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Kareena Feb 2014
Here I stand
Toes tap-tapping on the floor

Waiting for you to emerge
All dressed up, from your bedroom door

At the first glance I get, I catch my breath
You are more handsome than I remember

With your button up, black slacks, and fancy red tie
My heart starts to beat, racing and fevered

When you see me, you smile
And I return the feeling

You grab my hand, pulling me closer
And the sensation leaves me reeling

Thank you so much, my Valentine
For making this day great

Even though we have been together for a while
It felt like our first date
For someone special, my Valentine.
Kareena May 2014
In a dreamy lullaby
I saw you for the first time in a while
Your eyes were different I suppose
And in the dim lighting, they did glow
Your hand brushed mine and you smiled lightly
But I was chilled by this contact slightly
I had emotions for you, sure I did
But I thought your feelings for me were all but rid
I let mine come through, I showed my heart
And you showed yours too, which is the unrealistic part
You said you still had a tingle deep inside
That when you saw me, your heart would fly
When I walked past you could not breathe
Which is exactly what you do to me
We tried, oh my, we tried and tried
To make time erase from tired minds
But in the end, it slipped far away, you see
Because nothing can be how it used to be
So you left me alone to reconcile
How to move on from your unpurposeful guile
Kareena May 2017

The articles online talk about the girls with anxiety
And how it distorts reality
Twisty, bended, convoluted, suspended
Double, triple, quadruple thinking,
Seeing things that aren't really there.
Issues creep up, insidious with intent,
A slip knot of conscious thought,
Unable to trust things as they seem.
*Is this me saying this or my anxiety?*
Always looking back, realizing
The way you thought or something you saw
Was wrong, *all wrong*, how could it be
Perceived by you so perversely?
A reaction now deemed dramatic
When in the moment it seemed right
A chronic conception, frequent fright,
Of losing and leaving
Thoughts tangled and weaving
Wondering when you won't be as ashamed
To reveal that you think about every speck and particle
With heart bent, to a guilty extent
Just like those girls in those articles
Kareena Jul 2017
You make me feel
The love and the lightning
Fire in the sky
Panic and parade

Tin roof lullaby
Rain drip drop
Snare drum roll
One after another

When the thunder cracks
I go and hide
Inside myself
How can I not

I am so small
One single drop
Amongst thunderstorm
Kareena Apr 2014
Someone older
Someone stronger
Someone more attentive
Someone different
Maybe you cared
That he is someone
That isn't you
A different perspective. I am always so quick to believe that he didn't care, that the feelings just went away, maybe they didn't
Kareena Jan 2015
And now she's your whole life?
And now she's your whole world?
I just can't believe the way you suddenly feel about her

Perhaps you should have been willing to change
Before she left
Maybe she would have felt more loved
If you would have shut off your play station
Put down your phone
(That was filled with other girls' pictures)
And sat down next to her
Looked in her blue eyes, that run in our family
And say "I love you, and I will do anything to make you happy"

But, of course, unromantic love
Is part of your red neck charm, isn't it?
Well, the closest thing you are to a charmer
Is a king cobra that will strangle you to death
If you don't play the flute right

You plan to live in your mom's house
Until she leaves for an old folk's home
You are such a loving son
And they always say
A man treats his woman how he treats his mom
And that couldn't be further from the truth

You are like a leech that ***** her emotional stamina
And her self esteem
Perhaps that's why she is self-conscious
And covers up her smile
Because you were the one that dimmed her sparkle
By saying "You spent all that time getting ready and you look like that?

And what am I supposed to do?
Comfort her and console her
And reassure her that not all men out there are like you

Oh, yes, you'll look back someday
At this moment that you are in
You'll wish you looked at her and said
"I should have loved you then"
For the one who is trying to play the victim. He posted the song Then by Brad Paisley on his facebook page and is trying to get support from all of their mutual friends. I can see right through it and notice the irony in his words.
Kareena Sep 2018
My biggest fear
Is that you'd forget me here
Move along with my body
Leave my heart unseen

Intertwine your life
With who you think I am
Form sentences from my words
In the order you ordain

Be quick to assist
To the whim of a stranger
In the early morning hours
But forget I am broken

Do you ever look at my hands
Visually caress the curvature of my face
Trace the light with your eyes
And contemplate my being?
We are all insecure in some way
Kareena Mar 2016
She seemed to have the ability to catch his eye
When he walked in to a room, he could feel her presence
She flourished like a daffodil in the spring and I wilted
I sank in to myself and was invisible

