was you meant
to travel. None of these will bring disaster.

I lost my mother's watch. And look! my last, or
next-to-last, of three loved houses went.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.

I lost two cities, lovely ones. And, vaster,
some realms I owned, two rivers, a continent.
I miss them, but it wasn't a disaster.

--Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture
I love) I shan't have lied.  It's evident
the art of losing's not too hard to master
though it may look like (Write it!) like disaster.

— The End —