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Oct 2024 · 58
Kenya83 Oct 2024
Oh October’s Hunter Moon
Largest on this night
Teach me what you know
The universe is fast
Yet nowhere feels like home

I saw you rise
Like a setting sun
White and yellow
As the night begun

I force to break our gaze
But wisdom’s in your presence
With a calming of my soul
I long to linger in your essence

I love you at your fullest
I love you when you’re barely found
I know you’re always there
Sep 2024 · 72
Kenya83 Sep 2024
Have I wasted years based on a fantasy of unprocessed fears, of daddy issues, and tears
I tear myself to pieces, my stomach is tied in knots, my mind is really broken, and I seem to cry a lot
I’m so desperate for your validation, for your kindness and your love, but the novelty of me soon wears off, and again I’m crushed.
This time will be different, we’ve come so far, we’ve grown so much.
We also made agreements that toxicity was done.
But who the hell was I fooling
Starved of chaos for a moment too long
You feast on destruction, dramatise this new production, which turns out is just a reconstruction, of the time before, and the one before that, I can go back and back.
Am I so ******* up for thinking things had changed
I’m scared to trust my thoughts I think my feelings are insane.
The venom in your voice, the stab of every vicious word
How is this the person who soothed me when I hurt.
How can I trust when you switch on me like that
The welcome mat is pulled and it’s into combat
I am the enemy. I must be destroyed
Just like Andy playing with his toys
Story has it, it will eventually become white noise
This scene has been repeated so much my head is sore
Blame, and blame, and blame, some more.
This time you scared me more than ever before
I’ve seen your darkness and still loved you to your core
But now I’m really sick
I don’t know who I am and my self esteem has dipped.
I don’t remember my smile, I live in ignorant denial.
I’m pathetic. I’m ashamed. I’m weak
Yet I continue to dial your number
Over, and over, and over, and over
Every click to voicemail chips away at my self-worth
I sob my precious heart out, longing to matter to you, coz no one else will do.
I put you on a pedestal and I really don’t know why
Because you’re emotionally abusive and you’ve made me want to die.
But you’ve also made me laugh, you’ve soothed me with your song, you sung me lullabies
And when anxiety has become too strong, you’ve got me to breathe along
You’ve held me and you’ve stroked my hair
You’ve reached out to touch me and to check that I am there
I believed we had an unparalleled connection
Was it self deception? Was I blind and naive?
I know love isn’t easy but should it bring you to your knees?
It’s certainly brought me closer to god
Coz I’ve begged and prayed like a hungry dog
I have no idea where I have gone
Jun 2023 · 171
Love Season
Kenya83 Jun 2023
I long for a love I’m yet to meet
‘Cause the one I’ve lost has broken me
Love lies bleeding in my hands
Of memories and unfilled plans

My heart aches and my mind is numb
I’ve cried all night to the rising sun
My endless tears fall like Aprils rain
Mend my broken heart, I pray

The pain it just won’t go away
Melancholy floods my veins
I needed you to feel this pain
I needed you

Clinging to hope, to “one day, “soon”
I cemented my wounds with false promise
One day, some day, well, that didn’t come
We didn’t make it to the seaside

There was no more laughter
There was no more fun
I waited
I waited

The telephone doesn’t ring now
Your voice is left inside my head
With all your broken promises
With all the things you said

I waited
I waited
Jun 2023 · 145
Kenya83 Jun 2023
It’s zero hundred hours on the 1st of July
I’m alone with the truth of silence
There is something to be said for stoicism, for getting on
My soul longs to release a river of tears
I focus on the light patterns
Across my dated artex ceiling
Rays of light like sunbeams
Through my 70s style, wicker light shade
I wonder about the lonely households
All the broken hearts
The ones regretting
And the ones taking it all for granted
Melancholy surrounds me like an aura
And spreads under my skin
Dec 2021 · 166
There You Are
Kenya83 Dec 2021
There you go, moving in the wind
I see you, under the Red Kite's wings
I feel your shadow, I hear you sing

There you are, among constellations of the open sky
In eye contact of passers by
Even in the tears I cry

