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 Jul 2014 Kida Price
Ebony Kale
I can't grieve,
not for things I don't understand
not for things that haven't happened to me.
I can't offer you support or share your grief,
it's not my own and therefore, any emotions I feel or display,
is partially false.

   I don't tell you this to be rude. I tell you because it's the truth.
It's a truth I feel I should expose. Don't ask me to grieve with you,
I cannot.
Don't ask me to feel and understand your pain always,
because I may not be able to.
Don't judge me for not being able to relate,
Sometimes it's just not possible.
In return I won't judge or ask of you anything I cannot do myself.

The truth is…I feel many things, deeply.
I feel pain, sorrow, anger, remorse, regret, happiness and nervousness.
I can feel them all but sometimes there are somethings I shut out.
Grieving, and experiences I myself have no idea how to handle or deal with. I shut them out, because sometimes there isn't room for more.
    Truth, I think of myself as a cup.
I'm always filled to the brim with feelings to deal with.
If there's any room I'll share in yours. But trust me to decide if there's room.
  The truth is I love too deeply, and care too much to feel much else. All I want is someone to understand that silence, repressed emotions, and anger are the only way I know to deal with it. I want someone to understand, I'm not being mean.
I'm surviving.
It's over
It's finally done
I can taste the finish of it
But it's my only release
Nothing else comes close

You become breathless
Even weightless
I need it
Or perhaps,
I desperately want it

It's not fair
To end it so close to the start
I feel this longing
For it to go on and on

Life in a nutshell,
But with this

The world melts
My worries are gone
Just a tad more
But I hold off

For those hard days
For those dreadful nights
The waking nightmares
And fleeting dreams

It's on these days
On these nights
Where I sit back
Relax and...

Light another cigarette.
Sometimes the worst
Is knowing
They didn't love you back...
That they didn't need you
Didn't want you
Didn't appreciate you
Didn't think of you
Didn't love you
Like you did them
 Jul 2014 Kida Price
 Jul 2014 Kida Price
Insecurity* is my *Enemy
Lonesome is my Friend
Emptiness is my Safe Haven

*© Pax
I feel so alone again
I feel so empty yet again
in this safe haven... sigh...
He's yours.
And you know it.
Simply by the ways he shows it.

He yours.
And they know it.
Simply by the way he admit it.

Undeniably , they can't claim any thing bad about him.
He doesn't give them the opportunity.
He built both of your world around self security.

Yes, he yours.
And loves to shout it.
Tell anyone within ear distance he loves you.

After all the bills has been paid.
Any money left is yours without asking.
We don't hear this a lot concerning working women.
Many well off ladies acts selfish.

What yours is mine?
What mines is yours?
Isn't accept by many within a relationship.
Which makes your man of choice so different.

Even without a wedding ring.
He admit loudly to the single women that he's taken.
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