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 Nov 2014 elizabeth capital
It took me forever to find someone I believe I could depend on,
Now I just have to run with that.
I can’t let these fears rule my mind forever,
Like a clock going around and around,
Fixed at the same point forever
I can’t keep letting days, and weeks go by
Not doing anything to ensure my happiness.
I need to move on,
Stop worrying
And let life take me where I need to go.
I don’t want to stay here, I’m not happy.
I need to move on,
Though I would prefer to be with you…
After long conversations and me going over it again and again in my head,
I came to the conclusion that
I wasted time on people
Who weren’t good enough for me
Weren’t what I need
Weren’t the one and
Weren’t worth it
I’m disappointed that it took me this long to this conclusion
Trial and error I suppose
It’s easy to move on when there’s no feelings left
And I’m happy to report
I found someone new
I’m confident he’s worth all my time
It was fun moving on
It showed me that there are still good people out there
You just have to get through the ****** ones first.
Adapted an old poem "Part 24" and added a part, i'm happy with it. i think it communicates well how i'm feeling.
How do you know if today is going to be your last day?

How would you be remembered to those around you?

Live the days of your life like they're your last, because who knows what might happen.

Leave a positive impression on those around you, before the last wisp of air leaves you between between your purple lips.
I know.
You only wanted the best for me.
You wanted to see me grow tall and strong.
Did you ever see the signs?
Those sharp needles trying to push you away?
You watered me.
You watered me.
You watered me.
I drowned!
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