Day by day,
He feeds me the manna of His Word.
Piece by piece.
Morsel after morsel.
Until I find I am craving more.
For nothing else can satisfy
my thirsty soul,
like the Bread from Heaven
of His Word.
Each word...
each morsel of light and life...
nourishes me in my inmost being.
Nothing else on this earth
comes close to satisfying.
I cry out "Lord, I want more!
For nothing else can save me, heal me,
deliver me, like Your powerful Word."
He answers, "Come, my child, you are
invited to the Feast,
to feast on Me, feast on My Word,
and find true life."
Empty from the broken cisterns
of the world,
I come to His Feast.
He feeds me the manna of His Word,
piece by piece,
morsel after morsel.
Until I find I am craving more.
Until He has filled up
my empty soul.