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 Oct 2016 Koray Feyiz
East Wind
I'm only just starting to see what I can do with my pen
There was a great language barrier that was holding me still
But it's time now, I think, to let my mind wander
And see what I can do when my ink meets paper
 Oct 2016 Koray Feyiz
East Wind
I count stars
to pass my days
because I don't know
what else to do
I count sheep
to fall asleep
because I don't know
how else to breathe
I stay in a haze
to navigate inside my head
because I don't know
how else to live
And whenever you walk by
I stay low
because I don't know
how to say hello
 Oct 2016 Koray Feyiz
East Wind
River banks
beach sands
muddy waters
loud laughs
all the things
I think about
when I'm awake at night

Rhyming words
fairy tales
true stories
laugh lines
all the things
I think about
when I'm daydreaming in class

Once in a while, my thoughts collide
the common thread,
is you by my side
 Oct 2016 Koray Feyiz
East Wind
A sweet old lady told me that:
I've got a poet's heart and a wanderer's spirit
I don't know about that, but
I like to paint life
to be more than I see it
If time stops now,
I wonder if we'll know?
I think...,I think
we're all trying to freeze time
the best way we know how.
 Oct 2016 Koray Feyiz
East Wind
Why do I feel restless
whenever I'm near you?
Why do I feel hopeless
like I don't deserve you ?
Why do I care too much
about what you think of me?
Does this mean I like you
or that I don't like me?
Is it love or maybe not?
 Oct 2016 Koray Feyiz
East Wind
Body of water
you love the way it moves
feel it grow stronger
as the sun sets
Dark skies and bright moon
invite you to rest
but you feel alive
as the world sleeps

Waves crashing into rocks
making a roaring sound
captured in slow motion
deep within your mind
Dark skies and the blue moon
invite you to gaze
at the stars up above
until your troubles fade
 Oct 2016 Koray Feyiz
East Wind
When I'm feeling sad
I don't tell you.
You notice anyway that I'm not being myself.
You don't push me to say what's bothering me or where
my head is lately.
Instead, you wait patiently for me to be ready.
And in the meantime,
you bake me cookies.
My roommate and best friend just baked me cookies and gave me several hugs in the past two hours. She deserves something better than this poem but until then...
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