I watch you, in the rug of fallen leaves
You're there, even when I don't believe
You hold me when I find release

I feel you, in the presence of the peeling bark
In the starkness of the lonely dark
Dear Spirit, you're in my heart
Mar 2021 · 175
She loves you
Kenya83 Mar 2021
"I love you"
she says silently before typing the words to you
She loves you
like long summer days catching grasshoppers in her hands
Like sneaking over the neighbours fence to watch tadpoles morphing into frogs
Like the adventures of the warm dusty ground, looking for lizards
She loves you like her childhood self-belief
The matter of factness that collecting cans from the street and selling handmade things
Would change the world, would save the dolphins and the whales
From Japan, Norway and captivity
She loves you certainly, like the trees she climbed
High, scary
to prove she was stronger than fear
Like the Amber jewel of tree sap and the earthly smell of pine
And things that mattered
She loves you because you have helped her remember herself
Mar 2021 · 711
It's all sdrawkcab
Kenya83 Mar 2021
Look nowhere but within, for your spiritual highs, forgiveness and sin.
The saddest truth there is, your a commodity.
You're a consumer to the holy man who put a price on his wisdom.
And the teachings of the earth are so lost
That we pay for courses in the innate.
To know what we thought we never needed. And become who we thought we'd never be.
Isn't that ironic?
We're lost.
This human being.
Jan 2021 · 219
Ode to a Cuppa Tea
Kenya83 Jan 2021
Oh tea
How you comfort me
I want you pipping hot
Curse the day if you're not

Oh tea
How you know me better than most
You're with me through biscuits, curry and toast
Through the sadness and the jokes

Oh tea
We're together when my slumber breaks
Before and after afternoon naps
The solid, the broken and the cracked
You're my constant, that's a fact

Oh tea
You put your trust in me
Making you is an art, you see
My colleagues didn't understand
The severity that was in their hands

Oh tea
I'm sorry for the disrespect
For the long life milk and unsealed tubs
For the dust and 2 second snubs
The stained mugs and shrugs

Oh tea
You're the perfect friend
When my social skills have come to an end
Whether out ‘n’ about
Or on the couch all cosy and slouched

Oh tea
I take you everywhere
Without you? imagine the despair!
I must declare, you make me feel like a millionaire
A cup of you is like a prayer, without you I'd likely swear (a lot)

Oh tea
In a teapot, mug or cup
The choice is lucious enough
When someone comes through the door, the kettle goes on for sure

Oh tea
Through joy, celebration or pain
Disaster, pandemics or vain
Through loneliness or togetherness
You've always been so generous
Jan 2021 · 970
Lessons from a Leaf
Kenya83 Jan 2021
As the sun sets
The leaf sits up
Asking boldly
For the last light
This vulnerable leaf
Opens its heart
Instinctively surrendering
To love
Jan 2021 · 183
Kenya83 Jan 2021
When you lose a love you want to share the Springs with
Something dies
I ask if we are more evolved than nature, as we battle through tears and torn hearts
We 'survive'
If the season isn't right, flowers give their life
I was made to love you and the flowers

The sky and I cry

Everything dies
Jan 2021 · 150
Prayer to Nature
Kenya83 Jan 2021
I sing my silent prayers, in them includes you
My body shivers, not from the cold, I kiss the morning dew
The trees, they grant me endless love, through the frequency of truth
Tears well in my eyes, I stand and face this life,
of roots and dying leaves, not a moment is there grief
My conversation with the trees brings me peace
Oct 2020 · 112
While you Sleep
Kenya83 Oct 2020
I love the essence of a gentle heart
Soft voice of golden harp
- Sacred stars

