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 Aug 2017 Leal Knowone

I believe in love...
In a blink of an eye, a life goes by
extinguished in the end.
And all that's done returns to dust.
No omen can portend.
Yet love lives on, infecting all
and never really dies
It goes beyond the realm of man
to live in fragrant skies.
And on the spacious sea of clouds,
it waits to find a port.
And then it anchors in a soul
to caper and cavort.

In the emotional beginning
When head was yet held high
Stumbling through clouds
Of bright blurry skies
Love was a foolish quest
Of paralyzing highs
And now you're telling me
Love can never die?

the clouds we've sailed
and golden sunsets made
Kisses that we could have had
while watching rainbows fade.
Alas, a life's too short to spend
in fathomless regret.
Perhaps the wheel will turn again
another lifetime yet.
And so, my love
the voyage goes on,
to "golden years"?
We'll see.
the other side reveals
what shall become of "we".

A dangerous theory
I can't imagine
Love roaming free
The source of all misery
Another invisible ghost
Possessing unaware host
Love is the blood we bleed
All across time and history
Love is more than a mere key
More than a want
Love is a need...

Traveler Tim

 Jul 2017 Leal Knowone
Every ring needs a leader
He's not a "con man" just a cheater
Every ****** needs a pusher
She's a lover not a ******

As these gutters open wide
Feel the lust, you're still alive
Allow his words upon bare flesh
Close your eyes and hold your breath

Open up and let it out
Hum, moan, scream or shout
That's what living's all about

Every ring needs it's leader
He's a Poet with a one track meter
Traveler Tim
About no one in particular... (-:
Never trust the establishment
They do not exist for our benefit
For they believe  that we exist
For their convenience
Their only purpose is self-perpetuation
And they think that our only function
Is to accommodate that purpose
Whereas our true cause should be
To get rid of the *******

                                        By Phil Roberts
 Feb 2017 Leal Knowone
Dawn King
Shattered broken fragments
Scattered about the floor
I've touched each one
And the ones before


Forming a whole;
I'll touch them no more
This is an original work by Dawn King and must not be copied.
The world was a tapestry hung on simple pillars once.
They taught us how to see our place in it, what to do, how to act
Who we were supposed to be.

But we never saw behind the curtain
Where things never considered were boiling
And caught us one by one to change what was promised.

Who was prepared not to be loved, or for failure
Or to survive the death of traditions and the
Acceptance of something once taboo to be the norm?

The tapestry has changed and all the nostalgia in
My heart can’t restore what it was.  
I can’t embrace it, but I have a tool to cope.

“Go with the flow, Jimmy,”
My mother said,
“Go with the flow”.
 Feb 2017 Leal Knowone
The city had dark clouds above
And the streets were plain
Everyone is either making love
Or else expecting rain
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