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i'll dance in the rain falling in your heart
and you will dance with me
we'll laugh at it,
and we will never wake from the dream
we create inside ourselves
the nightmares they will stop
the rain will stop too
a rainbow will shine
and i will be there to see it
in your eyes

you'll dance in the rain falling in my heart
and i will dance with you
we'll be like madmen
we'll sing unheard songs
and the rain will go
i know
you'll be here to see
the sun shining in my soul.

we'll be happy.
you make me laugh
and I smile at your words
my heart is lifted
and my soul is fed

your words flow
into my blood
like I need you to survive
to keep me alive

pictures painted
with consonants and vowels
a string of words
that bind my wrists
my heart

and I am there with you
for every step you take
my feet
my heart
will follow you
where ever you lead

you make me cry
tears of anger and loss
tears shed at your plight
I hoped and prayed
that this time
when I read your story again
that this time
maybe you wouldn't die.
I love reading, I re-read a book recently that made me cry...
I was at work and someone said "oh you are crying.. why, what happened?" and I said "I knew the character died, but... I hoped this time he wouldn't.."
Yeah.. a bit silly :o)
Maybe I want to be single
maybe I like myself that way
I can do just as I please
no matter what they say

Maybe I like being alone
and take pleasure in being myself
having fun and loving life
I am not left upon the shelf

I am dancing and I'm singing
I read and draw and paint
maybe I don't want to be a couple
unhappy? no I ain't..

Maybe I like to be silent
and not have to talk for days
I can come and go as I please
I am happy in so many ways

And I like being by myself
I feel comfortable with me
don't assume I need another
I am happy and carefree

I'm not ready to be 'taken'
I am as happy as can be
my life's just the way I want it
I am happy just being.. me
It seems I have spent my whole life with someone else. I lived at home until I was married at 18, lived with my husband until I was 35. Until now, I'd never had a room to myself and I have never lived alone. Now I find I like my space. I love to do the things I love. I am happy and content to be just me. I can be carefree and wander, finding out more and more about myself that I didn't know before. One day, maybe I will find love, or love will find me... either way,
I'm in no rush.. i'm just enjoying the scenery.
Dance with me and pay the price,
it's no big deal, the music's nice,
a twirl, a tap, why won't you glide?
I promise not to hurt your pride.

My heels click and stomp about,
your feet intact, without a doubt,
but something cracks, between us both,
a shattered, silent, bond-broken oath.

My smiles full of blind deceit,
your trust denied in fast defeat,
I've grown tired of this masquerade,
now you wish you hadn't stayed?

I can't believe you thought you'd be my match,
that we'd make it out without a scratch,
but jokes on you, and me too,
this was our final dance, so enjoy the view.
You thought you could dance with me, but we weren't even dancing to the same song. No wonder you walked all over me, we could never be in rhythm. We were never dancing the same steps.
i take it back
my name from your lips
it doesn't belong there

i take it back
my love from your heart
you don't deserve it

i take it back
my life from yours
it was never yours to keep

i take it back
so i can live again
without you.
 Mar 2016 Kanupriya Khurana
I fell asleep
Beneath a cherry blossom
Because the spring had made it bloom
And it reminded me of you

I fell asleep
Beneath a cherry blossom
Because your lost to me and gone foervever
But it was like sleeping next to you


I fell asleep
Beneath the cherry blossom
Because I had no other choice
My heart told me to

I fell asleep
Beneath the cherry blossom
Because I had no place I should be
And it felt like home to me
I hope people recognize how profound and beautiful this poem is, but I've learned not to expect as much. Anyways, I hope y'all enjoy
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