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 Feb 2016 N Paul
MS Lim
No, not discontent
but the consuming fire
that rushes through the veins
to allow words
to find their voice
in the poetry-land
of the heart and mind

here is the culmination
the distillation
the illumination
of the poet's finest thoughts
and feelings
where experiences
through every life's passage
come to blend together
to find utterances
so mysterious and profound
as to be beyond
his human comprehension.

Is the poet
a chosen breed?

He asks himself
but knows not.
 Feb 2016 N Paul
Tina Marie
Show me
 Feb 2016 N Paul
Tina Marie
Don't tell me I'm beautiful.
Look deep into my soul, past my scars, and tell me I have a beautiful heart.

Don't tell me you want to make love to me.
Let me in the place your demons live and make me love you in spite of them.

Don't tell me you want to love me the rest of our lives.
Make me believe it's possible to build a life with you.

Don't tell me you love me.*
Show me in so many ways that there is no doubt in my mind and I just know it.
 Feb 2016 N Paul
Marcus Belcher
Solemn and righteous
Alone and wandering
Many are looking
Under earth and up at stars
Ready for that moment
A single moment
In which their life blossoms
Just a little snippet from my next book coming soon...
 Feb 2016 N Paul
I thought a girl is
A beautiful loving delicate dove
A gorgeous admiring sweet blessing
A pretty cute free fairy
Huh and I got a shove

I am regarded as a girl
Just because I am physically weak
I can't  go out of the cage
Just because I am physically weak
People make fun of me
Just because I am physically weak
I am in danger
Just because I am physically weak
I cannot make decisions
Just because I am physically weak
I cannot raise my voice
Just because I am physically weak
I cannot dream
Just because I am physically weak
I am restricted
Just because I am physically weak
I am tortured
Just because I am physically weak
I am kidnapped and *****
Just because I am physically weak
I am a burden
Just because I am physically weak
I can't debate
Just because I am physically weak
I am insulted
Just because I am physically weak
I am cursed
By being physically weak

I wish you killed me
Before expelling me out
Instead of killing after giving birth
Just because I am physically weak

*By a physically weak human aka A Girl
Division is the tool to try
when all you want is fear.
They relish that we're paranoid,
and thrive upon our tears.

Hoping we'll turn our anger out
and rise in arms to strike
at those whom we can hate and doubt
at those we don't look like.

It fuels those who would aim for more,
those whose scruples are unjust,
those who seek a favoured war,
with trepidation and broken trust.

Mislead and swindling Holy writ,
coercing faith to poisons tool.
With hope from those so full of ****
must gain endearment from the fool.

Whatever your religion be
don't let them speak in your name
cause then the light we'll never see
and they will win their game.
The devil can cite scripture for his own purpose.
“William Shakespeare” The Merchant of Venice.

Dec 15th 2015
© Copyright Christopher K Bayliss 2014
 Feb 2016 N Paul
Tommy Jackson
Ever since I was younger
All I ever heard from each politician was!
( I CAN make your land great again)

It's been fifty plus years and I noticed something?
Over the last fifty years just in
My lifetime..


So for the upcoming hopeful voters

Vote for who you will
But still

Another soldiers being killed

Our land Will not once be great again.
Take it from mother earth
She's cursed in the dim.
 Feb 2016 N Paul
We did not break down walls
But entire cities within me.

Thank you.
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