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feet travel only as far as the mind will lead them
each step full of spirit and strife
golden rays of sun illuminate me as i walk
the natural world is only seen by those who want to see it
the trees spoke words of encouragement
roots reminded me that i am a creature bound to mother earth
leaves showed me how we must make sacrifices for others to live
branches offer support and strength
eastern travels lead to immeasurable mountains
nordic nights of cold blue and purple
western landscapes painted with watercolors
sanguine sunsets in the south
my voyage is infinite
earthly attachments do not bound me anymore
blemished, bruised, and broken hearted
time wasted dwelling on every flaw of my reflection
fixated on imperfections that are so meager only i would notice
hoping that pure hatred of it will change my appearance
when will i learn to love this skin i'm in
Someday I want to be the only boy living in New York.
the skyscrapers will be my protectors, and the taxis, my companions.
I was given so much potential to be something I am not.
I am lost at sea floating adrift on a raft, and when I let go it will all be over.
My mind is spinning with a circus of emotions.
One day I will be wiser than the tallest tree.
As of now i am a figment in a world of horror, a spec in a scene of destruction.
I feel as if I am a bystander in my own body, I watch as good and bad things happen to me.
I feel nothing.
My life is extraordinarily prolonged, and there is nothing I can do about it.
There is a war in my mind.
I watch as people are brainwashed by the glow of their luminescent phone screens.
The world we know is falling apart, and I feel as if I am the only one to notice this.
No one truly cares about anything or anyone.
eyes gazed
outstretched tan arms
invited me into a warm embrace
you were like a walk through the woods
and i thought i knew all the paths
then i took a wrong turn
right into poison
thanks for reading ❤
rainless morning, awoken by comforting delicate taps on my window
velvet curtains lifted and fragile opalescent feathers revealed
the hummingbird sings songs for you
and my heart flutters in time with the tune
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night blur together
leather seats makeup stained
traces of you linger on my skin
black and indigo dazed
people wondering where i've been
smoking with a new chain
freedom forever
thanks for reading♥
eyes sparkle towards
the silver sky and I see glimpses of
you in the craters of la lune

each night
I sing for you
in hopes la lune can
hear my harmonious tune
thanks for reading♥
With bright eyes I gaze into the midnight sky,
consumed by cosmic thoughts and solidarity with lost cosmonauts.

Wandering yet not lost, vicariously relating
to explorers, and the skies they crossed

While the stars above and the ocean fall in love, I feel the sea breeze through my hair and listen to the hymn of the ocean prayer

The sun rises over the ocean and its yellow glaze hypnotizes. I find myself in a forest of towering trees singing the song of the bees.

As if through thin-air, sunbeams illuminate through the foliage that the trees wear. The warming sensation that frees sets me at ease.
collaboration with the talented Lewis Lee
and she loved him, in the way that Icarus loved the sun; entirely too much
Longing to travel towards the festering sun.
I was a brown eyed girl living in a mediocre world.
With sweet seeds in my hands I walked towards the end of the earth.
I dangled my feet over the edge and threw them into the wind,
until pomegranate gardens grew for him.
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