He would talk of her like I was not his entirely
Like he did not have my heart on marionette strings
And little by little, with every mention of her name,
He took rusty scissors and snipped at the fibers

He disregarded it all entirely, like I was delusional
Maybe he just wanted to protect me from what he knew I knew
What he tried to bury inside himself and hide behind his stoic mask
That old friend we both knew so well

I sat up and thought to myself countless doubtful days
"What does she posses that I do not? Is my love not enough?"
As much as I envied the way he loved her, there was never a second
That I felt enmity towards this woman that held my lover's attention

It was only a deep longing in my heart to make him feel
Even a modicum of the way she made his heart bloom
To have him run to me and want me in his life
Instead of coveting someone he only claimed to be his friend

In place of hating the other woman, I foolishly tried my hardest
To befriend her, to appreciate the same qualities in her that he did
She even invited me to something so I wouldn't hate him for going
I wish she had known me well enough to know I wanted to be friends

Over the years, I got stronger and wiser, but I still was his fool
The boy I loved so much could never reciprocate those feelings for me
He wandered and I let him go, to go chase what I knew he always wanted
But she did not desire him, and as mean as it sounds, it felt like justice

But time has gone far out in to space, I have lived since him
And she is now where I was, a life's love lost for another
In all of this, my only hope for her, is that she finds the strength
To not hate the other woman even though he loves her

It was not your fault he went away, he was never meant to stay
If it wasn't for you, I would have not known of his incomplete love
Thank you for saving me the agony of living my life with the wrong man
I pray you never give up hope in love and in life
Because someone better will come along exactly when you need them
Thank you for saving me from being with the wrong man
Kareena Jan 2015
Too poor to afford it
But too rich to qualify
Kareena Apr 2014
A little pinch of guilt
A sprinkle of passion
A touch of desire
And a heaping spoonful of desperation
*For good measure
Kareena May 2014
Notes and scales tickle from my hands
Measure after measure
I look over and you've fallen asleep
I played piano last night for my boyfriend and he told me that it relaxed him so much, it fell asleep! And no, that's not just a cover up to say that he was bored!
Kareena Sep 2016
Sometimes I wish to hold you once more
But the problem with once more
Is that I'll always want another and another
Until you seep back into the cracks of my heart
You'll find your way in and you'll stay
Your touch will linger on my skin
And I'll feel incomplete until your fingertips
Lay where they lied once more
And I'll feel your strength behind me
I'd never want you to go
The problem with one more time
Is it never is the last
Kareena Apr 2014
It doesn't have to be some huge ordeal
Not a clash and clamor of pots and pans
Or the thunder of lightning
It doesn't have to make a ruckus

I want that kind of quiet love
The one that sits next to you on the couch
But doesn't have to say anything
Because it knows that you don't always have to talk

I want that kind of love
Where you go to the same diner together every Saturday
Playing hangman and connect the dots
On the back of worn-out, faded pink and blue, advertisement place mats
While you order the same meal because it is tried and true

I want that love where you can go to the supermarket together
Just wandering aimlessly through isles
Deciding on what to make for dinner
Debating over whether $4.99 is a proper price to pay for Rigatoni

That love where you can sing in the car
Along with the radio
Even though you are horribly off key and so am I
But it doesn't matter
Music was never our forte anyway

I want that quiet kind of love
I guess what I really want is friendship
For Someone Special, who inspired me to write this :)
Kareena Mar 2016
There was fire in her eyes and then the floods rolled in
The way they did during Noah's time, uncontrollable and unceasable
Her throat swelled and eyes leaked, a reoccurring problem
Of tedious persistence, of insidious intent
He was convinced she talked just to fight
To impress upon one, the beliefs of another

But I don't wish for you to change yourself
I don't want to force you when you need to experience the joy that you feel
When you know that every single modicum of your life
Is extremely out of your control, but you know in the deepest pit
Of your soul that everything will be absolutely okay
Because He is the one driving force you can count on
A single consistency in a world of uncertainty

The peace and the mercy you feel when you know
That all of the bad things you have done, like forgetting to give back
That girl's pencil in fifth grade to unjustly breaking someone's heart
Or something so dark that its magnitude weighs you down,
Are all forgiven, and all you need to do is come and listen
Wonder and ask, seek and you will find, believe in something for a change
See the brightness in Him that you have only seen through me

