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  Jan 2016 TigerEyes
Walter W Hoelbling
the year is new
the problems stay the same

the one or other
   may have gotten a new name
yet the proverbial hope
    that they would simply disappear
   with time passing
remains just that

still  every year begins
    with quickening hearts
    and firm decisions
    the best intentions
    and new hope
that we will finally do
those things which to achieve
we’ve had on our mind
all these 12 months
that now belong inevitably to the past

so   in the early hours
of the latest new beginning
we promise to be strong
always prepare to meet the unexpected
and get things done at last

but first   dear friends
first   we shall celebrate
our chance to see the new year’s sun arise

TigerEyes Jan 2016
Let me be the woman I was meant to be
let me run wild through fields of gold
let me run when I am old...
I want to travel the world with you my love
I want to fly with you above
Riding wild horses on the beach
as passionate waves splash upon our feet
Oh, this is the life I want to know
with warm fires inside while it snows...
I read to you as you read to me
all the poems we believe to be...
the wonderful life together that we see.
TigerEyes Dec 2015

Nineteen see's the world with hopeful eyes
with long black lashes, and wistful smiles
she had her world all mapped out
there was no stopping her she would shout
regret met her at twenty six
when the doctors told her she was sick
still she did not let that pain beat her down
No, she was up for a second round...
she was brave with courageous days
with her daughter she did stay
through the years she married men
who attempted to beat her down again
the warrior spirit of nineteen was still there
a fighter with spirit who would not dare--
dare to give in to her despair…
And —
For all the souls who came, and went —
that glanced upon her as angels wept
for a life that she would never know
for all the love that she could ever show
that never saw the pain she felt when un-approving
stares were sent —
Nineteen’s spirit sailed on —she never felt so strong --
as she sailed on, and her spirit went.
  Dec 2015 TigerEyes
Samuel Hesed
As I woke from my living nightmare,
My eyes were blinded by shining gold.

My hands touched the misty waters,
The chill shivered my weakened bones.

I started to think,
Is this the end?
Have I reach the finish line.

The boat began to shake,
My heart skipped a beat.

Then, a voice arose from the creaking floor.
"Next stop, Heavens Gates."

Blood rushed inside of my veins,
A race was made with fate,
And all I could do was wait.

The boat stopped.
My eyes were freed,
Oh, what I feared to see.

I saw,
Calm white waters.
I saw,
Lost souls underneath my feet.
I saw,
A man standing in the distance,
With Golden gates at his back.

He called me by name.
His voice felt like a whisper.
He said, "Do not be afraid."

I started to walk on still waters,
Following the pure blood stains-
Towards the Man in front of Heaven Gates.

The water started to stand above my eyes.
With each climb it made,
My faith was slayed.

I began to sink.
My foot was trapped by Satan's grasp.
I started to scream,
But my voice was taken,
by Hell's Kraken.

Before my faith was lost,
To death's masterpiece,
The man spoke again,
“Peace! Be still!”

The rising waves,
Which was my grave,
became the slave.

He reached out his hand for mine.
He lift me out of Satan's care,
And said the words I'll never forget.
“Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?”

I looked upon his face,
For this is what I feared to see,
The Son of Man standing in front of me.

I tried to speak,
But my lips were shut.
I tried to weep,
But my heart was a sleep.

He spoke again,
And he said to me.

"I am the way,
And the truth,
And the life.
No one comes to the Father-
except through me."

When I felt my doom was near,
He uttered the words,
"I forgive you."

At last,
My fear was destroyed.
My heart was filled with Joy.

Then, the last words he said to me,
"Welcome to Heavens Gates."
Copyright © 2015 Paul Forbes All Rights Reserved
  Dec 2015 TigerEyes
Samuel Hesed
It stood on a throne,
Made out of lime stone.

It was clothed,
In colorless gold.

It wore a shadeless crown,
Above its brow.

Its heart was frozen-
From winters night.

Its soul was diced,
by Jack Frost's knife.

It stood alone,
In its quite abyss.
Dismissing my stare.

Though it was free,
It looked lost at sea.

For, I waited to hear a plea,
But it was silent as a willow tree.

Time passed-
And it started to bow

To the brown earth beneath its feet,
To the blue sky above its crown.

Though, the journey was over,
And the final Goodbyes were made.

I could never forget the pride in its eyes,
Or why it stood so still.

For to this day,
I question if I'll every discover,
If the White Rose knew,
Of its wonder?
Copyright © 2015 Paul Forbes All Rights Reserved
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