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  Dec 2018 Kimi
Can you promise yourself to be happy
even when everything isn't meant to be?

Can you promise yourself to be happy
even when there's no reason to be?

Can you promise yourself to be happy
even when everything points to the other direction?

Can you promise yourself to be happy
even when it's means having to be like me?
life ***** a lot at times. sometimes, that's all there is--no life lesson, or whatever. sometimes life just *****. and that's the end of it.
Kimi Dec 2018
drip, drop, drip, drop.
pitter, patter, pitter, patter.

the sounds of water is why i'm not dead.

the drops of rain hitting a leaf has saved my life.

a leak in a faucet has pulled me from my ledge.

the faintest reminder of greatness shakes me back to reality.

the mind tends to focus on thought very deeply in intense situations.

my mind focuses so hard, I float.

I dissipate into a world of emptiness.

a world of nothing.

until I hear it.


reality hits.

i'm back for now.
Kimi Dec 2018
the stars disappear
the moon leaves this dreadful place
the sun says hello

— The End —