I can imagine us growing old, having adventures, going places
But I also can see myself lying awake at night, and feeling a deep sense
Of loneliness because that is the one area of my life that I can't share with you
I crave spiritual growth, and when you're around, I don't
I am lost between this world and another
Trying my best to straddle a fence between two lives I can't
I fear soon I may fall
Kareena Sep 2016
I am happy for you
Really, I am
I smile for you and I am excited
When you tell me every modicum
Of how he looked the other day
Or your intentional conversations
But I cannot help but feel inside
Like it soon may be over for you
Like it was for me, it always was
And I never want that for you
I want him to be the one you marry
I really hope for your sake he is
I pray you never have to have your heart broken
I pray you never have to live without him
I pray you never feel rejected
But I know your man is different
You chose the right one the first time
Kareena May 2015
You told me you don't feel wanted by me
Like I brush you aside
A back up plan
A second entrance
Instead of a center stage
A last resort of mild interest
A second choice made hastily
And it hurts

But I don't try to brush you aside
Sometimes I'm just tired
I want to want you
Like you want me
A steady stream
A constant force
But I can't always be
What you want
I want to want you so desperately
But sometimes I just need my space
Away for a little bit

I feel like I was better at loving him
I felt for him like you feel about me
I was not so nonchalant
I loved without reason
Instead of being grounded and practical

What happened to me?
Where did my love go?

It must have picked up its jacket,
Folded its newspaper,
Promptly stold up,
And walked the opposite direction
When he left
Because I haven't seen the same love since.
Everything is different the second time around
Kareena Jan 2014
Everyone has the same terribly written love story
If you think about it

Rose are red, but not always red
And violets are blue, but is that true?

Why does everyone really think their love is so different
If they all feel the same way after it ends?

I see all around me,
People who talk about their lost loves.

"She left me because she lost interest"
"He left me because he moved"
"She left me because she couldn't take it"
"He left me because of someone new"

Then they are forced to wander around,
Saying to themselves:

"Was it my fault?"
"Was it something I said?"
"Was I someone I'm not?"
"I wish I were dead"

But the truth is this,
The things these" hopeless romantics" don't say to themselves:

"It was never your fault"
"Everything was right that you said"
"You were never someone you're not"
"Maybe they just weren't right in the head"
For someone who needs to realize that she was never worth it
Kareena Mar 2014
How can you tell when it's time?
Hours, minutes, seconds
To start living your life
Months, weeks, days
To become who you want to be
Centuries, decades, years
Shouldn't take
Kareena Mar 2014
It's sweet and mesmerizing
And it reminds me of that place
You took me once last summer
With that smile spread upon your face

You laughed as you told me stories
You found funny about yourself
You glowed as you told me secrets
You have told to no one else

It's deep and rich and smooth
As that one night upon the beach
We watched the fireworks together
And counted each one by each

We fell in love quite instantly
I can't quite tell you how
But these feelings are here consistently
And I still feel this way now

And the best quality: It's natural
As the woods and the skies above
Even if I were to search the entire world
This would always be the scent of love
For Someone Special
Kareena Feb 2014
Everything is fine
Until you pop into mind.
In a casual thought
Or a dream so vivid
I can almost touch you
When he has done so much to help me heal from you
But you are still here to taunt me in my mind
You were the thing I wanted, but could never have in the end
In my dreams, he taught me many things
He let me laugh
He never disregarded my heart
Or payed more attention to himself
He let me do things you never would have accepted with ease.
But still, we always go back to those who cage us in
As much as we realize it is not for the best
We still subconsciously want it
Because we get used to our cage
It is home
The other one. This is so frustrating, because I don't want him, but it is hard to let go of bad things that happened when you always had hope that they would get better.
Kareena Feb 2014
Many times my heart aches and wonders why
But now this constant truth keeps echoing in my mind

The whole reason for every thing you did to me is clear
If you can't love yourself, you can never love another

You became so insecure about us
About the preconception that I would leave you someday

To find someone else
Someone more handsome
More thoughtful
Someone who wasn't you
That didn't have the qualities you hated about yourself

In me, you couldn't get past all the things you saw wrong in yourself
Even though I never said a word

I could never say I wish we never met before
Because you have taught me a lot

But, I wish I never met the agony you caused
I wished I never fell into your guilt traps
Your control techniques

