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 Feb 2017 K M M
endings (haiku)
 Feb 2017 K M M
It's sad to know that
The "fresh start" you told me means
never talk again
im waiting til this night ends to move on :(
 Feb 2017 K M M
Gregory Dun Aer
She says the gems that have become her eyes doesn't shine,
she's been force-fed lies by those who despise her differences:
because her interests are not the same as theirs and the air
that she breathes somehow robs her of her sense of purpose;
she feels worthless by the curse words that people fire her way
like a birthday cake at a wake, she says these gems leak liquid
as if being gifted was the plague she lays awake afraid of the night-
because in the night, the nightmares seem to follow her.

She feels little, belittled by people who go out of their way
to make her in their way, she is the bullseye in plain sight,
so in daylight; her smile becomes concave downwards;
the cowards seem to know how to always overpower her,
and like a sour burp; she is a clear warning of what may occur.

She walks pass so many houses everyday; unique in their own way,
but it is all for display because the families inside aren't always sunshine
and roses.

She says the gems that have become her eyes doesn't shine,
I say they light up more than she could ever notice,
because feeling broken occurred more than mending
and like sending a letter, she awaits on a pending paper
so that the pen and paper could cure her of the blues.

She says the gems that have become her eyes doesn't shine,
but oh how divine they are, if only they weren't coated in tears,
she'd be able to hear how much her eyes sparkle and glisten.
[Ohhh tragic: the twisted world we live in....
and with the life I am given, I will make sure she knows her eyes- they shine.]
 Feb 2017 K M M
I had never once expected
A snake to be so beautiful.

Magnificent serpent, tempt me,
And I will succumb to you.
Show me the apple,
And I will bite it.
I will consume as much needed to please such a spectacular creature.

As long as you may call me yours,
I will be yours.
As long as you may say that you own me,
I will be owned by you.
As long as you may say that I obey you,
I will obey.

No amount of good nor evil may deter me from following the example you set.
No amount of kindness will assuage me,
Nor will it pleasure every desire, every fantasy.

I yearn for your punishment, your sin.
I desire the pain and disappointment that only you can give me.
And I fear that good will soon plague me.
Writing a letter to you, my dear,
And forever wishing you would receive it.

I cannot keep myself from your evil.
I cannot keep myself from sin.
But I find, lately,
That I do not care.
In fact,
I am chasing you.
You and your sin.
I have realised that the discovery
Of my-self has made that I can
walk alone, head high, with a
sense of completeness no one will
remove from me...

I am a complete entity, making
choices which i know will affect
the direction of my life-path,
the Sun and the Moon are here to
give me strength..

The walk down to the river mouth,
is long, but i will forcibly arrive,
I am following the flow
I feel the universe is driving me through,
what can be  better than
to simply follow the flow,
letting myself guide by the light and
positive energy around me...

I am light, I am myself...
Even when I walk alone i feel
complete, because
Now, I know my purpose!

When the Me and the You
Takes over, you can only
Be Powerful... The Focus
Is where I stand, and at what
Frequency the light in me
 Feb 2017 K M M
 Feb 2017 K M M
goodnight, sleep tight
don't let the bed bugs bite
and if they do
then take your shoe
and knock them till they're black and blue.

goodnight, sleep tight;
carry me away with all your might
and when you do
I'll have good news
and I'll be pretty
dressed in blue
how maybe then
you'll love me, too.
perhaps I am just
a mere bird in flight
so if I may
or if I might
I wish, I wish
for things to be right
yet I am a mere child
filled with fright
who once believed
the world was bright.

sleep tight
how I sang you to sleep that night
you looked so blue
in the morning dew
it wasn't a surprise
your life was through.
you rest among the flowers
all dressed in white
and I wished that I may
I wished that I might
but I never got
what I wished for that night.

goodnight, sleep tight
I gazed at the stars
and held you tight
and on that day
I didn't fight
for what I knew
no words could write.
I wished I may
I wished I might
maybe one day
I'll be a bird in flight,

