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 Dec 2013 Vitæ
Kagey Sage
I'm on a social networking site on the internet,
What is the internet?
Forgive me for my ignorance 18th century friends,
It's a connection of machines that can share information.
Yes, and that "social networking site"
is part of the connection of machines
to try and make people feel less lonely.

It does feel strange sometimes when I'm on there.
And then the possession inside the machine says;
"but without me you wouldn't know this music, this picture, this place, this girl."
And now, for the first time, I am not subdued.
For the first time, I answer back, but what things would I know without you?

What forests would I have walked through? What people would I have met?
What noises would I have heard?
O the less trivial things I would have learned.
What streets would I have crossed (both in this layer of reality, in metaphor and metaphysical)
What girl's eyes would be staring towards mine, instead of those of a camera's.

I've got to talk about the internet
I've got to talk about the facebook^tm
(though in a year it will be gone)

It feels all so inauthentic
so I indulge in the scary technology
but then omit it from my memories
when I see your pics online
I write about them like they are authentic
genuine photographs I have yellowing
in an album in the attic
I don't have an attic either
 Dec 2013 Vitæ
Seán Mac Falls
Light dies on its way toward the infinite cold.
Space between points, exploding forever,
If I could look back upon such void,
I would see two solid objects—
You and I at arms.

An ageless tree blossoms where no one could grow,
It stands on the precipice, holding sheer rock,
Winds lash from four corners singing— no,
Elements crying— tree is not a tree,
I hold your soul in stone.
 Dec 2013 Vitæ
Tommy Johnson
I took a vacation from myself
And my standard personality
My vices and virtues left behind
I became someone new

Sheded my skin
Evacuated my shell
Molted my feathers
And wandered off to the abyss

What I once called the truth
What I once named false
Both thrown up in the air
Now I see which falls into my lap

Sharing ****** pleasures with men and women alike
In an illustrious ***** affair

Smoking herb, dropping out and drinking the forbidden wine

With no second thought
With no regret or remorse

No rules
No laws
No restrictions

Rebelling against myself
And whatever is given to me
But why?
How come?

To test limits
To break through
To a place of nothing
No gods
No kings
No me

To test myself
My boundaries
To abandon my comfort zone
And take a trip to the edge, then go over it

I’ve been to the land
Of discipline
Of self control
Of obedience
And conformity

Faded out to the valley of shadows
Population me

I’ll return
To my roots
Soon enough

With the knowledge
Of how far I’ll go
How deep I care to let myself go
How heavy a load I can carry

Loosening my grip of reality
Only to adjust it
To a level of pressure that suites me best

Make changes in myself
To be the person I want to be

Rearrange my life
And see what I actually believe

So until I come home, peace be with you
If I’m not back in ten minutes
Just wait a little bit longer
Wine comes in at the mouth
And love comes in at the eye;
That's all we shall know for truth
Before we grow old and die.
I lift the glass to my mouth,
I look at you, and I sigh.
 Dec 2013 Vitæ
Mike Hauser
Souls standing in line
As the world pulls out its knife
To whittle them down
Carve up their lives

Does it have an idea
An insatiable need
As it keeps whittling
On them endlessly

You do have to wonder
What it truly sees
As it carves on you
And whittles on me

Like an old mountain man
By a cool mountain stream
With Father Time standing by
The world keeps on whittling

And it'll certainly not tolerate
Any back talk from you
Just sit still and be quite
Like a good piece of wood

As the world whistles
It whittles away
Impressed with itself
At the carvings it's made

But if it whittles to much
And doesn't care for the you that it's made
The world tosses you out
And lets the dogs play
 Dec 2013 Vitæ
Shel Silverstein
I opened my eyes
And looked up at the rain,
And it dripped in my head
And flowed into my brain,
And all that I hear as I lie in my bed
Is the slishity-slosh of the rain in my head.

I step very softly,
I walk very slow,
I can't do a handstand--
I might overflow,
So pardon the wild crazy thing I just said--
I'm just not the same since there's rain in my head.
 Dec 2013 Vitæ
 Dec 2013 Vitæ

the mouse I'm in
is so petrified of breathing

life is a cat waiting to pounce
on every move I make

many moves through perdition-land
and the frog croaks


S T - 4 dec 13
 Dec 2013 Vitæ
 Dec 2013 Vitæ
marvel at the complex-pattern
painting such a span of swirls
light-panels less than shimmer
in the afternoon shadows on the wooden kitchen-table
biggest fear - your leaving

beautiful summer-days lost in your eyes
oblivion dances like a wily-***** at hypnotising fire-licks
from our languid-bed, I'd lazy-feed you lox-on-crackers
and everything you liked
heaven never had it so good


woke up and *you weren't there

where'd you go to?
no letter, no call.. for days

to overcome this fear
I brought in a  b-i-g-g-e-r  one
that used to drive me to serious-pitfalls in the past

off to the exotic pet-shop, my toes marched me
and I got one - very toxic thing on legs
without a natural terrarium

once home, I set it free
I set free.... my biggest fear
        to blot out your absence
        to overcome your presence
        to forget you

it crawled around and made a home
while I hardly breathed nor slept
and moved about on ginger-steps

I kept feeling strands of your hair
          in my sleep
          on my cheek
          inside my cry
and woke to moonlight bathed in sweat

I did not wash your pillow, after weeks now
I bury my face in olfactory-memory lingering
and pine for you, but I see your missing set of keys and..

/ scratch .. scratch /

I hear a sudden scurrying
heartbeat jumps out cage
eyeballs to the parquet-floor


I'm getting used to this new pet
and she doesn't mind my breathing
                    oh, I swear she's a brain-scanner
                    when she looks at me that way
                    like she can read me.. through and through

I dare not pet, I dare not touch... ohhhh no!
       I leave her the daily-bowl of delicious, fresh worms
       to find it empty in the evening
I guess, thanks for freedom.. of sorts

one day, I left the window open
as I jotted down some poignant thoughts
at my antique-escritoire
    espied her legs upon the solar-sill
    thought she'd be running... a leaver, too
but no..    
                 she was sunning all her legs awhile

the season's changing.. leaves are falling
crackle of wind in the air

now, I'm making me some coffee in my silver whistle-***
hot, solo beverage to calm my settling-mind
when.. ping-ping.. comes a text
lo and behold....
it is you...


delirium / delirium /
(I'm on cloud-nine... you're coming home tonight..
                                      you love me so much, you say..
                                      made a mistake..
                                       you've got something big to share..

I've taken time to prepare a special-meal.. candles and all your faves
but must pop out quick to get some lox...)

I'm back now, got the stuff now
key in lock
but the door.. jammed by a weight.. of sorts
can't seem to push the ****-door open...
shoving hard, I see........

fear compounded by a minus
simply multiplied

S T - 4 dec 13
plan(e) in the air.. pushing tin's a fine way to get there :)

sub: fly

days fly by
on wing of trust
in rusty-daze
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