i guess i
find it strange
the way
people i d e n t i f y
and q u a n t i f y
their existence
according to
a version of
a brand of
the divine,
greatly chosen b y
influenced b y
geography and
family ties.
and i'm sorry, but,
it cannot be
that everyone is
simply describing
the same
phenomena with
different w o r d s
like a version
or an update
or an accent,
because although life
is grey, some things are,
and some things
are not.
there is but one
dictionary.com also
defines words,
even the
same words
but they are
distinct entities.
they live under
the umbrella of
a bigger concept
about words
and language,
they are versions of
explanations of
a more
e l u s i v e
construct -
the word.
and you cannot even grasp
exactly what
the word is,
because it
depends on
so many factors.
yet most
grab onto and cling to
the first dictionary
thrown at them.
others might exist
and even be
but you know
you have your favorite,
you are a
brand loyalist.
and the product
which is fine,
i guess,
in and of
as long as
you can admit
that Kleenex is
the best and
Puffs is for
sure, you might smile at
the Puffs users and
even bring them
a meal,
but deep down inside
you know that
you are right
**and they are wrong.