You changed
And I was blamed for it

But I don't understand why
I tried to preserve who you were when we first met
That sweet boy who was genuine
Now you are just some fraud

Well, you reap what you sow
Because, now, I am not yours
You tried to justify our endings, to make it seem like it was my idea too
But the only reason I agreed
Was because I saw you were too far gone for me to try to ever love you again
For that ****** other one.
Kareena Dec 2014
I stood there
Costume still on
Flowers in hand
Excited to see you after my performance

Right as we met, you metaphorically slapped me in the face
With the words you said
With the way you spat them out at me
While I just stood there
Too dumbfounded to move

Then you left
You just walked away and left me there
I didn't move, for what felt like a very long time
Then I numbly stumbled towards the door

I pushed my way outside
And there you were
Walking away in the rain

I sputtered out sentence fragments trying to figure out
What exactly did I mean?
You turned around and told me how terrible it was
Seeing me with him on stage
How it made you angry and upset

I couldn't take you yelling at me
I started to lightly sob
Then it started to pour
The red lipstick smeared over your white jacket
Matched my firey eyes
Kareena Jan 2014
Happiness sneaks upon us when we least expect it
It appears without an appointment
It arrives without warning

At some point you find yourself lost in it
And wonder how you ever got along before

Happiness is an all-encompassing cloud
It steals sorrow like a thief in the night
It brushes the shadows aside

Happiness cannot be sought after
Because it will just disappear

But when you least expect it
Happiness comes
And it seeps into the cracks of your life

It ascends into the darkness
It banishes the blackness

And you have brought these feelings upon me
The utter joy that can't be put into words
By simply being who you are
For someone special
Kareena Apr 2014



For all those of you who know who Nikola Tesla is, you should find this funny.
Kareena Oct 2016
I read too much romance literature
I lead myself on
Falling for characters that don't exist
Immersed in feelings that aren't mine
Feeling a profound lack
Wishing I had that kind of suspense
Of a lingering kiss
A longing stare
A beautiful moment
Part of a beautiful pair
But the problem with romance novels
Is the fact that they are just books
And no amount of paper I scan
Will materialize those scribbles
Into something I can really experience
Because I feel like a cynic
Reading a two dimensional fallacy
*Could those things really happen to me?
Kareena Feb 2014
when life gives you the troubles
You just need to throw up your hands and say
*What the ****?
I am having those troubles
Kareena Feb 2016
From Chicago to Atlanta on the 5:45
I contemplate the fragility of being alive
I sit on the wing with a view of great breadth
While I dream about life and wonder of death

The sun has just set, the moon kisses the sky
And the atmosphere echoes its exhaling sigh
As darkness sets in, the graduation emerges
So I, in the sky, view its majesty in surges

The window is a frame of the moon as a crescent
And I spot a town way down, like a queen to her peasant
There is life, there is motion, there is somewhere to be
There is conflict, there are problems, and then there is me

I snap out of passivity like a casual thought
To locate the flight attendant complementary cart
Since her mobile vending machine is a couple rows down
I return to pensivity and stare at the ground

The tail lights of cars pulse when my true focus starts
As if they were red blood cells exiting the heart
There is a conversation I over hear from 27 E
The girl has dreams of studying alone in Italy

The man has a daughter and he rocks in his seat
They talk like old friends even though they just meet
There are young men in the Navy, and business folks
There is an air of community, peanuts, and hope

As my ears pop constantly and we climb higher
I think of my future and to what I aspire
And I wonder if there's anyone I'll see here again
Close and far away strangers, a view from a plane
Kareena Oct 2015
You are the kisser of pigment on my lips
With your entrancing, dancing fingertips
You are the sweet surprise I seek
The strands of hair brushed from my cheek
For you, my love
Kareena Mar 2014
I used to have a family
You know?
Back when I wasn't taken hostage
On your cold, ceramic tile counter top

And I used to eat real food
Did you notice I'm not a dog?
So feeding me mangled up, crushed bits of Purina
Doesn't make my coat shiny

I can remember a time when I felt alive
Instead of sleeping all day
Pretending to be dead
I used to be free

Then one day I was captured and sold into slavery
And you found me at that air-brushed T-shirt stand
In Ocean City
There you decided your life was incomplete without me

It's interesting how once we return to home
We forget about those summer nights
Wearing pucca shell necklaces
When you purchased me because of my superman shell

