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silence* tremors beneath the surface
new mellow musical harmony
orchestra unheard

Jobira and @journeyofdays
...and we are back!
a collaboration on “silence” in 15 words, #1 - #6
odds posted by @journeyofdays
evens posted by Jobira
the sky this very day
did don a cape of dull grey
so drab the display

by morrow's morning
there'll be a brighter dawning
with sunlight spawning
faint sounding bird calls
drifted on the eve's lazy breeze
of a tone low set
listening harder one heard
a leather-head's distinct pitch
Loved his wife of 14 years
He put her through school then
She left him broken hearted in tears

His life would never be the same
He started his downhill spiral of shame
Besieged with self doubt and blame
He turned to drugs to hide his pain

Christmas 2002
Peter came to my home spending his last dime
I did not know I would be seeing him for the last time
we laughed and drank a few beers how does that song go?
"still crazy after all these years"

I was in tears my marriage was dead
I told Peter of my escalating fights,
Every detail of the devastating words said
My marriage was on its last thread

Peter made me promise
Not to leave my husband having hope for my better life  
He told me living was not worth it without his wife
I promise to give my marriage one more try
As we hug and said goodbye
A pain in  my heart, a tear in my eye

Peters flew home December 29, 2002
for our (oldest brother's)  Birthday
My three  brothers we're going to play
Peter had four motorcycles and was giving one away
If they each had a bike they would have more fun
To take long bike rides in the sun

The video camera rolling my brothers wife asks;
Aren't you afraid that you're going to die?
NO said Peter and here's why
" if I die riding my bike don't be Sad , be glad ,
I wouldn't died doing something I loved"
(An hour later God had taken him to heaven above )
Part two to follow of how he passed exactly  
we have my brother on video telling us not to be sad if He died
one hour before he died  did he know subconsciously in his soul ?
"i like the world best
when our paths
overlap,”she said,
with a tear.
My hungry lips started to talk
To your lips in language hungry,
As my tongue began to unlock
The well of  your  language sundry,
Necking your North African mounds;
Halting at your salving shell pink,
To sip and sup your winy words
And faint and wake and rise and sink
In the waking sleep of the tongues
Of your fire
To pen my un–Sufi desire
And die in the dunes of your body.

© LazharBouazzi
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