The night does dare to seek
My heartbeat where you sleep
- The dawn slow arising

The day is hidden well
Behind the curtain of the autumn
- I can't shake this lovers spell
Sep 2020 · 125
The Senses
Kenya83 Sep 2020
Exhilarated in the lightness of adoration
Exiting the gallery, they paused
Looking out across the Christmas market
Closing their eyes, discussing the senses
Their hands desperate to touch
Sep 2020 · 104
Kenya83 Sep 2020
Last night I sobbed out my hormonal heart
Envisioning running the blade point down the length of my arm
Before thrusting it through my chest
Just for release
Just to breathe
And I’m one of the sane ones
Aug 2020 · 106
A 24 Hour Journey
Kenya83 Aug 2020
I put my thumbs in my ears
To block out the noise
I hear my breath like waves
Like the ocean in a shell
I’m breathing
And everything has breath
Has life

I surrender to the moon
I roll toward the shore
And drift out again
Listen closely
Frothing sea foam
The fearlessness of children

Bold and brave
“Hi, will you play with me”
The moment, is all there is
They play
They part
Detached from thought

Will they remember?
Does it matter?
Darkness will fall
But in response, light
The hummingbird hawk moth sings
Between two worlds
A delicate thread  

Hold me here, or there
I’ve tasted it
I’m no longer afraid
I choke on my words
I’m petrified... of life
What is this choice?
This waiting list?

I’m sick
I’m sick with the harshness
Of filtered lives
I’m sick with love, or it’s disguise
I’m sick with reason
Illusion works in ways
Truth remains
Jun 2020 · 122
Sitting in nature
Kenya83 Jun 2020
Ant on the tree, climbing bark mountains
The flying thing I’ve never seen before
I lost it.
It came back to catch my eye with its fuzzy yellow body
The bee, the lovely bee, frolicking
Small birds flitting atop the trees that shine silvery as the sun reaches higher
The bee comes back
The mossy grass of small twisted cotton creeps up the tree like a blanket
And serves as my seat
I’m thankful
Jun 2020 · 133
Tight Chest
Kenya83 Jun 2020
Covers pulled above my head
Cocooned safe and warm, like death?
The world looks like such a mess
Quickening pace of my breath

Questions, questions, no reply
Society with its ‘freedom’ lies
Intoxicated brainwashed ways
Oppression, how the richest stay

On top of all the disposable folk
What an absolute ******* joke
With confidence we call ourselves ‘woke’
Funny how those same shoulders *****
May 2020 · 105
Kenya83 May 2020
She's never been more surly broken, the certainty of the words you've spoken, and the lack, the pieces that she can't put back.
Her heart will never beat the same, cracks grew like veins, dying whispering your name.
May 2020 · 125
Tao - The Way
Kenya83 May 2020
Vacant fears, dented hearts
Barefooted footsteps leave their mark
Faded prints each step with
Pain and love and how it’s meant
I taste the tears of years and years
And remember you before
Again we meet, along the path, presented with a way
Unaware that nature’s order is at play
No rights of wrong can be decided, for I remember being guided, by “when you know you know.”
And I know my heart drops to the floor, among the universe it does soar
The contrast of highs, of lows, love just flows and flows
May 2020 · 130
Kenya83 May 2020
Have you ever observed your pain?
Looked at yourself from outside yourself, experiencing the turmoil of time
What is life, if not an ounce of suffering is spent on love?
I will stay stuck, unable to turn the page on the month
Until filled with the hope of you, once again
Apr 2020 · 109
Lilac Butterfly
Kenya83 Apr 2020
You’ll never know a love like mine
It shines like rubies under sunshine
It glows like the buttercup dancing with a lilac butterfly
And those green-lemon leaves against this flawless blue sky
It gives meaning to the shooting star
That I wished upon for your peaceful heart
It finds strength when you’ve run out
Love, that’s what it’s all about
Apr 2020 · 126
Kenya83 Apr 2020
Wouldn’t we all like a cocktail of drugs when things get tough
To slip in to the sweetest sleep and not wake up
Wouldn’t that be nice, to sacrifice a gift of life for a forever peace... until next time
Wouldn’t all the tough challenges get taken away to never see the light of day
Wouldn’t you kick yourself in the head for all the things you can’t do when you’re dead
Apr 2020 · 104
Kenya83 Apr 2020
You’ll never not be enough
Until you aren’t
Apr 2020 · 114
Kenya83 Apr 2020
I sit in sadness
A tear rolls down my cheek
The reflection of the yellow leaves
Tell me to hold on
But perception is not reality
I’m fooling myself
This tree is going to die
And come back to life
Apr 2020 · 101
Kenya83 Apr 2020
I looked for light
And you appeared
From darkness
Dripping in love
Formed at your feet
I jumped
Puddles turned to oceans
And love became endless
Apr 2020 · 107
Easter to Easter
Kenya83 Apr 2020
Feels like just yesterday I forgot to put the bin out
And here-
a week passed
Feels like just yesterday, the first time you met my lips
And here-
a year passed
Apr 2020 · 101
Stay a While
Kenya83 Apr 2020
Didn’t we take freedom for granted?
Even solitude among the world is a gift
The earth and its eco systems all a mix
The smell of the ground like mint
The bells and chimes and horns of birds
And the tiny life that crawls between its giant landscape
The life that nobody stops to see
Until you do
And then everything’s dancing
Apr 2020 · 122
White Feather
Kenya83 Apr 2020
You started your life as a fluffy white feather
So perfect, so flawless, so pure