What is a superman anyway?
He mustn't be so super
If he can't get me far away
Far, far away from here
This is how I feel when I look at my brother's hermit crab. I can't help feeling so bad for him
Kareena Dec 2016
I have always wanted to
Tie a bow around the world
And present it to you as whole
But the hows and why's don't add up
Life is simultaneously illogical and cruel
And intricately absolute in its ways
Though it kills you as you live
With sprinkles of magic in the madness

I would love to give you everything
You've ever needed but didn't get
If only I knew how to retrieve time
If only it were my place to do so
Kareena Dec 2014
I can't keep asking myself
If I enter your mind
Because what if
The answer is
Do I even have to write it anymore?
Kareena Jun 2016
Do I have the heart
To forgive yours
For hurting mine?
Kareena Jun 2014
Daisy, the cheerful flower
Is actually a dead-inside *****
These are the things they don't tell you about the young and beautiful
Gatsby's mind is so clogged with her golden haze
He can't see past her blinding green searchlight
That is ironically placed right outside of his reach
He covers up his despair with grand parties
Elaborate Loneliness
So she'll say, "Oh, Gatsby! I must have you!"
However, the rich only get richer
And the lonely people with the pure dreams die in the end
While the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleberg just watch on
Kareena Mar 2014
Like that thunder storm we watched at your place
Where I ran right into the rain
And beckoned for you to come dance with me
But, sadly, you refrained

You yelled and screamed for me to come back
Under your safe and dry front porch
"What if you get struck by lightning" You said
"Then You'd like up light a torch"

This was my act of defiance
My little run into the weather
I went out for you to notice me
To show you I wanted things to be better

Eventually, I  came back, dried off, got warm
We were together in your living room
Where we talked, and sat, and lived, and loved
While we listened to the thunder boom
Kareena Apr 2014
They say time heals
But sometimes it's not fast enough
Kareena Feb 2018
Tinder flame
German name
Boy Next Door
Guessing Game

Reach to touch
Hard to clutch
Wanting all
Needing much

I will wait
Cleaned up slate
With you have I
Met my fate

If you do
And me too
Here will I
Stay with you
Kareena Mar 2015
I think it's time to say goodbye
To Hello Poetry completely
It's made me laugh and made my cry
But it hurts me more, secretly

It's my 200th poem and it is the time
To stop writing to a void
To stop rereading poems of love
When I have another choice

My heart keeps hurting with every poem
That reminds me of you and I
So instead of reopening unhealing wounds
I decided to say goodbye

Kareena Mar 2014
I bet you are wondering why I call you that name
"The Other One"
Because at one point
You were my "Someone Special"

But we kind of fell off of the world
We fell far, far into the outer universe of space
Or at least you did
Because I felt I could never reach you
As hard as I tried
As loud as a I screamed for you
You could never seem to hear me

Do not get me wrong, this is my fault too
I did some things along the road too
And I am really sorry for those things I did
The last thing I ever planned or wanted to do was to hurt you
Even now I am scared to do that
I guess I just got so used to tiptoeing around your sensitivity
I became a gymnast
However, my greatest fault is that I'm not graceful

So wherever you are now, "The other one"
Wherever you are in your world
Whether you are floating around in the cold recesses of space or back home again
I just want you to know
That I will always have a space set up for you
In my heart
Some place that is warm and remembers what it was like
When we were on good terms
Because whenever life trips you up, I will always care
Even though it looks like I don't, I do
Kareena Apr 2014
Are you scared of me?
Or what you have become?
Kareena Nov 2019
What a fleetingly beautiful thing
I am
My own body
The way it curves and is hard
In some places
And soft in others
And I look at it
As if I could control that
As if I should try

I think on myself
Touch my skin
And wonder
What is this beautiful
And transient thing?
Kareena Mar 2014
As much as I look around
This great wide world
I see you in every place that I go

In a boat at Maine
In a train in Boston
In a Jeep in New Mexico

But why do I search?
And think?
And search?
When I know no hope remains

It's because I had hope
Then lost hope
Then had hope, but lost
And all hope, to me, feels the same
The Other One
Kareena Jan 14
I didn’t know how
To explain it
To her
How do you fit
The world
In an envelope?
How do you distill
The serum
So potent
On fire
The searing sensations
I’ve found as the flaming
Roots of my

Solid as they
Seemed somehow
I found them
Into ether as I
Sat there lame
Trying to explain

But here again
I start anew

Have you ever found
Yourself hungry
To be consumed?
To get lost?
Consensually used?

