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Katlyn Scragg Jun 2014
But maybe its because I fell in love with the way he grins
The cheeky-ness of his smile
The way he teases me
While looking straight in my eyes
The way his back move when he takes off his sweater
Arms crossing over his head
And his t-shirt lifts
Just the slightest bit
Muscular but thin
Pale and freckled
But maybe its because I fell in love with something
That was more perfect for me
Than my reflection
Katlyn Scragg May 2014
I never used to look at my friends like flowers
Never thought they could be plucked out
Before, I danced in my imagination
With the word ‘forever’ sketched into every blade of grass
I used to close my eyes and smile
Because every part of the world I was involved in seemed
Just right
The pieces of my puzzle just fit together
But when you remove a flawed piece
It doesn’t keep it as a whole
But keeps it with a hole instead
You can’t build a brick wall without bricks
Or a chain without links
Air doesn’t act like glue
And the pit in my stomach
Can’t be fixed without you
The thought of you not here
Is like a movie playing in an empty theatre
Shoes hung up on a telephone wire
This is a poem because white noise doesn’t fill
It just leaves a light buzz in your ears
The anticipation of a rock being thrown into water
And waiting
Waiting for a noise that won’t come
Waiting for your seat at the back of the class
To be sat in
Waiting for jokes to be funny again
For someone’s hug to feel the same
Waiting for the space made by you
And your absence
To be filled again
Katlyn Scragg Apr 2014
Because if I close my eyes
The stars in my head align enough
That the maze I’ve put myself in
Makes sense
Because in reality the labyrinth never comes to an end
Our world is always going to be a little bit messed up
And twisted
And confusing
You’ll get picked up to be thrown back down
Told lies instead of truth
Over and over
But maybe that’s why we like to dream
Because in our dreams
The movie is shown on the inside of our minds
Flashing pictures on our memories
Inserting lines of perfection and magic into our imagination
Because our dreams are made of people we have seen
And places we’ve imagined
Somewhere in between make believe and the present
You find the world you’ve always wanted to be in
The one of your dreams
Katlyn Scragg Mar 2014
He looked at me like my eyes were adventures
Like the stories inside
Were just like the ones he flipped through as a kid
Like my secrets were scripts
I was planned out and he was just along for the ride
for the story
When he looked at me
I could feel him digging
trying to find al the things i was going to hide
remove everything that flawed me
At least that's what he thought

Before him I had no wall
But when he asked me about the scars on my wrist
The wall around me went up
Shutting the door to my eyes
Sewing my mouth back shut
because I knew
for me to explain the truth
He would try to remove it from inside me
My heart in my chest would be torn from its cage
and through my mouth
Taking it as if it was on my sleeve
because he thought this would be the best for me
He would try to wash away my scars
unknowing of the new ones he created inside
I put a wall up because I didn't want him to see me
Or try to
Because when he asked why I didn't like the colour of my hair
The ocean of my eyes
burned like a forest fire
They burned inside of me
to a crisp
As if he wanted a fresh start so he cleared me out
Like I could be removed like his story book
but he left me with ash and ruins instead
Just a shell of what I was
Because when he asked why I didn't like my thighs
I bent my legs
and covered them with my arms
As if he thought talking about it would make me see
"what he saw"
As if I'd forget the feel of them rubbing together
dotted with brown
Like my mind would forget my waist
all my imperfections of my reflection

Because when he asked why I smoke
or drink
or any form of drugs
Why I'd stop eating
or would throw up
I just smiled
And words spilled from his mouth about life and death
About lessons and tales people had told him
because he had never experienced them himself
never would
As hard as he tried
we would never see eye to eye
I know if I handed him my pen
He'd rewrite my story
but that's my adventure
and what makes my eyes glow

He looked at me like my eyes were adventures
Like stories he heard as a child
But when he found out was was hidden between the lines
He set those books alight
and tossed my heart in with them too
But I grabbed it before the flames engulfed it completely
Katlyn Scragg Mar 2014
If love looked at you, would you look away?
If he look you up and down
If she glanced at  your lips and back into your eyes
As if a  trail was left from their path
The way their eyes drew along the curves of your cheeks
Memorizing the structure of your being
If you stared into their eyes
And could feel them exploring your secrets
Reading through the diary of your past
Flipping through the photo album of your memory
If love touched you, would you back away?
If their hands inched down your arm
flowing across your wrists
Linking fingers and touching palms
Your knees weak
Smile forming
Would you move their hand
from gliding through thousands of strands of hair
Caressing your head
If love spoke to you, would you cover your ears?
Letting the soft words slip through the cracks of your fingers
The sweet melody of their voice filling your mind
Their words making you glow
If she spoke to you
If he said a single word
Would you let the word replay in your head
Until the tones and sounds
Locked themselves in your memory
If loves voice sent shivers down your spine
If it made you happy
Would you turn it down in fear?
Look away from what can't be true
If you spoke to love, what would you say?
Is there anything to be said at all?
Katlyn Scragg Feb 2014
Carve your words into the back of my neck
With the breathe of your voice
Feed it through my blood
Sew me back up
Because until then
You haven’t really known me
And I won't believe a word you have said
Katlyn Scragg Feb 2014
You’re mediocre
A cup of cold coffee
Once warm and awakening
Faded into a bitter luke warm cup of deep umber
You’re okay
Like the bottom of a sunrise slipping out for a mere second
A splash of colour
And sinking right back into the clouds
You’re average
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