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Kat Oct 2016
Honestly this is my last poem for awhile and of course it's to you.

The one who stalks my thoughts, clouding my judgement, blinding my vision with images of yourself.

The one who holds my heart but doesn't even know it.

The one who's on my mind early at dawn because I hadn't slept all night.

The one who's face pops up during that one song and won't leave once arrived.

The one who I notice in every picture we're in together.

If you're a stalker of my mind I guess I'm a stalker of you?

Scratch that. That sounds scary.

You're just on my mind a lot.
  Oct 2016 Kat
The sirens and the sergeants dont seem to mean a thing,
Take my hand, show me the way, we are the children that fell from grace,
we are the children that can't be saved.

One more nail in the coffin, one more foot in the grave,
One more time I'm on my knees as I try to walk away from your grave.

But this has got the best of me, and I can't seem to sleep,
I've come to realise that it's not because  you're not with me, it's because  your ghost never leaves.

Everything I've loved became everything I lost
  Oct 2016 Kat
Illya Oz
I pull at my hair
And scratch at my skin
You ask me why
I don't even know where to begin

The curls in my hair are all wrong
The colour orange just doesn’t belong
My skin looks all weird colours and mottled
The feelings inside I keep up and bottled

There is no reason for my depression
I find it hard to show my expression
I escape into the word of fiction
I stay so long it becomes an addiction

Being who I am doesn’t conform
To what others consider the social norm
People who know my sexuality
See me as an abnormality

I get terrified when in a crowd
Everyone just always seems so loud
I cling to people like a leach
My voice is weak without freedom of speech

I wish I could be normal
But that would just abnormal
I wish I could learn to accept
But in that I am so inept
I'm really tying to accept all my flaws and things that I don't like about my self. So many people no matter who they are or where they live are not happy with who they are. We all just need to learn to accept others and our selves despite our flaws.
  Oct 2016 Kat
Remember that one time years ago on thanksgiving day when I was feeling so sad and had gotten in a shaky argument with my mom so I drove miles and miles into the night crying along to Radiohead, and all it took was sending one brief text message for me to end up at the step of your garage-bedroom door. your family had just finished eating dinner, I met your uncle for the first time, that might’ve been the last time I saw him, too. we spent the rest of the night in the dim of your bedroom, lying down on raschel blankets you’d carefully set out on the floor for us, my body like a crescent moon cradled in the orbit of your arms. darling boy, I’m falling apart again, and it’s in these times when it hits me most, when I realize the significance of your Autumn skin, of the monolithic bones behind them that held me close the way they did, that held me together as on that night. I’m sorry I didn’t know it then just how lucky I was. I’m sorry that I’m writing something like this now knowing all too well that none of this will ever reach you.
you ended a letter once with "I love you for everything that you are."
I loved you. I'll always love you for everything that you are.
Kat Oct 2016
Walk in and walk out
That's how you entered my life
You came in one day and
There were no signs
No signs of what was to come.
All I knew
Was that you were here and I thought
That you would never leave.
You never knew my everything
But I have you what I had
Or rather what I could give.
You knew more than anyone
But you decided I wasn't worth it.
You decided that they were more important than me.
And though this does sound selfish
I believed in you
To stay with me and believe in me
But you didn't.
You cared more for the fame
And while that is a shame
I'm not sorry.
You showed me your true colors
And I'm happy I saw them
Kat Sep 2016
I don't know what to say
You're just on my mind
When you're around
I don't know what to do

You're there at every corner
Blocking any exit

You don't know what you do to me
You're so oblivious

I act as if I don't care
But secretly I do

When you're with her
My heart rages
And when you hug her
It breaks

I regret letting you go
I regret what I did to you
I regret starting with you

Most of all
I regret not letting you go
FirstLove love ranting
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