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6.7k · Jul 2013
Kendall K Jul 2013
What is Orange?
Orange is Excitement
Orange is Enthusiasm
Orange is Warmth
Orange is A Fruit
Orange is Brave
Orange is Orange
That's it.
4.0k · Aug 2013
Kendall K Aug 2013
The Ruby
Ruby is July
Ruby is Courage
Ruby is Vitality
Ruby is Saturn
Ruby is Mars
Ruby is Passions
Ruby is Royalty
Ruby is Ruby
That is what a Ruby is
2.6k · Jul 2013
Kendall K Jul 2013
Magnificent leaves
Beautiful tall pines and oaks
Mysterious, Dark
2.6k · Jul 2013
Kendall K Jul 2013
I got in to an airplane to try and fly
I jumped out to Skydive
The parachute didn't work
So all I did was ****
I fell down and down
until I hit the ground

I am now in the clouds
With all the other crowds
I did not mind that I didn't survive
But some how I know that I am still Alive
2.1k · Jul 2013
Kendall K Jul 2013
What do you think about purple?
Purple is Royalty
Purple is Wealth
Purple is Wisdom
Purple is Exotic
Purple is Flowers
Purple is Purple
And Purple is *Real
2.0k · Jul 2013
My Dog
Kendall K Jul 2013
I have a Dog named Ellie
Ellie is smelly
she has a big belly
she doesn't share her jelly
she has a felly attached to her Chevy
  she lived in New Delhi with the royal Kelly
  Kelly and Ellie both have a big belly
but they weren't both smelly.
1.2k · Aug 2013
Mood Color
Kendall K Aug 2013
If I was Happy the color I would wear would be Yellow.
If I was Sad the color I would wear would be Blue.
If I was In Love the color I would wear would be Red.
If I was Jealous the color I would wear would be Green.
If I was Infuriated the color I would wear would be Orange.
If I was Embarrassed the color I would wear would be Pink.
If I was Proud the color I would wear would be Purple.
If I was Depressed the color I would wear would be Black.
These are the colors of my Mood.
1.2k · Aug 2013
It Dawns on me
Kendall K Aug 2013
It dawns on me every day,
what if I was different...?
What if I never had dyslexia.
Would my life been better?
It has put so much pain in my life.
It's like a never ending war,
bombs dropping every time I miss spell a word.
I see myself not being bullied if I never had dyslexia.
I struggle like a fish out of water.
I'm afraid of my future.
I get labeled when I read in front of the class.
I'm like a little sailboat in the middle of a storm.
I believe that I would be happier with out it.
But it makes me me and that's what I need to learn.
What dawns on me.
1.1k · Oct 2013
Kendall K Oct 2013
what once was                              a nightmare
is now a reality
it                                                       ­                      hurts,
the                                                       ­               pain,
the                                         ­                  agony,
the                                           betrayal,
the                     animosity,
I am    living proof
people can hurt you
even when its not you who is hurt.
this is pointed to someone who was lost recently  10/20/13 we will miss you.
1.1k · Dec 2013
Kendall K Dec 2013
In Fearful Day In Raging Night
With Strong Hearts Full Our Souls Ignite
When All Seems Lost In The War Of Light
Look To The Stars For Hope Burns Bright
This is the blue lanterns oath from DC.
950 · Jul 2013
The French Horn
Kendall K Jul 2013



This is what the French Horn is like
946 · Jul 2013
Kendall K Jul 2013
What is Green?
Green is Good Luck
Green is Jealousy
Green is Grass
Green is Irish
Green is Trees
Green is Calming
Green is Green
And you cant change that
874 · Jul 2013
Kendall K Jul 2013
The Assassin of Night.
The Assassin of Day.
Who is it?
no one, just DEATH.
799 · Dec 2013
Kendall K Dec 2013
I'm frozen within the ice
I'm trapped
I feel like I've been here before
Before my world became a whirlpool
Spinning and spinning
Round and round
The world fly's by
It stops

I thaw and there's nothing
nothing but white
nothing but rain clouds
Its winter!!
nothing but happiness!
791 · Jul 2013
Lack of Inspiration
Kendall K Jul 2013
The lack of inspiration is a killer
lack of inspiration is a downer
lack of inspiration makes you write this
lack of inspiration drowns you of your creativity
lack of inspiration makes me stop writing and think
lack of inspiration makes me yearn with excitement for the next line
the lack of inspiration made me write this with no ideas
749 · Jul 2013
Kendall K Jul 2013
Blue is the sky
Blue is the water
Blue is the memory of summers passed
Blue is sadness that has taken over
Blue is a color
and Blue is the Color of me.
735 · Aug 2013
Fun Song
Kendall K Aug 2013
F. Is for friend who do stuff together!
U. Is for you and me!
N. Is for NE where and NE time at all!
F. Is for **Fire that burns down the whole town!
U. is for Uranium BOMBS!
N. Is for No Survivors When you....
This is one of my favorite songs on SpongeBob.
You can come up with the ending if you wont.
696 · Dec 2013
The Assignment Begins
Kendall K Dec 2013
The clock strikes 5:30am
I look through the window
All i see is gray
What a miserable day this will be

Off to school I go
My heart brakes a little every step I take
Its like a prison that gives you homework
You change jail cells every hour
You dine with multiple people you don't know

Back home I just wont to collapse
I wont to dream of a better place
of no school no homework
just wonderful things
if I ruled the school we would learn
but with no homework.
641 · Jul 2013
Kendall K Jul 2013
I stare out my window all I see  is a light.
The light flashes in a  zigzag motion.
Am I scared No.
I am mesmerized by its beauty.
567 · Jul 2013
Moldy Bread
Kendall K Jul 2013
559 · Jul 2013
911 Emergency
Kendall K Jul 2013
You found me lying on the floor
with blood trickling
where were you...
552 · Dec 2015
The Stars Above
Kendall K Dec 2015
I look though my telescope and think of the unknown , I search the stars for a signal of,..... you're not alone.

