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 Jan 2015 Liz Stevens
Why do you wait?
And what are you waiting for?

Life isn't handed to us on a silver platter,
we work and work so tirelessly if we truly want something.

So stop waiting for a golden chance,
Do whatever you can now.
Not tomorrow, or the day after.
Stop waiting.

 Aug 2014 Liz Stevens
Eddie Starr
As the World drown in their suffering, hurt, and sorrow.
Christ Spirit the Holy Spirit becomes a Life jacket for the Saved.
Keeping them above water in this world of Suffering a world of evil.
There is so much that is wrong in the world of today, so much evil.
But Christ prophize  that the world would become an evil place.
This is one of many reasons that we need to focus on Christ.
For by trusting him, he has our undivided attention and our faith.
For there is no one except him that holds the key of our salvation.
So we need to move forward trusting him with our lives completely.
 Jul 2014 Liz Stevens
Eddie Starr
Lost without knowledge, until you appeared O Shining Savior.
Now I too want to be a bright Light in this darken world that I live in.
I do not mind the hardships from time to time my Great Lord God.
As long as you do not abandon me and use me to help out others,
For this is truly my goal to lend a hand to those that are drowning.
In this sea of hellish torment and sorrow, rescue them as well God.
For I am a brother to my sisters and brothers that are suffering now.
Save them, like you have saved me , from a one way ticket to doom.
Save them use me and my FB brothers and sisters as well as others.
To rescue all that are lost and living in sorrow and torment O Lord.
 Jul 2014 Liz Stevens
Joe Bradley
The still English heat,
The ***** promise of July the 1st
Leaves the grass a mottled yellow
And the dappled shade of the purple birch
Almost holy.
Specks of precise and glittering pollen
Rest upon beds of browning foxgloves.
Cats are left collapsed,
Blissed out, lulled into dreams
of this motionless sun shining forever.

I feel your hands in my stomach
And I'm hungry for your grip
As the hot sky only ripens
My daydreams of your laugh.
The thick scent of withering hyacinth
Is the curve of your back,
the taste of your sweat.

A stain of certainty is baked in
By July the 1st.
Novocain for my infected English heart.
Whispering the start of a love that will be
kicking leaves through October
And sharing warmth through December.
 Jun 2014 Liz Stevens
We waste most of the time,
trying to find that one thing we all desire,
But what we all do not know is,
happiness lies in everything,
even the littlest things.
Happiness lies in a beautiful day,
where the sun is up,
and the sky is in a shade of blue.
Happiness lies in the people we love,
a lover,
a friend,
a family member.
Happiness lies in a good cup of coffee,
and a friend we share lovely conversations with.
Happiness lies in wonderful moments,
Happiness lies in music,
the ones we dance and sing along to.
Happiness lies in someone's laughter,
and a smile so bright,
it shines one's heart.

Happiness lies in everything surrounding us.
In every action,

In every word,

In every thought,

In everything,
God in me.
My mantra.
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