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 Mar 2015 KA Lix
Taylor Johnson
A constant rumble has found itself trapped in the back of your thoughts.
To you,
This is normal.

They've always been there,
The voices,
But now they're growing louder.
You can hear their words.

They can show you things.
Things no one can see
Things that aren't really there

And you listen

You follow his orders
He's the one in charge, right?

"Take the pills,
Grab the knife,
Bite the gun."

Do not question him.
The others become angry
They tell you what you really are.

"A waste,
A disappointment,

And so you listen.
You're lead to the bathroom
Where the screams crack mirrors
And your ears will bleed.

"Taste gunpowder...
You will free them,
They will be happier."

One shot is heard.
Then a laugh.
He has won

And a new voice is heard in the crowd.
 Mar 2015 KA Lix
Crimson Willow
My imaginary friend got kidnapped today,
My pet unicorn ran away,
The voices won’t talk to me in my brain,
Oh god I am going sane!
My straight jacket just came loose,
My left and right brain just made a truce,
There’s no poison in my rain,
Oh god I’m going sane!
The shadows aren’t chasing me,
The psych ward just set me free,
I can’t feel my tail not even when it’s in pain,
Oh god I’m going sane!
The doctor said I need no more pills,
My right hand lost it’s free wills,
Somethings finally right in my brain,
Oh god I’m going sane!
There are no worms in my nose,
Cartoon characters suddenly only exist in shows,
And theres no bomb on my toy train,
Oh god I’m going sane!
Big foot and the tooth fairy wont visit me anymore,
And school is a total bore,
Blood is red not rainbow in my vein,
Oh god I’m going sane!!!
 Mar 2015 KA Lix
 Mar 2015 KA Lix
He laughed,
His bright green eyes lighting up,
His choppy messy hair,
Flying up as he tilted his head back,
Staring at the ceiling,
He looked back sad,
Whispering," maybe you could've loved yourself"
My guarding angel
 Mar 2015 KA Lix
Shylah S
I asked a beautiful boy
to write my birthday on my wrist.

I passed him a purple pen
and he sat shoulder-to-shoulder with me
resting my arm on his leg.

We sat like this
for much longer than we should've.

And you know what I asked him?

I asked a beautiful boy
to be my boyfriend.
I'll leave my window open
            so in darkness-deep
            maybe, just maybe
            you'll hear me weep.

— The End —