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you always hear the same things
"Love isn't something you find. Love is something that finds you."
"Being in love with somebody is a wonderful feeling."
"love makes the world go round."
and let's not forget
"Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye."
"Love is the joy of the good"
you know some are drunk on the idea that love is the reason of living
and it can cure every sadness.
that's flat out foolish
now I'm not trashing the feeling
cause the saying
"'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."
is oh so true
sometimes people come in your life as a blessing or a lesson
sometimes love isn't what you dreamed it would be
sometimes you fall in love with the wrong person
sometimes love is just not for everyone
 Jun 2015 Kodis
Lauren A Todd
"Oh Lord Jesus," breathes the mother, as the old man tinkers away at her ice cream truck.
And her sons play in the yard, unaware their breakfast hangs in arms of the old man.
I whisper my own plead, observing from my porch,
"Oh Lord Jesus."
 Jun 2015 Kodis
Another Day
 Jun 2015 Kodis
There was nothing ever here for me

Just another day

Followed by a night

And I'm just happy to be alone

Forever alone

No career

No future for America

Store food and water

Destruction and the end

I bet it's coming soon

Would be more fun I guess

If I didn't spend every hour of every day alone

America is doomed

My first mistake was thinking that someone could love me as much as I loved them
It seems that no matter how much you care or how much you're there it isn't enough
Ive come to the conclusion that my meaning in life is to make people happy until im not needed anymore
But I need to feel what its like to be needed

I'm always the strong one, but you can only be strong for so long before you begin to crack
Theres only so much weight I can bare on my back
You always seem to be judged by what you lack

I'd like to see you spend just one night in my mind
I can garuntee you won't be fine
Ive never felt so lost
The scars on my arms don't even begin to resemble the scars on my heart
Ive lost a part of me and im no longer who I used to be

Subtelty was never my specialty
and maybe if I was more subtle nobody would be able to see how broken I actually am

Part of me wants to let you go but part of me also wants to watch you grow
My heart is the anchor for your dreaded emotions because when he hurts you I hurt a little bit too
But the saddest part of all is through thick and thin I always have been and will always be there for you
Because I care for you with all my soul
and baby girl thats more than any of them can do
 Jun 2015 Kodis
Elizabeth P
 Jun 2015 Kodis
Elizabeth P
Clear tears are reflected in the mirror
Fingertips lie on cold glass
Locking eyes with someone I used to know
Back when they had thought before they acted
Back before they were beautiful
Back before they were loved

But now
I don't recognize the figure
The beautiful lie she portrays
Touting herself as honest
Then breaking him with not one
But four lies
The boy loves her
She loves the boy
But not enough apparently
Now the relationship with the boy she dreamed of
Hangs on by a thread
And it's all her fault
Eyes tell the story of her haunting guilt
Nightly tears
Can't seem to forgive herself
But no one else seems to see
But the ******* the other side of the mirror

Fingertips slide down the glass
I beg to the good one for help
But she turns her back
I break down and pray for a miracle
Because it'll take one to fix this
 Jun 2015 Kodis
You two
 Jun 2015 Kodis
I watch you two
Struggle for each other
In an ocean
Of self doubt
And beaten self Esteam
Can you see perfection
When it crosses your palm like a bribe
Begging not silence but speach
 Jun 2015 Kodis
Hold me tight
 Jun 2015 Kodis
Hold me tight
So tight
That all my pieces
Fit back together
Hold me close
So close
That all my parts
Click back together
Hold me so I can
Stop falling apart
Over and over again
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