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 May 2015 Leo Cunio
i dont really understand,
why this happens to me.
why my father doesn't truly care.
why my mother is in prison.
why i cant help but want to die,
or try and fly away.
everytime nana is near,
i feel my eyes pleading with her.
she once told me
'just wait, your time will come.'
but im sure thats just what she tells herself
so she doesn't go insane.
 May 2015 Leo Cunio
too bad, i'm too close to stop.
the crazy train skipped my stop
and is plunging me through hell.
nothing about me is right, or okay, i wont get well.
 May 2015 Leo Cunio
i crave for the  blood flow

i cry for the **non-existent love
 May 2015 Leo Cunio
Rivers Kay
I made a promise to keep him safe.

9 times worse just in case.

I kept my promise...
I know what it's  like to be lied to...
It hurts, and it's insane...

But i kept my promise.
and i will again and again
 May 2015 Leo Cunio
A broken mirror,

A bleeding fist,

A sliver blade against a wrist,

Tears falling down to lips unkissed,

Ignore her and she won't exist,

She's not the kind you'll come to miss..
 May 2015 Leo Cunio
I was so close,
Last night,
And you stopped me,

Do you hate me,
That ******* much,
I'm hurting,
Disgusted with myself,
Sick in many ways,

I don't see why you,
Insist to keep me here,
Let me go,
I know it'll hurt,
But let me go,
Because one big thing is,

I don't want to be here without you,
I told you that,
Yet I am,
So let me go away,
To another place,
And just stay there,
For a good bit,
We will meet up someday.
last night I was so close to ending my life. But yet I just had another sleepless night. But one thing I have never done is brake like this in school. And look at me. You seen me this morning, everyone did. That is disgusting. Understand now? Why I say all those "horrible" things about me. Maybe just maybe because they are the truth??
 May 2015 Leo Cunio
"I'm saying you need to find your happiness."
she said..

"You were my ******* happiness"
I replied..

she said..

"That's because there is NO US and that was my happiness so I guess this is me until I die.."*
I replied..
 May 2015 Leo Cunio
I felt so happy for a while,
I finally felt okay,
But why did I believe I was getting better,
When I knew that I would sink right back into my usual self,
I am bad again,
I am worse then before,
And any hope that I had left,
Is gone.
8 months of feeling okay, feeling safe, feeling happy, real smile, and there for a second okay with myself, you took it all away.
 May 2015 Leo Cunio
 May 2015 Leo Cunio
Stupid us
thinking we were
in love.*

Stupid me
thinking I was finally
good enough.
 May 2015 Leo Cunio
You see cutters
don't cut for attention,
they cut because they have
an addiction.
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