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Holidays are of what one makes of them.
No matter where we spend them or with whom we share
these times with....
It comes from the beats
of a Human Heart
from which flavor of the moments in which we place out there
Cheers to staying true,blue, and real
It takes strength to remain in such a beautiful state
The celebration of the one's who share your life
memories of those who passed on
Even just sending a text to those who think of you...
Such are things to cheer and sing
and cut the first piece of holiday pie with a favorite knife.
Traveling,stationary, or in high-octane work modes - we flow
with the beat of this season's cheerful reminder in heart
of the miracle we have been given of family, souls in memories of those we shared our life with, and the moment we have to be free and at rest
or doing such things
that bring out our best
in this life we have only one try
To remain strong, true,blue, and a force that remains
in flow to the next future and also remains in the written books of history.
A solo holiday season
It's not that Bad
I have freedom to sing my own versions of Christmas Carols
Have my own dinner party
Watch some movies
And feel the Happiness of Self Company.
Five years rolling. Who's counting?
At least people think of me.
At least I know that my lost loved ones' spirits are with me
So I raise a toast, to yet another solo holiday....
Where I can cherish their memories
Reach out to those who care
Enjoy another winter day.....
And write new futures which shall out do the
Rocky Roads I've traveled
In my life's history.
I seem to be engulfed in an exciting conversation
Topics of sports, politics, creativity, and relation..
The partner and friend that I am enjoying this "flow with"
Is me,myself, I, and the situation of Seclusion.
Brainstorming my escape.
My partner draws in his ideas that are of worth
He is so smart
While the other conversationalist in this duo
Feels like jumping the gun, going on the flight, and leaving people cold and cruel.
I satisfy my urge to release my steam at my partner as he is only the reflection in my mirror.
He sees me so much more clearer
He never talks back or denies a chat
as we are one in the same
A brain hungry for another to plan, create,express,and debate with.
Exactly where to find the moment and place to find such an entity is quite narrow.
As I'm here, there, and I'm almost everywhere
where the right people seem not to be
So, until then, I love my conversational partner
He stimulates and entertains me.
I never feel alone
As me,myself, and I have a date to be and stay free.
A shining star

Slowly Growing unstable

Due to the lack of energy.

Quiet hours and halls

The cobwebs aren't just in the attic

they are in the city

Where are the people?

They are all in another land.

Cyberspace or Shallow Pools

You walk about

Playing the part of the fool.

You do not have a map

to guide you to the right places

To bright and friendly new faces.
Merry Holidays

The music blasts through your head

All the stores and televisions rant about this

season long celebration to countdown to that one day.

Cold winds blow as you have a lack of connections

to stay social.

At least your heart still beats

Big and true

Something special.

No exchange of presents

No dinner with family and friends

Cold stares at a clock

Creative notions passes the quiet ways

past a sad moment

My will is strong

I hope the best for everyone

As this lone wolf travels about

Getting through days called “holidays”

to pass about and end.
I have dreams
Dreams to invent for a brighter humanity

The lack of ways to my destination
have lead to my insanity.

A man wants his own family
A man wants his realistic dreams to become reality
why cannot other's aid in those Nobile creativity?

Thousands try to emulate the same idea
however, yours always stands out, jealousy.

Those you are close to are too busy to help
such is life you understand and support

Such is , sadly, they fail to have time to stand back and to see
Could this be the end of the future for me?

I sit stagnant and plan out idea after idea to make my creations a reality

Donations of my creations are all  I wish to do is brighten the world
Money takes time even to volunteer for such, overseas.

What do I have to do for the "charge" appointees to see
such breaches in communication is causing my hope to cease?

I stay hopeful and strong and fight to spread my messages
Not for fame, money, however investment helps one gain needed tools....

In this conflictive would, how must one become less than one of the dark and given in fools?
You are a piece of furniture
Those that are close to you
act like they own you.
You are their "Loyal Subject"
In their "Kingdom"
in which....
They rule you.
One dare to question or rebel to this
and it is you who are disrespectful
and have the face ,in which , on it, they ****.
What you own they have a right too.
What they gain is the object.
What you don't
Don't feel sad...
for in "their kingdom"
That's a breaking of a rule
and such...
would be  a "way"
"in which you have just  traveled"
Justly Right or unjustly wrong....

it is you who must leave them or endure such..
That is -  "you must be the one silent and remain much more strong."
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