The price of life saw you change with the times
And that fluffiness is no more

You fell from the sky and caught my eye
Our stories have changed, amour
Apr 2020 · 109
Kenya83 Apr 2020
In your eyes
I found endless love
No ocean nor sky
Could fill them up
You opened your mouth
And stars fell out
Galaxies will never know
The depths within your soul
You are transcendence
Radiance and grace
You’re the moon that shimmers
In the lake
Feb 2020 · 100
Third Eye
Kenya83 Feb 2020
The northern star perched above a tiny sliver of moon
Lotus flower black to vibrant blush
Faces merge in to a fitted puzzle
Inner, outer
Further, closer
Sense doesn’t even matter
Feb 2020 · 104
Harmonic Resonance
Kenya83 Feb 2020
When your mind is littered
And the world is falling inside your chest
Stop, take a breath
See the silver birch dance
The blue sky enhanced
By the Sun

Push your roots in to the ground
Without a sound
Harmonic resonance is loud
Feel the beat
of your heart
The pulse of the earth
You’re a child of the universe
Feb 2020 · 116
Ecstasy in Lost Ego
Kenya83 Feb 2020
I’m remembering...

The movements of your mouth
The energy pouring from your body to mine
Your breath like the smoke fountain flows through me
Connection is freedom
You made love to my soul
Dec 2019 · 255
Kenya83 Dec 2019
In you
I’m finding freedom
Dec 2019 · 139
Romance at the Shop
Kenya83 Dec 2019
She said she would admire your lips. Feed you honey and blueberries until her heart stops.

She said “One look from you fires my day. One smile from you, I can take on the world. One whisper on my soul and I die, ‘la petit mort’, over and over and over.”

She told you “Ah, your sweet breath - your tone - your truth. Recital of the dictionary would sound delightful from your mouth.“

She said, “tell him I see him. Tell him I see the child and the man. The confusion and the wisdom. The frightened and the bold. The darkness and the light. The battles and the truth.”

She said, “can’t you feel me? I am with you always, in the depths of your heart. But if you meet me, please leave the dictionary behind. Come with your mouth. Your hands... your guitar. Or come with nothing at all. I’ll love you anyway.”
She said she would admire your lips. Feed you honey and blueberries until her heart stops.

She said “One look from you fires my day. One smile from you, I can take on the world. One whisper on my soul and I die, ‘la petit mort’, over and over and over.”

She told you “Ah, your sweet breath - your tone - your truth. Recital of the dictionary would sound delightful from your mouth.“

She said, “tell him I see him. Tell him I see the child and the man. The confusion and the wisdom. The frightened and the bold. The darkness and the light. The battles and the truth.”

