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As dark hearts entwine,
by the pale glow of night,
they'll be mine.

As lips cut,
the buttercups in flight,
orbs pale and pitch shut.

You see?
I see them all alight,
yet still I let them be.

Flickering candles,
haha...they dance now,
unknowingly towards shambles.

Yes...I'll let them be,
awaiting their ***** and then they'll bow,
and be a part of me.
The sting of its tail is oh so sharp
I should know it has pierced my heart
Injecting it's amorous venom
All while I lay upon pure linen

My tail and my horns tried to block it's path
But it found a way around my wrath
Softened me up with its silver tongue
Before I knew I was undone

My fault I'm sure
this hunter at heart
I zeroed in on my prey
I chose my mark

Did not expect
for it to hunt me instead
I realized too late
He was in my head

I try to want to shake him off
To no avail
He has me in his grasp
Upon my being, his venom has assailed
#capricorn #scorpio #****
I have been kissed by a rose
strange but not weird

I was lost in the clouds
warm but not cozy

A rose's keen sting
Loves morning text

A deer by a mountain top
drops of dew in the morning grass

It was like rain on a sunny day
coal in a chocolate cake

mixed frequencies in a slow jam
a smile from an angry parent

I have been kissed by a rose
a wonderful, beautiful, thorny rose
here's the thing:

there are days when i lose my rhythm of life
my legs stumble across walking flat pavement
i lose my balance on the stable ends of the road
i jump headfirst in manholes meant for excavation
and i refuse to exit the darkness
there are days like these

there are days when i run dry
my mouth becomes a desert crawling with prayers
my flesh is a wasteland of golden opportunity
my vision is a disfigured specter in shades of grey
and every sound translates into white noise
there are days like these

there are days when words do not help
every apology and thank you leaves me raw
i bleed and hurt and bleed and hurt
and every word still leaves me ******
i will allow myself to be empty on days like these
there will always be days like these

these days do not end in salvation
these are the horsemen of my apocalypse
and on the backs of every stallion
is a part of me that tramples over
the greatest dimensions of who i am
they leave prints not easily covered
they leave me a little more scarred
they leave me a little more tired

here's the thing:

these are the days that become my muses
these are the days of great wreckage
and someday these days will be myths
great stories meant for the taking
but for now
this is the truth.
Just find it in you
To give it your very best
Go through the journey
Reach out and grab success
There will be many bumps in the road
That may appear to try and deter you
But, you have to keep a level head
And just see your way through
I learned the difference
Between burglary and robbery
Seven years ago, on a breezy
Late summer evening

I remember it well

Not just from the shock of it all
But because it had been
A rather pleasant day
Up until the moment we arrived
Back at the apartment

The noisemaker alarm
We'd had many an argument over
Was going off and

(Silver lining: at least it worked)

The door stood ajar and
In a moment of pure brilliance
And zero hesitation
I went straight in as if I'd had a clue
What I was doing

The noisy half of the alarm
Was across the room
Ripped from the wall and its mate
Wires hanging off the door and frame
Where that uselessly persistent hunk
Of plastic, now on the floor
Had once been attached

I picked it up and typed in the code

My eyes began to adjust and count
All the ways we'd been violated
On that otherwise peaceful evening
And in a way, the worst offense
Was the still open refrigerator door

The police finally arrived

We gave our statements
And reported our losses
And filled out their forms
And I mentioned that
The last time I'd been robbed
Was when I was a child--

Did I witness the theft?
Was I home at the time?
Was anyone still in the home?

Then I was not robbed and certainly
It was kind of them to inform me so

When they finally left
We packed our clothes
And stayed with friends
And by the end of the week
We were one step closer
To buying our first home and

We never slept in that apartment again
Perhaps I was too anxious
Or too overly ambitious
To become the amber bedrock
Of her vert ontogeny

And for that---
Well, I'm not sorry

But I do empathize

And I did reluctantly accept
This recurring role of
Achromatized apparition

A character deftly commingled
With the unfocused backdrop of
Her callow vista and your
Chimeric vision


Even forgotten

And yet
Still present

A mutation in the code

A defiantly epigenetic zero
In each infinite strain
Of blinking ones
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