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 Oct 2014 Katelyn
 Oct 2014 Katelyn
Dear Max,
I know I should have wrote this letter to you a long time ago, right after the accident. I'm sorry that I couldnt. I tried once and after I wrote dear Max I broke down and went into a panic attack. I miss you so much and I haven't went a day without thinking about you. Everytime I do think about you sorrow and regret flood my mind. You used to be my bestfriend. Everyday I would come home with the "magical adventures of Max and Mo" or at least that's what my mom called them. You were an amazing person and you always made my day better. I remember you telling me stories of how you were gonna go to the NFL and be the greatest football player there ever was. Now you'll never get the chance...I hope you're up there playing football with Jesus. I also remember on the last day of 8th grade you nearly tackled Tyler because you wanted to get to me before he did so you could sign my binder. I remember being over at Faiths and we would talk about you for hours. She had the biggest crush on you. Every single word we had to say about you was positive as could be. I never told you or Faith that u had just as big of a crush on you. I remember the day you asked Faith to the 8th grade prom. She was so excited that she could have jumped out of her own skin. I secretly was jealous but I never let a drop of that jealousy show to either of you. Then her mom and grandma found out you wanted to take her to prom. They said no. That they weren't gonna let their white daughter go to prom with some black kid, that it would make her look like a ****. I was secretly thrilled that yall weren't going together but I knew it broke her heart. After 8th grade I left school and you were one of the many people I casted out of my life as if they were deamons. When I came back to school in 10th grade you were one of the ones I longed to reconnect with, but I didnt. You had your group and I had mine and they mix as well as oil and water do. I remember one day in the hall you smiled at me and said hey. I looked down and and ignored you because I figured I had to stay to my group. Why did I have to be such a *****? You did that a few times and I never acknowledged your existence...funny now that your existence is gone I'm acknowledging it more than ever. I wanted to say hey. I wanted to reconnect with you but I didn't. I never took up the motivation to apologize for being a ***** and say hey to the boy I used to call my bestfriend. I saw the news of your death on facebook along with another boys named Brad. I prayed it was some sort of sick joke. It's been a little over 2 months since that day and I just now brought up the strength within me to write this letter. I heard of what you did for my new bestfriend mikhala that one day at a football game. Thank you for saving her then because if not for that girl I wouldn't have lived to see your death. I love you max and I miss you more than you could ever believe. Thank you max. I'm sorry. I'll see you up in Heaven one day.
I wrote this on June 2nd and then tucked it away behind my dresser drawer. I've been moving recenty and found it and it brought me to tears. I felt it needed to be posted. Please don't comment or anything, like it of you want but other than that is just like for this letter to be archived here.
 Oct 2014 Katelyn
Francisco DH
 Oct 2014 Katelyn
Francisco DH
Wine pools, trickles into the water.
The stench of cooper is strong.
 Oct 2014 Katelyn
 Oct 2014 Katelyn
You never see me
And when you do
You ignore me
And then you whine and complain
Ask why I want to leave.
Maybe I don't favor being ignored.
 Oct 2014 Katelyn
 Oct 2014 Katelyn
Another coat of paint won't rid theses walls of all the sin they've seen.
 Oct 2014 Katelyn
Danielle Barlow
Feelings developed.
I tried not to let them.
You marched right in
and tore down my walls.
But you did it so gently..
like no one ever has before.
With that kiss you took half,
but the other is still mine.
*For now
**** it, Francisco.. Why did you have to say that? I was so blissfully unaware that there were any feelings at all, and now..
 Oct 2014 Katelyn
Francisco DH
 Oct 2014 Katelyn
Francisco DH
Unto you, my only love, I bestow pearls laced with spider's silk.
 Oct 2014 Katelyn
Francisco DH
A field of flowers
   will never remain absolute in purity
 Oct 2014 Katelyn
Danielle Barlow
I can't be alone.
The stillness and the silence
chill me to the bone.
I'm very lonely and lacking some inspiration right about now
 Jan 2014 Katelyn
 Jan 2014 Katelyn
Where has my inspiration fled to?
It took most my problems and ran away,
Held them captive,
Left anxiety by side.
No inspiration for my poetry,
Poetry being my outlet,
Thoughts swirling around,
Cant figure a way out,
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