She said, “can’t you feel me? I am with you always, in the depths of your heart. But if you meet me, please leave the dictionary behind. Come with your mouth. Your hands... your guitar. Or come with nothing at all. I’ll love you anyway.”
Dec 2019 · 114
Kenya83 Dec 2019
There’s a girl
That would
3  hours
For one
Silent kiss
From your lips
Back again
Dec 2019 · 122
Kenya83 Dec 2019
Painted Christmas cheer masking fear
Jokes and smiles hide miles and miles of sorrows
Don’t look in to each other’s eyes too long
You’ll catch some truth
The illusion will melt like icicles
The show must go on
Dec 2019 · 210
Dying in Love
Kenya83 Dec 2019
Sharp was the blade
That sliced down my chest
Receptors severed
I look down at my open wound
This bloodied scene
Tugs and tears and numbness
I witness
Beats deaden
My heart in his hands
A vow to die
In love
Dec 2019 · 262
December Sky
Kenya83 Dec 2019
The darkness is friendly
Layer upon layer
I’m drawn in to the depths of the universe
Air almost visible, a clarity
The stars are dancing tonight
Stretching, swaying
The moon is the brightest I’ve ever seen
utterly content with silver
Tonight I saw the universe pulsing to the beat of life.
Dec 2019 · 366
Kenya83 Dec 2019
Guided to awakening
From your touch
To my soul
Inside I open  
My wings of consciousness expand
Pains of pasts seep through tears
Colours of nature burst
The beat of the earth
Vibrations of the universe
I’m connected to the birds
And the soil
Every tree blesses me
I thank the fallen leaves
And witness miracles
Nov 2019 · 240
Kenya83 Nov 2019
My heart is wrenched
From my chest to my soul
My eyes drowning in tears
As I break to truth
Nov 2019 · 466
Grey Light
Kenya83 Nov 2019
I’m caught between
The universe in your eyes
And my love
For your touch
Dark turns
Slight pink
To grey light
A brown leaf clings
To its twig branch
Rooted by the skinny tree
It tackles the wind
Has death come?
Have I died in love?
Silence is my friend
But your voice sings
The beat of my heart
Nov 2019 · 202
Kenya83 Nov 2019
Energy surges
My body
Roots deep
As the universal
Set me free

I am woman
Because you helped me realise my true form, my true nature, my endlessness.
Nov 2019 · 573
Gods Dice
Kenya83 Nov 2019
Then... I only see you. I’m in love with the sparkle in your eyes. Every line of your body. Every broken bit. Every enlightened bit. And every bit you share with me

And even if equation exists, there’s no amount of quantifying a love like this
For now,
Whether in pain or bliss
I’ll roll gods dice, our souls will kiss
Aug 2019 · 172
It’s All You
Kenya83 Aug 2019
You’re the light in my eyes before they open

You’re the strength of my tea

You’re the joy in my smile

You’re my gratitude

My hope

And my dreams of tomorrow
Aug 2019 · 160
I love your eyes
Kenya83 Aug 2019
Your acorn eyes
Look at me
Brown, earthly

My heart thuds
As all the worlds clocks
Take their last strike

Time ceases
Aug 2019 · 221
Kenya83 Aug 2019
A glance from you
I bow my head
How could I ever look straight ahead
Your eyes, they make me lose my breath
I’ll fall in love with my regrets
Intensity and hidden depths
Destiny’s laid I can’t forget
Slowly falling to my death
Your eyelashes fall to interject  
I remember how you kissed my neck
Aug 2019 · 535
Soft Feet
Kenya83 Aug 2019
Your soft feet carry your soft heart and I watch you move
Just walking, moving, nothing out of the ordinary
All of nature’s beauty roars inside you
You are your charcoal drawings wrapped in pain
You are freedom caged
the universe, and stardust, and all the reasons against
We are here
In this moment
Aug 2019 · 668
Kenya83 Aug 2019
Theres a heart that beats my rhythrm

And a glow that warms my blood

I’ve chosen you a thousand times

It’s like I’ve never seen you before

And like I know your soul profoundly

Are we walking each other home?
Aug 2019 · 158
Kenya83 Aug 2019
You are the most beautiful thing to fall upon my eyes

But underneath your flesh and bones

Is where your precious soul does rise
Aug 2019 · 283
Precious Things
Kenya83 Aug 2019
I long to see how you close your eyes

How the sun blesses your skin

God sends precious things  

To my heart

I’m lucky enough to see

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