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 Mar 2015 Katelyn
Danielle Barlow
You can go straight to hell.
See you there, *****.
 Mar 2015 Katelyn
Danielle Barlow
Never have I felt as alone as when you're beside me.
I'm lonely
 Mar 2015 Katelyn
Danielle Barlow
Dancing through a field of white flowers.
Doing nothing more than whiling away the hours.
I sit in the grass as I wait for your return,
but suddenly, the field started to burn.
White flowers begin to catch light,
and the birds of the world being to take flight.
That's when I realize that you are not coming,
and suddenly, I find myself running.
I run in the direction I think I'll find you,
but am left wondering if your love is true.
I can't understand why you left me here
but I understand that I love you, my dear
I actually really like this poem a whole lot.
 Mar 2015 Katelyn
Love Shown
 Mar 2015 Katelyn
I'm the *****,
the quiet girl in the front of the class,
according to the handicap stall in the upstairs boys bathroom, a ****.
I love, and when I do I love to no ends.
But you'd never know how much this ***** loves, because there is no love shown.
 Oct 2014 Katelyn
Francisco DH
The sun evicted itself, let you own its place.
As a welcome home gift, it left it’s rays
it knows you are a girl who needs to be seen
And I, on cloud nine, got front row seats.

Free falling like the shuttle as it orbits the earth
I’m enamored by the beauty you are able to birth
You best mark my words from now until forever
For this is a bond that can never be severed.
It was a deadly beating in my heart
As we fell apart.
I was losing all my will
It was like I couldn’t feel.
I numbed it all with other names
But there ain’t hope when there’s pain
Even though you said we’re through
Nobody could ever replace you.
I wrote a note with the words
“I really need you back Baby, I can change.”
hung it on a purple string

Three days later you found my body on the floor
With tears, “Why” your only heard implore.
Above you was the string, you noted its existence
O, never waking up is my only repentance.
I rewrote what my friend did cause he said basically have fun with it. and I did so this is what I got, Any suggestions?
 Oct 2014 Katelyn
Danielle Barlow
Last year at this time I would have been wishing you happy birthday,
but in two days it'll be a year since you left us. Left me.
I hope you're happy where you are now,
and know that everyday still feels like the first.
I hope the angels sing to you their beautiful and sad song,
and I hope when you look down you see what you still mean to me.
This poem is bad, but I miss her so much..
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