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Seems I search your name
Like a deer returns to stream
Unquenchable thirst
In the deepest dark
As just before the dawn breaks
Your light bids me see
Haiku form
come and go, i'm here.
walk away, i'm here.
i'm here for me :)
A place and time for every word
said and heard

Never once felt, left alone on the
word book pictured

Meaningful or meaningless, aimlessly targeted, the word muttered
thankfully went unheard

Hurt nor hurled, the word lost in between
playing boomerang

A place and time for every word
said and heard
Some quick thoughts about words :)
A lone kingfisher
Meditates on lotus bud
Fish in the pond springs

Tigress walks her cubs
Ferocious, in her ways
Grooms with love, to prey

A stag in the woods
Flies with swiftness of the wind
Sacred its antlers
Inspired by photos shared by a friend!
Thanks for reading. :)
And, they were mere words
Language understood by few
Fewer, read emotions
The heart, remains red
The wall clean,
And again,
just words
Timely wrapped
To make a word wrap

Saves a thought
From a word drought

Survival from the swamp
No word ever goes damp
A thought to survive in a swamp of many
Has to be timely worded

I enjoy writing about thoughts, purely words :)
   Lost and Found


Turn me Bitter
    or make me Better.

The choice is mine
    My life define.

I choose Life
    Not Death.

I choose Giving
    Not Taking

I choose Love
    Not Hate

I choose His way
    Not mine.

The choice is Mine
The choice is Mine.
(c) 09-26-2010
Eight years ago...
I choose
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