To forget
You were even you?

To turn off the world
For a moment of time?

To dissolve into another
Distinct and divine?

To forget if the lips
Pressed together
Were even yours
Or theirs?

As if you lost track
Of where you end
And they begin?

To be alone

How I could explain it
To someone who has never
Held it in their hands?

How can the wind
Be powerful
And invisible?
It’s evidence found
Only in the traces
Left behind
On those it touches

It embraced me
And I’ve never quite been
The same

I’ve been
Kareena Jun 2014
We're too young, we were so serious
What happened?
Like Romeo and Juliet
Someone's going to die here
But I have realized something
If you don't drink the poison
I won't have to stab myself with a daggar
Kareena Dec 2019
I want the noise to stop
The beeping
The rollercoaster
The constant
Raising and lowering

I desire the still
A slopeless line
The mundane to some
Would be an unbelievable fortune
A dream that I would be
Unable to pinch myself awake from
Because it would never be realized

I crave the quiet
Ubiquitous sleep
Of the unbothered

Sometimes being alive
Feels like too much work
Kareena Nov 2016
I'm scared for the girl
Sitting across from me in a hijab
Looking at her phone
Fear in her eyes, panic in her mind
We live in uncertain times

In reality
Any leader is only as powerful
As the volume of supporters
The people who feed into the violence
And the hate that is spat in their general direction
From all directions, from many people
They can choose to absorb it
Or ignore it completely
And keep living their lives in love
Reach out their hand to a stranger
Someone who may be in trouble
Someone belittled for believing
In something different from the normal
Diversity is what makes us remarkable

The saddest part
Is that I am concerned as to whether
The beautiful people I see
Are scared by me frequently looking over at them
Just a white, privileged, middle class girl
Trying to depict them in a poem
Articulating how I pledge to be there
To demonstrate that not everyone
Is scared of what they don't know
What is different from their own
We are people, first.
Kareena Sep 2016
I don't know how I feel in this moment
I want to explore it with you
I want to figure it out along the way
Stumbe upon it and grasp it if I so desire
Or if I don't, that is also okay
Just to experience what it means to be alive
What it means to be young and free
All the things that I feel don't have to be said
If I can't configure the words to say them
I don't owe an explanation for being me
Kareena Dec 2019
"None of us escape this life unscathed"
You told me and I felt
My insides wilt, then cave

"We all break and rust"
But within my Judas body
Was where I laid my trust
I was just trying to be healthy tbh and it didn't work out LOL. I can't be that mad at my body for crapping out on me because it wasn't its fault, but like it *****.
Kareena Jan 2014
I am flooded by a new sensation,
An overwhelming peace
That gains strength with the rise and fall,
Of your chest, while you're laying next to me.

Your eyes are soft, your breath is easy
This moment, forever, I want to keep.
But slowly you slip away into the night
While I'm pretending I'm asleep

The bed suddenly loses its source of warmth
And it's you, now, that I miss.
But I maintain my sleepy facade
And wait for your goodnight kiss

It's soft, tender, and sweet
As your lips graze across my skin
Your touch leaves me in amazement
And I'm smiling from within

Now I'm left, all alone
To be covered by a dreamy slumber
But how can I give in so easily
When it's your spell I'm under?

Goodnight will never truly be good
Until you can pause and stay
No, goodnight will never really be good
Until I wake to your face at day.
For someone special
Kareena May 2014
I can feel myself slipping back inside where I was
It's a twisted game, to love and be loved
And normally the one who cares less
Is the victor
But I can't help but go back
To look back and think
To feel the same again
But you cut it short
You brought me back to reality
Even though you told me
You were stuck as well
Now I know why I can't believe your love
I can't feel it
You don't talk to me like you do
It hurts when you say goodbye
Like words could separate feelings
And if you are reading this, if you even want to hear how I feel
It hurts
Kareena Aug 2018
Gritty, ***** earth
I would make a space
Defined edges and lines
A plant for every place

I would water it daily
Returning from a run
On the way to fetch the mail
Soaking up the sun

Divots in dirt
Turn to flowers in earth
And fruit within weeks
But for all that it's worth

I'd tend to this land
Nurture it with time
All to see you
Pluck fruit fresh from the vine
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