I wished for may
I wished for might
yet all I could say
was goodnight.
wrote this when I was 12
so don't judge me
 Feb 2017 K M M
   is but
    a simple word
      that feels the night
        go by
          and by the time
            it grows,
              it's gone -
                  ­  to

i passed the time
    wandering, round
      and round
        a dream
          and when the darkness caught me
            i seldom
                to scream.

i picked up all the lilies
  my fancies,
       and lost
         and gray
          i never saw past
           the illusion
              it was all
                gone away.

i sought out heaven's seeking,
    i never thought i'd say
      the days, the ways
        to ever know
          how it feels
          ­        slip
 Feb 2017 K M M
in some ways, i wish to forget you.
to let go of how your words hurt so much inside my heart,
how you left me to myself;
in other ways, i can’t stop trying to remember
the times we had - the hopes, dreams, thoughts whispered to each other.
the hope of a better place and time, where we could be together, as one.

i cannot forget you.
but i will always hold close the things i choose to remember:
our juvenile, silly promises,
rather than the lost hopes that will always remain inside my heart.
 Feb 2017 K M M
dear love, you’re a liar
and nothing you’ve told me has been true
you’ve told me silly things,
oh, pretty things, too.

blue, blue, blue
that’s what i see when i think of you
i see blue skies and blue hearts -
i see the night, the early morning, the wishing-washing warning.

“and when we both look at the moon at exactly 11:52,
i’ll finally be next to you,
no longer separated by distance, but both seeing the same sight,
together, together, in the blue, blue night.”

oh love, you’re like art - you’re smart, in such ways i do not know.
but love, you’re a liar
and for you, i refuse to grow tired
 Feb 2017 K M M
i haven’t said a word in fifty-three years
no, i told not a soul what i felt
i crumbled dreams like paper notes and
when i spoke i felt my own heart melt.

while you so declared your own ravaging fancies,
shouted like a song
a voice of purity, clear as glass
somehow, you were always wrong.

no, i am not bold, externally;
though my thoughts roared so loudly in my head
and when i put my words on paper
i could say what i wanted to be said.
my thoughts were so much louder than my words that
my head was almost deafened by their sound

perhaps i’d rather dwell in my imagined tales
than the sweet syllables i had almost found.
i dreamed, like you, to speak so clearly,
so greatly, and with such confidence;
but i mumbled, and so sillily
slurred vowels into consonants.
i dwelled in mere introversion so much that
when i opened my mouth to speak
i was held in great aversion, complete and utter disconcertion
and i could not tell you why.

indeed, i may be full of anxieties
but truly it did not matter to me, because
alone is not lonely
alone is not lonely
and i am not alone.
 Feb 2017 K M M
the best home to inhabit is one where there are no cares in this world, somewhere between dreams and reality, absurdity and rationality,
insanity, madness, asininity -
  somewhere, floating, engulfed in a pipe dream, the place you land when you’re about to go to sleep and you feel like you are falling.

the best home in the universe is the one where i did not care so much how people looked at me, my head was not sodden with insecurity, my voice not overwhelmed with timidity, and the world did not think of things this way.
perhaps you are the ruler of that kingdom.

truly, if heaven exists (and how i hoped it did)
it would be the place between dawn’s brightest day and dusk’s darkest night; a time when the sun had forgotten to set or the moon was shrouded with clouds and i had drunk too many coffees at three in the morning.

if heaven exists, it is somewhere deep below the depths of the sea where jupiter has lent its rings to protect us from the outer world, the one that exists beyond where we were floating.

where is our promised land? where is nirvana, elysium, paradise? it must be somewhere past these skies and far beyond this atmosphere.
a place not without sorrow but without prejudice, a place where this world did not despise and criticize and live in bigotry;
where we could stop ourselves from ruining ourselves, and where no poverty, war, or injustice exists any longer.
it is where my deepest thoughts reside, where my hopes dwelled and populated, and the lost dreams i had given up will live for as long as i do.

forever i had hoped to live in heaven, but in my heart i knew the only way i could get there was to die and i did not know if that was what i wanted.
i did not know whether that place existed at all.
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