And as I gaze through this looking glass I see the universe as a cold, dark, and quite place; it will never be fully explored, it is daunting.

And yet, it is amazing, beautiful and mesmerizing. They never give up. The stars, large or small, shine their light for billions of years, they light the way to a different life in the new world.

They show me, as small as I am, that I should never give up either.
537 · Dec 2017
Are You The One?
Kendall K Dec 2017
Please tell me

Are you the one?
Are you the one in my dreams?
Are you the one my heart stops for?
Are you the one that prevents my body from moving?
Are you the one?

Please answer me

Are you the one?
Are you the one I see my future with?
Are you the one that I can't live without?
Are you the one that becomes my life?
Are you the one?

Please hear me

You are the one!
You are the one I'd die for!
You are the one I'd sell my soul for!
You are the one I'd drop everything for!
You are the one!

Please just listen

You are the one!
You are the one that breaks my heart!
You are the one that does not change!
You are the one that plays those games!
You are the one!

Please don't go

I am the one.
I am the one that fights.
I am the one that tries.
I am the one that can't throw this away.
I am the one.

Please just stay

I am the one.
I am the one who is wrong.
I am the one who dreams.
I am the one who does not listen.
I am the one.

Please forgive me
This is a little something I based off of this crush I have that I'd literally do absolutely anything for even though I know nothing will ever be reciprocate.
494 · Aug 2013
What A Wonderful World
Kendall K Aug 2013
I see Trees of Green, Red Roses too.
I see them bloom for me and you.
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.
I see skies of blue and clouds of white.
The bright blessed day, the dark scared night.
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.
The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky.
Are also on the faces of people going by.
I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do.
They're really saying I love you.
I hear babies crying, I watch them grow.
They'll learn much more, than I'll never know.
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.
Yes I think to myself what a wonderful world.
oh yeah.*
by Louis Armstrong
I wish the world was as wonderful as the song says.
488 · Jul 2013
I Dream I'm Running
Kendall K Jul 2013
I sometimes Dream that I'm Running on a road
I Dream I'm Running from my life...
I Dream I'm Running from a hurricane of tumbling blood...
I Dream I'm Running from fire... and the face of death...
I Dream I'm Running and I cant stop...
I Dream I'm Running and I don't want to stop...
I Dream I'm Running and I will never stop...
478 · Jul 2013
Kendall K Jul 2013
I think Red is this.
Red is Love
Red is Intensity
Red is Strong
Red is Dramatic
Red is Valentines Day
Red is A Movie
Red is Fruit
Red is Blood
Red is Red
That's it
455 · Jul 2013
Kendall K Jul 2013
I try so hard just so someone looks at me
I try so hard so they acknowledge me
I try so hard to fit in
I try so hard to be normal
I try and I try
I try so hard to spell correct
I try so hard to stay calm
I try so hard to stay me
I try so hard in everything I do
I try and I try
*this is me
454 · Jul 2013
Old Foe
Kendall K Jul 2013
It will finally end between us
Old Foe
You know one of us had to
437 · Dec 2017
Its Been a Few Years
Kendall K Dec 2017
I know its been a few years since I shared my times.
Its been hard to write, to rhyme.
But now I'm here to spit my fire and let my flames burn with desire.
Its gonna be new, time to pick up the clue.
Going from a joker, to possibly mediocre.
No longer talking about color, moving forward to a new lover.
The flutter of love that keeps me above.
The mutter of life that keeps me in a vise.
The shudder of laughter that keeps me thereafter.
It's a never ending cycle of a drifting mental spiral.
I know its been a few years, but now I'm back.
Back with random rhymes, and desirable new lines.
its been almost 3 years since I've posted anything new, so I'm getting back at it with a fresh mind and new stories to share.
436 · Aug 2013
Kendall K Aug 2013
I sit Alone on the way to a game.
I wear the clothes that all the popular kids wear.
I am a Alone.
I try to fit in but all I do is push myself farther down.
I try new things to get noticed, all I do is make a fool of myself.
I go to school everyday I try to stay under the radar but I keep coming up.
I wish I was Alone.
I thought standing out would help my situation, it made it worse.
I was bullied by so many people that I cant even keep track.
I should have stayed Alone.
This is a true story.
420 · Aug 2013
Kendall K Aug 2013
I am a Dud
A Dud is all I see
I am a Dud
But all i see is me
383 · Jul 2013
Kendall K Jul 2013
I Write when I listen to Rap
I Write when I Think
I Write when I See Something Lovely
I Write when I am Angry
I Write when I am Happy
I Write when I am Sad
I Write when I See Something Cute
I Write when I *Want to Write
370 · Jul 2013
Kendall K Jul 2013
I'm starting to like poems now
Why? I don't know
I'm starting to talk more
Why? I don't know
I'm starting to care more about things
Why? I don't know
what I do know is that
I'm starting to realize the differences
about me
355 · Jul 2013
The River
Kendall K Jul 2013
The river of the lake
flows so strongly
Night and Day it flows
soft when low thundering when high.
the river threatens you as you walk by
the river warns you not to fall in
you can never tame the river
320 · Aug 2013
The One Within
Kendall K Aug 2013
I am Sad, But Happy
I am Empty, But Full
I am Alone, But Crowed
I am Dark, But Colorful
I am Evil, But Good
I am Human, But what are you?
302 · Jul 2013
Kendall K Jul 2013
What is this Pain in my mind.
I know what it is but I cant touch it.
I cant see it.
The pain frightens me
and when I hear it I know its my voice
telling me to jump.

— The End —